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  • pumaye15 August 2004
    This is another of the dozens of xeroxed bad italian comedies of the period, full of recycled gags, good actors (like Banfi) wasted in sterotypical roles that limited their career to bottom of the barrel flicks till recently (or forever). The sex object of the movie was the blonde Anna Maria Rizzoli, starlet of such comedies for a really short period (about 5 years), then disappeared from the scenes. She gives the fans several moments of joy with her very sensous body, frequently naked (the final scene in the swimming pool is very good under this perspective), but she is not a good actress and we all can see it. All in all, almost a waste of time, to watch fast-forwarding to the good scenes (no more than a couple).
  • The "La Insegnante" series was a long, very lame series of Italian sex comedies in the mid to late 70's. About the only thing they really had going for them was Edwige Fenech (and they were almost certainly the low point of her career). This last entry replaces Fenech with Anna-Maria Rizzoli, who had an equally sexy body, but was far less talented than Fenech. The movie also loses its most talented (or least annoying)male actor, Renzo Montagnini. It basically consists therefore of the generally unfunny buffoonery of Lino Banfi and Alvaro Vitali, who seem to be trying unsuccessfully channel the spirits of the Three Stooges. The only relief from the tedious stupidity is Rizollli stripping off with clockwork regularity.

    The director Michele Massimo Tarantini is not in the league of Sergio Martino, or even Mariano Laurenti who directed some of the earlier entries in this series. Although it's only available in Italian, it's pretty easy to follow since it's basically the EXACT same movie as Tarantini's earlier "Schoolteacher in the House". Rizzolli plays the Fenech role of an "insegnate" (schoolteacher), although it's not clear what she teaches and it's pretty irrelevant since (just like "Schoolteacher in the House") it takes place entirely in a hotel. The owner of the hotel (Banfi), his much more handsome son, and the dimwitted bellboy (Vitali) are all trying to score with the sexy teacher who takes a room there. Basically, it is "Schoolteacher in the House" all over again, but without Fenech. The only difference I can tell is that the hotel this time is on the beach. Thus there's no real "insegnante" here, definitely no "classe", but there is a "mar" (one for three isn't bad I guess).

    The highlight of this film as the other reviewer mentioned is a long full-frontal sex scene in a pool with the luscious Rizzoli and the son. Unfortunately, you will suffer terribly to get to this scene (and Rizzoli isn't the only only to strip off in this movie--Banfi and Vitali also get into the act--oh, the horror, the horror!). Really, it's just not worth it. Even by the lame standards of this series, this one is pretty lame.