User Reviews (31)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think it's hilarious that this movie is actually called "Terminator II"! This just shows how unscrupulous and shameless Italian exploitation directors were during the late 80's when unleashing their films upon unsuspecting cinema lovers! The real "Terminator II", with Arnie Schwarzenegger, was probably already in a much advanced stage of production around the time of this movie's release, but these guys didn't care and went ahead naming it "Terminator II" all around the world, except in the USA. I think it's even more hilarious that this "Terminator II" is basically more of blatant imitation of "Aliens", with just a bit of "Terminator" thrown in near the finale. The cast and crew probably thought something like: "Hey, if we're going to upset James Cameron, we better do it right and imitate two of his films at once". Maybe it's just my twisted mind, but all this epitomizes the methods of the Italian exploitation cinema during the late 80's. They went extremely far in ripping off Hollywood box office hits only just to drain the formula entirely and make the maximum of easy money out it. I love it.

    To the avid fans of this kind of trash cinema, it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise that "Terminator II" was directed by Bruno Mattei; here under his favorite pseudonym Vincent Dawn. Mattei's life mission was to rip-off as much successful SF-horror classics as humanly possible and he literally continued to do so until his death a couple of years ago. Mattei often imitated one and the same movie several times, like John McTiernan's "Predator". Although I sadly haven't seen Mattei's entire repertoire just yet, I think it's safe to say that "Terminator II" ranks amongst his utmost bonkers achievements. The plot is a hodgepodge of borrowed ideas including slimy mutant monsters, corrupt global corporations, cyborgs, toxic cities, time-traveling and secret experiments. By the year 2000, the once beautiful city of Venice has become an uninhabitable wasteland. The water is heavily polluted and the entire city is covered by a thick toxic cloud. For some reason that must have escaped my attention, a specially trained troop of solider and scientists go back in assignment for the dubious Tubular Corporation. Samuel Fuller, representing the corporation, is clearly up to no good and one of the female scientists recovers an orphaned girl in an abandoned lab, exactly like Ellen Ripley found Newt in "Aliens", although unfortunately this girl isn't a mute. There's not the slightest bit of coherence or logic in the screenplay, but that doesn't matter too much, as clearly Bruno Mattei's sole intention was to copy the successful James Cameron flicks as much as possible. The stereotypical rough and tough soldiers are like exact clones of the characters in "Aliens" (like the loud-mouthed Bill Paxton, butch lady Jenette Goldstein and good Samaritan solider Michael Biehn) and multiple situations are even identical copies to the ones in "Aliens", like when the women are trapped in a sound proof laboratory with a monster and the villainous Fuller discretely turns off the safety cameras or when the remaining soldiers are counting down on their radar how fast the monsters are approaching.

    "Termintor II" is great trashy and cheesy fun and comes warmly recommend, but of course only if you have a high tolerance for gratuitous Italian exploitation rubbish. And if you can find it, too, as the film is really quite obscure.
  • fstammen28 July 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie starts with the same scene as in Aliens when the Marines awake and dress themselves. The movie follows the same storyline as Aliens with some changes until half of the movie. We got copies of the evil company, Marines, Ripley and even the surviving girl is there. Only the andriod that in Aliens was friendly, is replaced by the version in Alien but he does the same stuff as the guy the company sends along who locks Ripley and the girl in a room with an alien. Ow, this also happens in this movie. Only it's not set out in space but in Venice where the water was so polluted it became toxic and people started to mutate.

    The monsters are really laughable, moving around like senior citizens yet being able to sneak up unto people. It's like they just walk up to the soldiers of the Megaforce and manage to kill them off.

