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  • Warning: Spoilers
    How can you have a Waltons movie without using the familiar theme music? The music used at the beginning and the end was totally horrible and ridiculous.
  • Many of the familiar characters from the TV series reprise their roles in this TV movie surrounding the marriage of Erin Walton. It's comfort food for those who enjoyed the series and sheer torture for those who didn't. As a child who grew up on weekly doses of the Waltons and Little House, this is basically a trip back to my youth.. no matter how sacchrine.
  • pattiejs6 May 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Sad and sappy but isn't that why we watch? I watched Erin grow up on Walton's Mountain. Sorta feels like one of my own getting married. Ralph Waite's presence added so much to the show. It would have been wonderful to have Michael Learned and Richard Thomas as well. But you could have knocked me over with a feather when Grandma showed up!
  • While it is enjoyable to return to Walton's mountain for a visit, this entry was fairly weak.

    The "love" triangle between Erin, Paul and Ashley Longworth jr. was poorly acted all around. Jonathan Frakes (who originated the role of Ashley in the series) was surely missed.

    The production values are good. Its amazing that they managed to recreate all the sets and secure all the familiar locations (not to mention the cast)for this television movie special. Nevertheless the direction, script and acting did not come together.

    You may not want to skip this one, but the other entries later that year were much better.
  • This is the frist Waltons Movie Speacil that aired on NBC in 1982. It's very good, and you should see it if you have not yet! This Waltons Speacil is not to be missed by any walton fan!