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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Starting with some AM soft rock, we see a family from New York that has moved somewhere near Nairobi, Africa. Col. Shaw (McCarthy) is an important politician who brought his daughter Nicole and grandson Tommy there.

    Meanwhile, actress Laura Lawrence (Black) and her agent are in the same part of Africa. When Tommy experiences some sort of kidney failure, he and a bunch of other characters such as a nun and a bickering old couple board a plane headed back to the U.S.

    Unfortunately, the plane is hijacked by the Holy Freedom Party Of Allah, a terrorist group. They land the plane and hold everyone hostage until they get their money and safe release of their leader Zabruto from prison.

    But there is one thing this terrorist scum didn't count on: Major Striker (Hauser). This guy is as crazy as the terrorists and his name is as awesome as his black beret. It looks like it's "Vietnam all over again" as the specially trained Striker and his team of real American grunts do whatever it takes to get Tommy and Nicole back and the rest of the passengers to safety.

    Before you can quote the ten-year-old Tommy and ask in a high-pitched child's voice, "Where's Striker?", Striker unleashes his fury which includes: climbing a wall for at least 25 minutes, hang-gliding under a helicopter, and being a pioneer in the newly developed fighting art "Grapefruit Weaponry" (you have to see it to believe it).

    As for the terrorists, they say the name "Zabruto" a minimum of eleven times. One baddie resembles Tonny Tulleners of Scorpion (1986) fame, which is ironic because Tonny also stopped terrorists on a plane. "Hostage" is more relevant today than ever. It has middle eastern terrorists hijacking a plane, a character named "Hussein" and Col. Shaw even says the line: "Unfortunately, you can't deny an A-rab a seat on a plane." Because this is now so Un-P.C., it makes for great viewing that shall never be repeated, but sadly may be preventing a much-needed DVD release.

    There is an airplane theme throughout the film. The casting of Karen Black recalls "Airport 1975" (1974), Her character Laura Lawrence's sister died in a plane crash, and one of Striker's associates is continually throwing paper airplanes.

    "Hostage" is an interesting, albeit silly flick, and the presence of Wings Hauser as Striker livens up any scene he's in. Give Striker a sequel! For more insanity, please visit:
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My review was written in October 1987 after watching the film on RCA/Columia video cassette.

    "Hostage" is a scatter-brained, low-octane thriller about an airplane hijacking. Filmed last year in South Africa, it was originally titled Colt -Flight 802".

    Once more, it's nasty Arabs (unconvincingly portrayed by South African thesps) who are the baddies of the piece, as members of the Holy Freedom party of Allah hijacking a flight to Nairobi and demanding the release of their firebrand leader plus $25,000,000 in gold. Typical jeopardy pic format has a motley group aboard: softcore sex film star Laura Lawrence (Karen Black), who's tired of doing "Tarzan" skin flicks and wants her agent Harry (Robert Whitehead) to get her substantial roles; Kushu (Limpie Basson), a peaceful religious leader; and Nicole (Nancy Locke) and her young son Tommy (Gerhard Hametner), the kid needing to get to New York in a hurry for a kidney transplant.

    Nicole's boyfriend Striker (Locke's real-life husband Wings Hauser) and her dad (Kevin McCarthy) enlist the aid of their ex-army buddies from the U. S. to stage a daring rescue mission. Wings appropriately arrive via hang glider, but the climax is outrageously stupid, as little Tommy sinks in quicksand while Wings punches out the final terrorist.

    Highlight is a very campy performance by Black, screaming shrilly that she's sick of being a sex symbol. "I love you", exclaims her agent Harry; Black responds: "If only you were straight".
  • This is a bad film. Poor plot, awful acting and terrible cinematography. Goofs are too numerous to consider itemising. Don't waste your time and money with this film. It gets a two, because I've never seen a one.
  • The only movie where Soldier of Fortune Magazine's very own Col. Robert K. Brown and "Boom-Boom" John Donovan appeared. This is truly a collector video - Brown's and Donovan's performance is over the top. The ditty that "Boom-Boom" sings as he and Brown make improvised explosive devices is a memorable tune. The two of them come off as "Solider's For Hire" with a love for killing commies in the jungles of Africa.

    The Colonel is priceless as he parody himself as he was when he was active military. The tough talking and tougher fighting Brown pulls out all the stops to up-stage Wings Houser. "Boom-Boom" Donovan is a big Teddy Bear who gets great satisfaction tossing explosive oranges at the enemy combatants.

    Karen Black, Kevin McCarthy and Wings Hauser star as pawns in a game of international terrorism in the explosive, action-packed thriller HOSTAGE. Seeking to free religious zealot Zobruto, ruthless Arab Terrorists hijack a planeload of prominent passengers including the daughter and grandson of Pentagon Chief Colonel Shaw (McCarthy), a soft-porn movie star (Black), and a mystical spiritual leader. After killing the co-pilot and a young woman, the terrorists state their ultimatums. If their demands are not met within 48 hours, one passenger will be killed every hour, starting with Shaw's grandson, their key hostage. After failing to get government help, Colonel Shaw sends in top-notch military commando Major Striker (Hauser) to free the prisoners. In a fiery confrontation, the passengers fight for their lives amidst a barrage of gunfire to free themselves from being held HOSTAGE