    Then all of the sudden the andriod starts to act like the T-800 from Terminator 2 and the movie changes to Terminator 2 entirely and they finish the movie in an epicly bad way. That part I will not spoil so watch this turd in screen and be amazed!
  • Wow. I'm kind of surprised by its decent rating on this site. But, talk about plagiarism. "Aliens" is what it wants to be. And "Aliens" it is not. It blatantly lifts scenes, dialogues ("Please, kill me"), characters, story arches and ideas. It's that obvious… you'd be in amazement. Yeah, you could probably play a drinking game with what it tries to squeeze in. It simply becomes a waiting to see what they rip- off next. And throw in a touch of "Terminator". Especially within the film's dying stages and misplaced climax. Well in some countries it does have the title "Terminator II". Wonder what James Cameron would have made of it? Director Bruno Mattei and writer Claudio Fragasso are no strangers to trash, and the grungy "Shocking Dark" is no exception to the trend. Too bad it's not as exploitative in its visuals. Even though it's on the cheap, daft in every sense, the plot doesn't make a lick of sense and junky as it can be… what killed it for me was how flat, sluggish and meandering the action and story came out to be. No great shakes that the acting is wooden (and that constant screaming from the Newt character gets truly unbearable), the genetic monsters look completely goofy and the thrills are more silly than rousing, but it's not as fun as it could have been. Good idea of the setting; a polluted Venice, despite most of the time is spent in dark, dingy and long underground corridors, which is caught by murky photography. Lame-brain, but it gets bogged down too often and doesn't let its outlandish nature implode.
  • This movie is not actually a sequel to the 1984 James Cameron movie, but more or less a remake of Cameron's 1986 movie ALIENS. The major difference between this movie and Aliens is... well, almost nothing actually.

    The plot, lines of dialog, situations, etc. are all completely identical to those seen in ALIENS, such as the mischievous android who more or less plays the "Burke" role up until he gets damaged a bit, then he goes on a TERMINATOR-style rampage chasing after the woman and the young girl.

    The actual Aliens here are more like genetic mutations, and they don't really look that bad considering they're just guys in monster suits. Whatever they have to do with the plot is negligible since the movie seems to be more of a post-nuke film having to do with soldiers unlocking some government conspiracy deep in the bowels of a futuristic ruined Venice.

    The cast is uniformly awful, with several Americans (some with South African accents) in the cast who appear to have little or no prior acting experience, sort of the same situation with TROLL 2 or CRUEL JAWS where I think the production company just wheeled through K-mart asking people if they wanted to act in a film. Only Fausto Lombardi comes across as anything resembling good, though Chris Ahrens and Janna Ryan are pretty amusing bad movie veterans.

    The musical score for this picture I believe was liberated from a number of other 80's films, including Blade Runner and Miami Cops. Much of the footage (with the explosions, etc.) is taken from Mattei's earlier DOUBLE TARGET too.

    So bad is this film, in fact, that writer/co-director Claudio Fragasso refused to make any more movies with Mattei afterward - and that's saying a lot. I have to say that I enjoyed it to a certain extent, though it's more fun to wonder how they managed to avoid a lawsuit than it is to actually sit down and watch the movie in one sitting. A little too depressing and dull to be unintentionally funny - though it does certainly have its moments.
  • As far as I knew, "Carnosaur 2" carried the torch as the most blatant rip-off of "Aliens" to date. Then I saw "Shocking Dark" (aka "Terminator II" and "Aliennators"). While ol' Carny was happy to just steal the basic plot of "Aliens," "Shocking Dark" went even farther, lifting dialogue, shots, and whole scenes from Cameron's super sequel. It was sweet!

    What can I say, I'm a big fan of movies that take someone else's good idea and run with it. I love the Italian zombie flicks that came after Romero's success with the subgenre, so I was happy to see another movie "borrowing" ideas from a classic. If you can accept the fact that "Shocking Dark" is a rip-off, if not downright plagiarism, you might have some fun with it.

    Take "Aliens," throw in a little "Terminator," add creatures that are somewhere between "Humanoids From The Deep" and "Forbidden World," and you've got this effective monsterfest, featuring attributes such as awesome locations, cool costumes, and creepy cinematography. Plus your favorite scenes of Ripley and Newt! Oh, sorry. I mean "Sarah" and "Samantha."

    Sure, it lacks originality, but you gotta respect a movie that brazenly combines the plots of two mainstream American films, and does it with style. It might not be up to snuff for the average movie-going public, but it does the job for me.
  • TCurtis919225 October 2019
    "SHOCKING DARK" (1989, Mattei) needs to be held accountable for a few things before it is applauded for anything.

    1. It is a shameless rip-off of "ALIENS" (1986, Cameron), having look-alike actors, copied characters, and stolen scenarios, scenes, dialogue and themes. 2. Music is a blatant copy of John Williams' "JAWS" (1974, Spielberg), Jerry Goldsmith's and James Horner's scores for "ALIEN" (1979, Scott) and "ALIENS" respectively; other music is okay but not great. 3. The acting is really very bad and made worse when you realise the cast are often impersonating the cast of "ALIENS" but really badly. The little girl, our new Newt, is really irritating. 4. It was released as "TERMINATOR 2" and just when you settle into the "ALIENS" plot an element of "TERMINATOR" (1984, Cameron) is introduced. This Terminator is the most annoying Terminator imaginable. 5. The costumes worn by the protagonists are pathetic and the "mega force" is a childish sounding name. 6. There's virtually no gore whatsoever. 7. Awful final 20 minutes.

