Margiana's costume changes after Sinbad rescues her from the one-eyed centaur.
When the figurehead falls backward off the boat, it is holding an iron harpoon. The harpoon disappears when the figurehead hits the water, then reappears when the figurehead is at the bottom of the ocean.
The tips on the swords that the animated Kali holds are different from the tips on the swords used in the film's closeup shots.
In the opening, when Sinbad collects the amulet the homunculus dropped, the amulet moves from Sinbad's hands to his feet, then back to his hands between shots.
The figurehead holds the map in its right hand sinks to the ocean floor, first resurfaces, the map is in its left hand for a brief moment; at all other times it is in its right hand.
Margiana wears a red top and red pantaloons throughout the film, except for one scene in which she wears a white top and blue pantaloons.
As Margiana was a "house slave" before being given to Sinbad, she would have had an extensive wardrobe. It's more than likely that she took more than one outfit on the ship.
As Margiana was a "house slave" before being given to Sinbad, she would have had an extensive wardrobe. It's more than likely that she took more than one outfit on the ship.
Koura says "Dance for me!", and Kali begins her dance. At that moment, the temple behind Kali shifts position slightly, but Kali's position relative to the screen and the live actors in foreground does not change. This reveals that the shot is a composite of three elements: the temple background, the foreground actors who are separate from the background, and Ray Harryhausen's animated six-armed metal goddess.
When Kali finishes dancing, an extra in the foreground moves his head forward, and the patch of ground Kali is standing on overlaps it.
Standing beside Sinbad wearing the "crown of untold riches", the reflection of Margiana in the water steps up beside the reflection of Sinbad a few seconds before Margiana actually steps up next to Sinbad.
(at around 39 mins) In a closeup of the move to grab Rachid, a blue shirt sleeve is visible under the illusion's wooden skin.
The heroes reach the shore of the island in a longboat that seems to have appeared from nowhere. How this longboat was carried hidden from view aboard Sinbad's fairly small ship - or how and where the sailors found it - is never explained.
If it takes the three pieces of the amulet being reunited for one to receive "youth, a shield of darkness, and a crown of untold riches", it seems strange that Koura would try and seal Sinbad and his men in the Temple of the Oracle of All Knowledge when they still hold two of the pieces.