User Reviews (4)

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  • woods3439 October 2005
    This was a great show. Shouldn't have ever taken it off the air. I hope it comes out on video. A small community surviving and living on its own. Had a good cast, and had good story plots. I liked the the big football player, Ben as a deputy. Yes, many don't remember this show, but I do. I wish there were quality shows like this today, and not like some of the TV we have today. Many of todays shows, I wouldn't let any children watch, too much very hard violence and sex/sexual situations. No fancy crime labs or big courts, just a small community with its emergency services doing their thing. Protecting and serving. Again, I hope it comes to video/DVD.
  • downeyanthony5 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    Here in Ireland back in 1978 I watched this series on a Friday afternoon after finishing school for the week. So I was usually in a good mood to start with! I loved the idea of an island off the California coast and the rescue part created excitement aplenty while the warm sunshine factor was very appealing for a kid from cloudy Dublin! While the scenery obviously helped too. I remember one episode with a sub plot about a male wanting to participate in a beauty contest claiming sexual equality! Another standout episode was where the whole island had a power outage and in one scene there was debate over how long it would last and the crew decided to take bets on it. The secretary enters at the last moment and places her bet and guesses about 5 seconds and wins as she had already got the message on the phone! Certainly great memories and I was disappointed that there wasn't a 2nd season at least. The cast list of actors is also impressive.
  • Tom Simcox is one of my favorite actors and he was great in the role of Walt Robinson. (This guy has the bluest eyes I have ever seen!) Code R was a great action/adventure series. My brothers and sisters and I all sat glued to the tv when this show was on. I remember some of the story lines (which I won't reveal here). This series may have borrowed parts of its premise from other series which aired prior to "Code R", but the idea of being a self-sustaining community on a small island was something new to a tv action series. I wish I knew whatever happened to Mr. Simcox. He is (was) a very talented actor with many guest starring roles to his credit. If there are any other Tom Simcox fans out there, you should check out his guest starring role in the Hawaii 5-0 episode, "The Sunday Torch". Anna Daugherty
  • sikorsj8 January 2009
    What I liked best in this TV series was the Sea Ray rescue boat. Does anyone know if this series is available on DVD or VHS? I thought this series lasted 2 seasons until I read the information on this website. My memory is fading. I also thought the series took place on Catalina Island until I read here it was Channel Island. This series was my favorite TV show back in 1977. I think one of the rescue vehicles was a Ford Bronco. Does anyone have more info on this series? I don't remember any of the specific story lines. I do remember the opening to each episode, the rescue boat was shown speeding off somewhere. Did any of the actors move onto other starring roles?