    The good points: 1. It opens intriguingly. 2. The monsters are really very good. Not "ALIENS" good but good.
  • OK, so I'm not quite a full-time professional critic just yet, dabbled in a few tomes that I hope to peddle, worked as a Mac games journalist for a couple years & then did some freelance writing for a couple other computer geek oriented websites. You know, big deal. But I do pride myself at being able to maintain at least the appearance of having a professional demeanor when it comes to writing about movies or whatever, and one of the things I learned very quickly when reading other people's essays/comments was to avoid using expressions like THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE or EASILY THE WORST MOVIE EVER MADE. A good "THIS SUCKS" every once in a while is legit, since stuff either sucks or it rules.

    Then I saw SHOCKING DARK (or ALIENATORS, as the version I saw was titled) and my view upon such things is shaken. There is an amazingly annoying movie called THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT that is a fake documentary about a guy's search for Sasquatch that is actually a lot of idle nature photography edited together with vacation footage and then about ten minutes of staged Bigfoot related scenes, one or two of which actually show some schook dressed up like Bigfoot for about 8 seconds in total. At one point they use a rigid, posed, stuffed bear lying on it's side to simulate one of Bigfoot's victims. The most dramatic scene in the film is when a groundhog is hit by a car and it's frantic mate drags it into their hole before a hawk circling overhead can eat them.

    THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT is a better movie than SHOCKING DARK. JOHN Q. with Denzel Washington was a better movie than SHOCKING DARK. So was CROSSROADS with Britney Spears or even DOOM: THE MOVIE with The Rock, which bears a superficial resemblance to SHOCKING DARK. KID VENGEANCE is a better movie than SHOCKING DARK, and that is saying a lot. The science fiction films of Alfonso Brescia cannot even touch SHOCKING DARK's layers of utter awfulness. Larry Buchanan's ZONTAR - THING FROM VENUS is a cerebral masterpiece by comparison. MEGAFORCE is a better movie. GYMKATA is a better movie. They are silly, goofy, clumsy, cheesy, and hopelessly derivative, but they have the distinction of being watchable.

    I will let others describe the plot: SHOCKING DARK is in many ways like Mattei's far superior (and highly equally stupid) ROBOWAR: It is a collage, a pastiche of moments, lines, specific incidents, plot ideas, individual shots and even the same title as other movies. They are turned on their side, mixed up, jumbled, re-arranged, given slightly different names, and re-assembled into a narrative that serves no point, tells no story, and exists as a collection of 90 second interludes that all segue into each other and are edited together to take on the appearance of a movie. I will admit that the *LOOK* of the film is pretty polished: they found some sort of a huge power plant, hung up a bunch of neon lights, dressed a mob of clowns up like the Power Rangers, and have them scuttling about pretending to be various cast members of ALIENS, PREDATOR, FULL METAL JACKET, ROBOCOP, PLATOON and THE TERMINATOR. If you watch the movie with the sound off it is actually rather impressive looking at times. But if you listen to what the people are saying it is so close to so many other movies we have seen so many times -- but just awkwardly different enough to avoid a lawsuit -- that it is disorienting and annoying. You want to fix it, or straighten the mess out so that it retains the original form Mattei was basing his film on. Sadly, art doesn't work like that and the result is a colossal annoyance.

    The only analogy I can make is to sitting in the crowded waiting room of a doctor you don't particularly enjoy seeing, seated directly across from a really awful mail-order art print that has been framed, hung on the wall, and apparently brushed against by someone so that it's not hanging perfectly square. You sit in this chair and stare at this schwag art print and the only thing you can think of is how many other things you could be doing at that moment, and how pathetic that picture looks hanging there crooked. But since it isn't your picture in your office and there are other people present all you can do is sit there and suffer, waiting to be called for your turn. And then when you go back again the next month, the stupid picture is still hanging in the same crooked way, and it is time to sit and wait and stare at it all over again. The exasperation of futility.

