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  • It's a medieval set adventure movie made in the style of old italian movies about the roman empire. And it doesn't really work. Many characters, almost all are irrelevant and similar looking. There is not much acting, just people saying lines without much emotion or expression. The way the plot developes is nonsense. The DVD quality is hardly bearable, it's a big pixel soup, probably directly ripped from VHS and released without any corrections. One of the worst parts was how actions scenes were filmed, usually it were close ups and due to the blurry picture quality I had to guess what was happening.
  • Keeping from Walter Scott's epic novel almost nothing but the proper noun of the hero ,it's a far cry from Richard thorpe 's version starring both Taylor (Robert and Liz ) and Joan Fontaine (1952).

    Allright ,Ivanhoe comes back from the crusades (Mark Damon seems tanned in the first sequences )but all that follows seems taken by force from Robin Hood 's stories ,with a dash of King Arthur's sword in the stone -check the title-thrown in for good measure. There's an ill-placed special effect ( a swirling picture ) ,hypnotism (?), a score and a song which would be all right for a TV series (there was one feat .Roger Moore)

    The color is good ,the cinematography is impeccable,but the screenplay is so jejune there's no surprise for the viewer (unless the girl's temporary treason counts). Too many close ups on the faces . The characters often guffaw,but their jokes are not particularly witty ; this could have been ,at a pinch ,entertaining ,had the movie been more action-packed .As it is, it drags on.