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  • This movie is a hidden treasure, from the golden age of made-for-TV fare. A banner cast, well scripted drama with touching emotion, skillful direction, topical story; this feature has all of these.

    Dominique Dunne, in the best performance of her promising but tragically short career, plays a young bride-to-be, having second thoughts on the eve of her wedding. Much of the story is told in flashback: the divorce of her parents when she was a child, which she is terrified may be repeated in her own marriage. Excellent performances by Dunne, Valerie Harper and Dennis Weaver (as her parents), and Ally Sheedy as the younger sister. There is an emotionally charged father/daughter exchange between Weaver and Dunne that is wonderfully done.

    A showcase of several great actors; and a legacy of a talented actress who sadly died so young.
  • mjr449 December 2001
    A 1981 TV drama movie about the divorce of the couple (Dennis Weaver and Valerie Harper) and the consecuent troubles and traumas that the children are victims of (Dominique Dunne and Ally Sheedy). The phsycologic point of view of the eldest daugther and the struggle to take her parents back together. Perhaps with a dated picture but entertaning show. A modest but with several good lines movie and a touchy performance of the late Dominique Dunne (Poltergeist), murdered in 1982.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If it wasn't for the fact that psychiatrist Dennis Weaver was consumed by his career and worked overtime in helping his patients, he'd still be together with his wife Valarie Harper. This causes great distress for daughter Dominick Dunne who is unsure that she'll be able to make a go of her own upcoming marriage. One of two daughters (the other is a young Ally Sheedy), Dunne spends a good percentage of this TV movie flashing back to the past (with two younger actresses playing the two as youngsters) and has a breakdown on the night of her engagement dinner.

    Sincere performances and happily un-cliched writing aides the soap opera like plot to flow in a way that the audience will be interested in these characters. It's quite a heavier bit of material for "Rhoda" and "McCloud" with Harper and Weaver a rather oddly paired couple (I didn't exactly believe then to be a good onscreen match, married or divorced), but they are sincere and likeable. Sam Groom is good as Harper's artist boyfriend but there's not really enough of Dunne and Sheedy to make proper judgments of them as full fleshed out characters.
  • What a pleasure! Back in the early 80's and so forth till about the early 90's, made for television films were produced like theatrical films, but had morals to be seen. They were no where near as cheesy and soapy as the many thousands of television films that are made today. This film follows Judy Danner(Dominique Dunne) as she approaches her wedding day, and all the fears in between. Her parents have been divorced for awhile now, so she is afraid she will end up like them...what happens when the loving stops?

    A lot of touching moments here, especially with Dunne's fine performance in the lead, helped by her co stars. Ally Sheedy pales next to Dunne's expertise. The rest of the cast is fine as well.

    Marriage is a commitment, that is what this film is saying, that people should get married because they want to, not because they have to. And shucks, who wouldn't want to marry Dominique Dunne? More than anyone can say for the thousands of stupid lifetime original movies that are made today. The Lee Holderidge score is also worth mentioning, as the theme song sounds like a poem, a vast advance for films of this kind of budget.

    Give it a try, if you can find it!