    That is what watching SHOCKING DARK is like when viewed the same way one would watch any other movie. My advice is to not do so, listen to some tunes or something, and that's why this is such a great party movie. It's awful, but if you need random cool looking images with violence and explosions while some Ozzy blares, this should be your first pick. Anyone else will need blood pressure medication before the thing is even half over: THE MOST ANNOYING MOVIE EVER MADE. There, I said it.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is... very strange. Basically a ripoff of Aliens and a bit of Terminator with guys wearing uniforms that look like they were last used in an Ed Wood sci-fi movie running around a power station. While it doesn't sink to Uwe Boll levels, it would certainly be inept if they didn't have James Cameron movies to rip off.

    Now, I must admit, I've only seen the movie in Italian... and I don't speak Italian; so maybe it's less dumb if you do. But I don't really need to, because they lift so much so directly from Aliens that I could tell you almost exactly what they're saying most of the time. And I mean direct; not just individual shots, but _entire scenes_ are lifted wholesale from Aliens.

    For those who like their movies mind-boggling it's probably a must-see, but for those who like good movies it's one to avoid. The most puzzling question is how did they get away with it?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    .. is a godawful Aliens ripoff. Set in the canals of Venice. Because.. movie.

    Normally I don't mind Mattei's schlocky movies, but the beat for beat thievery of the Aliens plot, characters, scenes,... everything, really... was kind of annoying because it was done so poorly. Half the lines were the same but for the poor dubbing, for crying out loud. Maybe today was not the day to watch this, since my sense of humour is a bit dented with bad news. But really, only watch this if you son't mind straight out ripoffs and monstrously poor acting.
  • Shlock ripoff of Aliens and The Terminator. Must be seen to be believed. I laughed, I cried laughing and it is glorious. Watch with friends and cocktails.
  • Venice sinks, and this genetic mutation of a movie sunk it. This looks like a really low rent made-for-TV scifi flick from 1960s. Crappy looking alien creatures, which look like they were assembled from odds and ends found in someone's kitchen, chase the film's "heroes" through the tunnels and canals of Venice.

    Bleached-out photography ruins the effect of on-location photography in Venice, making all exterior scenes so washed out as to be nearly unwatchable, while interior photography has a dull, blue/ grey tint to it.

    Howl with laughter as the cast covers their ears when a loud scream is heard, if you can stay awake that long.

    Not even good for many unintentional laughs, however. The funniest thing about this is that it was released in some countries as either 'Terminator 2', or 'Alien 2', (both ripping off James Cameron, and having ultimately nothing to do with either film) and also known as the nonsensical and pointlessly titled 'Shocking Dark'. The version I watched was titled Terminator 2, with a run time of 82 minutes, but it is listed here on IMDb as running 90 minutes. I have never been so happy to watch a heavily edited version of a movie.

    Dark, dingy, and oh-so-boring; is it any wonder that the film sat unreleased for nearly a year upon completion?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In the grim near future Venice, Italy has been reduced to a toxic polluted wasteland. After a team of researchers in Venice die under mysterious circumstances, a team of rough'n'tumble soldiers along with two civilians are sent in to investigate only to run afoul of deadly mutant monsters.

