User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    D'Angelo and Julia yawn through this easy-money career pit-stop, wringing what integrity they can out of an insuperably trite script dealing with the somewhat unconventionally blossomed romance between a 'has-been' baseball player and a 'never-will-be' nightclub singer.

    Whilst the stars can't be totally blamed for being provided with lacklustre building blocks and no instruction from their anonymous director, they are both nevertheless pretty effortlessly upstaged by Jenny Lewis as D'Angelo's precocious 11-year old daughter who unites the pair.

    Overall it's as amorphous as any unlikely-romance TV movie of the period, and certainly looks like one too (seemingly transferred to film from video?). Outside of Lewis' screen time the only other highlights are provided by D'Angelo's own singing, which is most undeserving of the derision heaped upon it by her lecherous male audiences.