User Reviews (1)

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  • dbdumonteil10 September 2018
    "Moi Vouloir Toi" can be considered the forerunner of the "feel good movies" which mar the present French scene ;it 's the worst thing you can imagine : the screenplay could have been written on cigarette paper.A third of the movie consists of rock and roll songs performed by the group Alice manages (they have one great quality :the "lyrics" are in French) of Patrick's radio shows for morons and of neo-disco music in the nightclubs .

    As for the rest :radio host Patrick falls in love with Alice ,an artistic director who manages rock groups -If I played in a rock group,I would not trust such a bubble head girl.But Patrick works early in the morning and is not always ready in the afternoon ;going out at night makes him look poorly ,exhausted ,and he wants Alice to stop working and to live with him:he has a lovely littel house by the sea.But the young woman is a feminist and she does not want to give up her career ...

    The "story" takes place in a hip atmosphere,with a lot of trendy slang .Don't you have better things to do with your precious time?