    Boy, does this deliciously dreadful doozy cover all the essential Grade Z low-rent schlock cinema bases with positively jaw-dropping ineptitude: We've got clunky (mis)direction by the notorious Bruno Mattei, tin-eared profane dialogue, obnoxious macho meathead characters, clumsily staged action sequences, a meandering story which unfolds at a plodding pace, cheap sets (the main underground lab location looks like an old, leaky, rundown factory -- and probably was exactly that!), hokey monsters, laughably lousy dubbing, a ridiculous surprise ending that comes totally out of left field, and, best of all, a shamelessly derivative script that steals wholesale from "Aliens" with a dash of "The Terminator" tossed in for extra tacky measure. The hilariously horrendous hammy overacting further provides a wealth of unintentional guffaws, with Geretta Gerretta as strutting abrasive mama Koster, Dominica Coulson as scared little girl Samantha, and Clive Riche as the unhinged Drake standing out as the all-time worst offenders. A complete cruddy hoot and a half.
  • Everybody was bootlegging this one for years, as "Aliens 2", "Terminator 2", and the classic "Alienators". In a near future Venice that is sinking away, various soldiers for "The Tubular Corporation" try to cover-up and destroy evidence that the art museums are being looted for their treasures. Nearby genetic scientists unveil their latest mutant creation, which promptly escapes and hides in the ruined city. Eventually, the soldiers get help from the mysterious "Samuel Fuller", quickly revealed as a cybernetic soldier, out to capture and exploit the mutant creation. Soon, it's all-out chaos with the monsters fighting soldiers,with cyborgs out to profit from it all, for the Corporation. Jenna Ryan is great as the prerequisite tough soldier, and should really get better roles. It's got a piece of everything, and pits it all against each other, until a spacey psychedelic climax of cosmic proportions. I have it as "Shocking Dark", with a brief shot of a still that says "Alienators"
  • One can glean some indication of the quality of Shocking Dark from the fact that it was the final collaboration of Bruno Mattei and Claudio Fragasso, the latter having reached the end of his tether. That's right, the maker of classics like Troll 2 and Zombie 4: After Death finally found himself on a project he found an affront to his artistry. But to be honest, as far as plagiarism happy no budget Italian cack goes, Shocking Dark isn't all that bad, that is to say it might send you to sleep but it won't have you clawing your eyes out with frustration. Probably the earliest of Mattei's Aliens rip offs, its not quite as accomplished as his swansong Zombies: The Beginning, but as far as Aliens rip offs in general go its far from the worst of the pack, being certainly a whole lot more charming than the likes of the excremental Xtro 2. The plot has a bunch of Marines codenamed Megaforce delving beneath the remains of a post apocalyptic Venice to see why a colony there has lost all contact, and inevitably it turns out there are monsters afoot. The course of events is shameless in its pilfering from Aliens, scenes, characters are blatantly lifted as well as even the odd actual line. The audacity is amusing, and it also has the effect of giving the film a watchable structure and cosy familiarity, which is then pleasingly subverted in the finale when the film abruptly switches to ripping off a different science fiction favorite of the 80's. Of course the staging is nowhere near as effective and there are frequent spells of boredom, but things are frequently amusing and the second half musters some reasonable excitement. Most of the fun comes from the creatures popping up and dragging people off or throwing them around, the designs are typical rubber suit fare and suitably imposing, gnarly and slimy toothy beasts that spatter some pale ichor when shot, which in the latter half they frequently are. Lots of gunfire and running around, not enough explosions or physical interaction with the environment but enough gun blazing fun to keep amusement up. The cast, though possessed of little to no actual ability deliver their dialogue with gusto, frequent trash flier Geretta Giancarlo Field puts on a cool tough gal schtick, Haven Tyler is a reasonably appealing Ripley stand-in and Christopher Ahrens appropriately cold and crooked. Its all conducted with enough enthusiasm to keep the thing just about watchable even though currents of tedium snake through most of the runtime, and there's a depressing vibe to the smoky factory setting and lighting scheme of mostly blue, blueish green or on occasion deep red. The lack of any gore is a substantial minus as well, though after a while I got used to it. Altogether I can't possibly recommend this to anyone who isn't cursed to watch every available Bruno Mattei film, but for those that have to it's better than a poke in the eye with a wet stick. 4/10 from me, but a sympathetic 4/10
  • This film has nothing to do with the 1991 sequel to the 1984 film "The Terminator." In fact, this is a low-budget film about a motely group of half-man, half-machine creatures stalking and battling each other in a post-apocalyptic future. It rips off (poorly) from just about every significant sci-fi film ever made (including BUT NOT LIMITED TO Star Trek, Aliens, Predator, Highlander, Mad Max, Terminator, etc). It was simply named "Terminator II" because of some similar plot ideas to the Schwartzenegger movie, and probably to cash in on the success of the original film.

    As an unofficial sequel, it doesn't hold a candle to the official one made in 1991, a classic in it's own right. And as a film, it's even worse. Summing it up, it's simply not a good movie. Poor effects, poor acting, and lousy storyline. Skip it and go with the REAL, James Cameron sequel.

    *1/2 out of ****
  • James Cameron's Screenplay + No Budget = Really Bad Movie When making our your list of the worst films of all time save a spot for this junk.

    This movie is LITERALLY a rip off of 'Aliens' from 1986. Right down to the actual scenes and dialogue. I'm not joking!!! Newt: "Ripley? I'm scared." Ripley: "Me too." James Cameron would have sued if he thought he could get any money out of these hacks.

    'Alien' rips offs and other variations of the 'Alien' story can be entertaining on a mild level, such as 'Contamination' or 'Horror Planet.' But this junk isn't low budget, it's no budget. There is not a single professional actor in the film. Their guns are not even blank firing Hollywood style guns. Instead they're merely pump shot guns with sound effects added. The aliens do not even exist in the same scenes as the "actors" they are total separate model shots filmed with a completely different camera.

    Worst of all is the set. There is none. This is just the boiler room of an office building basement.

