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  • Warning: Spoilers
    George Segal plays an everyman type here, who is targeted by the IRS as a warning to other everyman types who might be considering cheating on their taxes. They take everything from him- but they cannot break him! He, like, fights back! This isn't an entirely unfunny movie, but it comes close. The central theme is corrupted somewhat by George's character acting like a hot-tempered nutter in all his dealings with the authorities, which lowers your sympathy levels for him. By the time he takes the taxman hostage (A guy who looks a lot like a fat John Cusack), you're beginning to think that it might not be the worst thing if a police sniper took him out, providing an unexpected and shockingly brutal change of pace.

    That doesn't happen, naturally. There is an absolutely ridiculous court scene at the end, where George takes over from his incompetent lawyers, and not only proves that he's been unfairly picked on, but that the IRS are forcing girls to work as hookers and seduce men into admitting they cheat on their taxes. After this, he is forgiven all his hostage-taking, axe-wielding, and bank-manager-strangling, and everybody cheers.

    It is a silly film.
  • A comedy starring George Segal about tax returns. Doesn't sound to promising, does it? The acting is wooden, and the plot is dire and dull. Any points for originality must be removed for the dreariness of the whole experience.

    But, it did give me enough tape space to tape my favourite Simpsons episodes, so it's not all bad...
  • I can see why they call you 'Goat Boy'. "Many Happy Returns" is very enjoyable. I saw this when it first aired and remember it as being very funny. Ron Liebman is particularly good as Segal's pompous brother-in-law. The audit scene at the IRS is enough to make this movie for me. If you've ever gone through an audit, you will relate to this, believe me. Lots of funny lines and Segal and Liebman are always a great team. They play off each other beautifully. The writing was sharp and it contained many more laughs than your typical TV movie of the era. There's always some crumb from nowheresville who gets on the internet just to knock the works of others and that's Goat Boy. Don't listen to him.