User Reviews (5)

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  • The fickle workings of Fate throw together the fortunes of Catherine Deneuve's Françoise, an icy, misanthropic upper-class whore, and dashing, resourceful crook Simon Lacassaigne (played by Jaques Dutronc). They are obliged to go on the run together. Simon's ingenuity in thwarting and evading capture by the French, Canadian, and US authorities is greatly aided by the unbelievable stupidity of the officials involved. Deneuve gives her trademark icily hypnotic performance. The director is forced to use dream sequences to reveal her inner mind - a useful technique which her subsequent directors might have done well to consider. All in all: watchable, downbeat, nihilistic, atmospheric, creakily plotted chase movie just about held together by charismatic stars.

  • It's not easy to figure out what Claude Lelouch had in mind when he wrote and directed this film, but if it was meant to be the French answer to "Bonnie and Clyde", he fell way short of the mark. The two central characters and their relationship are not believable; the only thing that compels a viewer's attention is the snowy Quebec scenery near the end. ** out of 4.
  • Well lets face it, with LeLouch at the helm and Deneuve on screen the stage is set for something highly watchable, more likely than not.

    Dutronc plays suave and ultra cool Simon Lacassaine, a thief with cultural attachments who as it happens, has just broken out of jail. Through circumstance, he falls in with upmarket hooker Deneuve, also on the constabulary's wanted list, and between them they spend the better part of the movie evading both the Gendarmes and US Authorities.

    The performances of the leads lifts this taut little thriller higher than the level to which it might be seen to aspire. The audience cannot be sure quite what is around the corner.
  • Marie-624 November 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    Perhaps one of Deneuve's finest films, "A Nous Deux" contains some pretty meaty material. The main character, Simon, is a crook who's escaped from jail, only to meet up with a beautiful highly paid whore, played by Deneuve.

    I say that this is one of Deneuve's meatier movies because there is a rape scene within that really must've challenged her as an actress. She is attacked by four thieves which goes on to explain her iciness towards sex.

    The two grow to like each other due to the fact that they are escaped convicts who must escape together. A fantastic film for French cinema fans. A great film throughout. Good music. Good writing. Good cinematography. I'd recommend seeing it if you can.
  • sobot9 December 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    It is not clear to me why this movie seems to be forgotten. It is easier to watch than most Lelouch movies I've seen, there are several original twists of plot... And there are Catherine Deneuve, Jacques Villeret and (in a very small role) my favorite French actor Daniel Auteil.

    Deneuve's character is not a whore, she is a man-hater. She sleeps with men just to frame them in infidelity cases, or to blackmail them.

    The Dutronc part of the story seems to me like it was taken from some Zola's novel; his way of life is determined by his heritage: he must be a thief.

    The French police force in this movie is depicted as ruthless, emotionless bunch of killers that shoot first and ask questions later.

    I recommend this movie to everyone, you can watch it just for fun or look closer and find out quite a few original scenes inside.