    None of my statements are exaggerations. This movie is literally remaking the 'Aliens' screenplay (right down to the dialogue) without any budget.

    As for the title, this film is neither "shocking" nor "dark" but it is 'Alien 2.' FYI 'Aliens' war released overseas as 'Alien 2' because some languages do not use plurals.
  • This film kind of has to be seen to be believed. First of all, I only found out about it because - quite coincidentally - two of my top films of all time happen to be James Cameron's 'Aliens' and 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day' and I heard that 'Shocking Dark' was released in between Cameron's two blockbusters, meaning they could title it 'Terminator 2' before the official sequel to 1984's 'The Terminator' came out.

    Now, you may think that when 'Shocking Dark's' film-makers called it 'Terminator 2' it would be primarily about cyborgs from the future, or technology destroying humanity. However, for some reason - and don't ask me why - it's effectively the script from 1986's 'Aliens' acted out by first year drama students (oh and with a slight 'cyborg element' in the final act, just to - sort of - justify the title.

    Now, I've watched 'Aliens' many times and parts of it are so memorable that I practically know most of the script myself. Therefore, it's more than a little weird and jarring for me to watch actors with little to no talent reenacting the scenes and dialogue with less enthusiasm than I could probably muster. It's like a group of film students were asked to remake 'Aliens' and had only their student grant money with which to finance it.

    I really can't emphasize just how 'cheap-looking' this whole film is. Parts of the 'futuristic' space station complex look like a swimming pool's changing rooms and - I'm guessing - the film-makers only had the one camera with which to film with, as there is seldom more than one angle per scene. None of the actors can act. The marines are a joke. One of them is an android, but it's difficult to tell as they're all so emotionless. Perhaps the only person who can muster an emotion is the little girl who anyone who will have already seen 'Aliens' will know is the 'discount Newt character.' She has her mouth open at all times and screams continuously. Seriously, she's so annoying you'll want to feed her to the monsters after only a couple of scenes.

    The monsters make 'Dr Who' baddies from the seventies look 'big budget' and you'll laugh at them, rather than be scared. There is really little here to recommend in terms of actually watching a decent film. The only reason you'd ever watch this is to wonder how and why it was ever made in the first place. I'm guessing it was some sort of tax right-off and how it was never shown to anyone who worked at 20th Century Fox I'll never know as surely they could have sued the film-makers of shocking dark for blatant copyright infringement.
  • tomsievins10 June 2022
    Its basically Alien but worst also terminator type human kinda idk why the imdb log says terminator ll because its kinda funny but like in a horrible way funny I don't recommend this just watch alien.
  • This film is so bad in every respect, that it is good in its badness. It's as good/bad as The Room. It's the kind of movie that you marvel at the thought that anyone connected to the project could possibly have believed that they were actually involved with a legitimate movie.
  • kempton-joshua6 February 2021
    This film is so objectively awful that I just...I can't even begin to describe it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love watching horror movies. Good, bad, it doesn't matter. It is rare indeed that you find a horror movie that is so bad you can't watch it through to the end. Don't worry, I'm not writing about one of those. Instead this review is for the Severin release of SHOCKING DARK, a movie made in Italy by folks that obviously went to the movies.

    Let's just say up front that this movie is a complete rip-off of ALIENS with a touch of THE TERMINATOR thrown in for good measure. More than that, it's a rip-off of those movies with a budget that may have matched a days' worth of catering on the real films. Yes, it is low low budget and it shows.

    Venice, Italy, has a waste problem in their canals. A company is called in with a method of cleaning the city up but something goes wrong and the city is laid to waste in waste. Worse yet a team of scientists who were there to start a new project cleaning the city have gone missing and all communications with them are down. The decision is made to send in the Marines. Not just any Marines but a group that call themselves Mega Force (no relation to the Megaforce group led by Barry Bostwick in the movie of the same name).

    The members of the Megaforce resemble the same team that was there in ALIENS, most notable Geretta Geretta as Koster who looks like Jenette Goldstein as Private Vasquez down to the near identical headband and Haven Tyler as Dr. Sara Drumbull who looks a lot like Sigourney Weaver as Ripley down to similar attire. The same blowhard camaraderie exists with this group as in the other film as well.

    The team is outfitted with the latest tech to help them do their job. Which while in the future looks exactly like the shotguns we have today. For protection they have what looks like plastic forearm covers held in place with elastic straps. They do have some fancy threads though with yellow puffed out pieces on their armpits. Once equipped they're sent in to find out what happened and to rescue the information found on site as well as any survivors.

