User Reviews (2)

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  • When satellite TV became popular in the UK back in the Eighties, one of the reasons was the ability to receive soft core films such as this usually from Germany, beamed straight into our living rooms. This was all a far cry from the staid and stuffy English channels. In the Nineties German censorship laws became very strict and these films disappeared from our screens and since then I have been trying to find them. Now thankfully, these films are being issued on DVD and can be enjoyed once again.This was one of my favourites but there were others such as the Lederhosen Gaudi series.

    The premise of this film is very simple. An author dictates some short stories to his assistant and she types them up for him. As the dictation continues these stories are shown as a series of vignettes. All the stories result in varying degrees of erotica and nudity. In my opinion the best are the skiing holiday and the bowling alley. All the women are naturally gorgeous.

    If you want a taste of European erotica, then this one is probably the one for you. There is only one criticism and that is I think that some sex scenes have been shortened here and there, but then again perhaps it's my memory playing tricks. German audio only and no extras. 7 stars for this one.
  • I liked this sequel even more than the first. It seems to have had little more money spent on it, giving it a bit more gloss. The sex scenes are also more boldly shot and the men take off their underwear. Even better shot than the first, this also seems more jolly and even handed. The basic premise is still young girls getting their man but there seems no element of meanness this time and its fun time for all. The set up with a writer dictating the various scenes is less cumbersome than the previous film's devise and their acting as with everybody's seems much improved. None of this of course gets in the way of the many and varied sex scenes and the black girl/white guy sequence intercut with the white girl/black guy scene, complete with psychedelic effects, are impressive. The whole pace is less frenetic and a greater confidence in the material seems to have given the director licence to slow things down and not rush from one scene to another. Most effective.