    Going along for the ride is a humorless representative of the Tubular Corporation, the company responsible for the cleanup, named Fuller. The team doesn't want him along but has no choice. With all systems in the facility down, their only means of communication with the main base is radios. I did say this was in the future, right?

    Once in place things begin to go horribly wrong. It turns out those in the facility were exposed to a DNA agent that altered their physiology changing them into monstrous creatures that pop out of nowhere and begin killing off the Marines. Along the way they come across a young girl (can you say Newt ALIENS fan?), the daughter of the man left in charge who helps them access the computers. And eventually SPOILER ALERT we discover that Fuller is not there to do what he claimed and is actually a robotic agent working for Tubular. Shades of the Terminator!

    When released the movie came out in some places as TERMINATOR 2 and in others as ALIENATORS hoping to cash in on the success of those films the movie is not a tribute to either. Instead it is yet another movie made by director Bruno Mattei, the Italian director known for working in various exploitation genres and for basing many of his films on those already made. If you go in knowing this up front the odds of having fun with the movie greatly increase.

    So let me start with the good. To begin with Severin has done an amazing job with this movie, presenting it in the cleanest looking format possible, a hi-def blu-ray release scanned in 2k from the Director's cut negative discovered in a Rome lab vault that looks gorgeous for being such a low budget film. To be clear, the print is gorgeous not quite the movie itself. The use of locations and the monsters on view, what little we see of them, is pretty good considering this was before the days of CGI. And if you watch the film as more something worth laughing at than taking seriously it plays fairly well. The gore effects are small in quantity but not bad.

    Onto the bad and there is a lot of that. The acting here is some of the most horrendous you'll find. Lines are read as if they pulled people off the street to perform them. Even the leads are terrible here speaking lines like they're reading them from a page for the first time. When people yell excitedly you expect them to read that word as well like "Captain come here he said excitedly!" The sets, while looking good, look like someone had a friend who worked at a power plant who let them in the back door at night to shoot the movie. If someone told me these were sets made for the film I would demand they prove it. Scenes in the main base when they communicate via radio with the team sound like the man in charge saying his lines and someone off to the side yelling their responses back using a megaphone. Outdoor scenes have the Vaseline smeared lens look to them. The dialogue as written is lame. And the way they throw everything into the film from two others is hilarious. Another SPOILER ALERT. Near the end of the film Dr. Drumbull and the young girl find another room in the Venice facility that has a time machine they use to escape Fuller. Except ala the Terminator he goes back in time as well. That time machine gizmo was a pretty convenient item to have on hand at a genetics lab eh?

    Now, with all the bad I've just listed I have to say this. The movie is fun. No it's not Oscar material and probably not even worth qualifying for the Razzies since they focus on movies meant to be good. This one is another in a long line of Italian exploitation films made to make a buck by hanging onto the coattails of more successful films. They're fun and sometimes silly and sometimes referred to as Euro-trash flicks. They're movies meant to be watched and enjoyed and not taken too seriously. And for many they're movies now to sit at home and create drinking games around.

    I've noted before that there have been a huge number of movies made over the years and many have been lost due to zero effort to retain them in safe storage or having been neglected and falling prey to vinegar syndrome where they simply deteriorate. ALL films should be preserved in one format or another to be enjoyed or looked at from an historical aspect, no matter what the subject matter, quality or the fact that they were exploitative in nature. There are people who long to see those films again remembering them from their childhood having seen them as second features at drive-ins, on pay cable stations or on late night TV. Judos to Severin for taking the time to make this one a decent release rather than a slapped together DVD offering. They've even gone so far as to include a few extra items like TERMINATOR IN VENICE an interview with co-director/co-screenwriters Claudio Fragasso and co-screenwriter Rosella Drudi, ONCE UPON A TIME IN ITALY an interview with actress Geretta Geretta (who some will remember from the movie DEMONS and alternate Italian titles for the film.

    If you're a fan of Italian horror films, Eurotrash films, the films of Bruno Mattei or just all around fun horror movies that shouldn't be taken too seriously then you need to see this one. The fact that Severin made it so watchable just adds to this release. Watch it, know what you're going into beforehand and have some fun with it.
  • HEY EVERYONE ITS ME (4) and to day we review .........humanoids from the deep part 2 the venice edition ? ....

    for reals though these monsters look like a mix between the humanoids and a bat lol......everyone says "aliens rip off" and yea 100000000% correct .... it has the alternate name "terminator 2 " so this thing is just tryhard all over the place to be known for ripping something off it doesnt even care what

    and you know ive always said .... "français films sont nuls" and it still holds true to this day ...with few exceptions ...."haute tension" being the biggest of those exceptions for sure ......... others wise ....right on the money lol...

    now as for ...the acting .... wow ..welp its bad and i mean BAD not in a fun way ....that ... sci fi channel / asylum movie your half drunk bad kind of way ..oh no ... i mean like these people were for real trying to act and they went so far trying they came full circle back around to NOPE aint happening ......the creature FX ... i can live with, good old 80S monsters, half fish half bat half monkey dog man thing sure why not ....... slimy , dark ....evil lurking things .. of course ..its the 80s !!!!!!!! ...then you get a robot ???? But why ? ...... out of now where you have a cyborg for all of 2 minutes ........ woopy doo .......would have been nice to see more of the tore up robot face thing happen for more of his killing spree part ..... i mean IF your going to rip off terminator at least do it right !!!!!

    Sounds was .....rough ..........good lawd people ........between the screaming (more on that later) and the over all bad mixing was like listening through a potato .....

    lighting was fine, not so dark i didnt see anything so at least thanks for that one ......

    and script ......LOL .... the things they said are as bad as how they say them ...... the delivery is SO terrible .... ive seen furbies have more realistic conversations than most of the people in this thing .......the way they pause between words in the middle o sentences im 95 % sure they were reading heir lines AS they were saying them .........this isnt an episode of saturday night live guys ..... its a real movie ......... maybe ....

    i LOVE creature features , but jesus all i could do this entire film was pray to any being out there ot please PLEASEE hurry up and kill off the females in this film for the sole reason of i am so sick of hearing SIRA !!!!!!! Not sara .......SIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!! And SAMANTHA WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for more than half the film ..........nonstop screaming from a child and a chick just losing it everytime ANYTHING HAPPENS (literally when the little girl is standing right next to sara she just screams her name for no reason multiple times at the end ........ WHY ????) is beyond annoying and my brain can only take so much before it explodes .........seriously ...i hope so much that both of these chicks learned in life to shut up never make sound ever again .........if i was there mother i would have put myself up for adoption just to get away from that screaming ....

    and fun fact, an open steam vent will totally hurt a robot while leaving a human completely unharmed ...good to know movie thanks !!!!!

    So was it entertaining - the only question worth anything ? ....sure it was ....terrible ... absolutely .... but ive seen it now 4 or 5 times for some reason so i guess it has merit .....ill shoot it a half way mark, ONLY because it is a fun one though stolen from everyone else .........its literally the equivalent of the knock off store brand of your favorite food .... like this is the wish version of alien but you keep it anyways because it still has some weird charm to it you cant seem to hate for some stupid reason

  • Warning: Spoilers
    The terminator is very good and the camper will come out of it tomorrow lol I just want you lol I don't know what lol I owowoowo lol but you know lol I just got my car so cool bro bro lol I love you lol I don't want too many of them to come over lol I'm not going lol bro I just don't want too many of the ugly lol bro lol I'm so sorry bye I just got up bro I just want you to come to my room and I will come over you don't know how I feel you are you going back there and I'm not mad at all lol I'm so mad lol I'm wowowo.
  • Most of the reviews (especially the favorable ones) are for the Schwarzenegger film. This is actually an Aliens knockoff, despite the title (which is more commonly "Alienators" or "Shocking Dark"). This is good fun if you like cheap Italian versions of expensive American genre movies, which I do.

    The plot concerns a group of actors in plastic armor running down many hallways and into several rubber aliens. I don't want to spoil it for you. There's not a lot to be found here in terms of traditional artistic merits, but there ARE a lot of funny costumes and a lot of bold, unselfconscious thievery from better films.
  • Question: What do you get when you mix elements of Aliens with Terminator 2; substitute schlocky director Bruno Mattei for talented director James Cameron; eliminate any charismatic actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton and replace them with unknown, no-talents; and do it all on a budget? Why you get Shocking Dark of course!

    You can call it Terminator II and Bruno can call himself Vincent Dawn, but a turd by any other name will still smell bad. The only redeeming features of the movie are that the creature suits are somewhat amusing and there are some howlingly amusing moments of bad lines and bad line readings to accompany them.

    Great film to watch while drinking, otherwise it's a chore.
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