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  • Whenever you rent or buy what you know to be a low-budget sci-fi movie, which you've never heard of, you always expect to get a little ripped off. Surprisingly, and gladly, that did not happen in this case.

    The acting was good, the location was well chosen, it was well filmed, a decent amount of action, the plot was stretchy but feasible, tension was maintained, and it was nice to see June Lockhart doing what she does best, being a mom.

    It would have made a good TV series.

    My only question is: Where was the electricity coming from?

    5 out of 10 stars.
  • My main problem with "Danger Island", also known as "The Presence" is that it tries to accomplish way too much. It is part airline disaster/ island survival, and then morphs into a quite intricate biological laboratory experiment gone horribly wrong horror movie. The whole thing seems overly ambitious for a TV movie, and indeed it collapses under the weight of the underdeveloped script. Logic is gone for good, when the laboratory which has been abandoned since 1976, seems to have a miraculous and unlimited source of electricity. The monster transformations are not bad, but they're not worth sitting through 90 minutes of this scrambled mess. - MERK
  • I agree with the comments made by other users, but have to disagree with the trivia section..

    This film did become a very successful TV series, however they changed the name from "Danger Island" to "Lost" and just spent a bit more money on the special effects (and threw in the odd polar bear..) :-)

    Here in the UK this film is either shown at 3pm or 3am (which should tell you a lot!) Very much like the ATeam in its production values and storyline, so if you used to enjoy the Ateam in the 80's, you will find this film a very easy watch for a couple of hours on a rainy afternoon.

    Having just seen the film again (seen it a few times now over the years) I think it would make the basis of a very good computer game. (everything seems to be level based - probably due to the limited budget)

    It also has the Human from the "Alien Nation" TV series in it (Gary Graham - most recently seen as Vulcan Ambassador Soval in "Enterprise"), and also one of the very first uses of computer generated "morphing".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Even for television standards this movie is bad, a lifeless exercise in non-entertainment that rehashes all of the old Dr Moreau clichés into one wholly unsatisfying new variant. In fact the film is so poorly made that it lacks all the basics of movie-making; for instance, there is no beginning to the story, so you are left waiting forever for something to happen, and on top of that there is no ending either. What we do have are a lot of minor scenes, mostly containing dialogue, with some incidents occurring here and there. The film doesn't even have a back story to it, instead murky events of the past are merely hinted at and the whole picture is never developed.

    What we do learn is that twenty years previously some scientists have been doing some gene-altering experiments which have resulted in affected folk turning into hideous mutant creatures. That's it. Most of the suspense is copied from other films; for instance at the beginning there are loads of underwater shots with sinister music playing, copied from JAWS, but this time some cheap-looking tentacles are to blame (what do they belong to? who knows - and frankly you won't care by the time this film drags to a close).

    Later, a mutant is hiding in the ventilation system of the building, with ALIEN the obvious inspiration. The mutant action is just an excuse to show off some makeup, turning a guy who looks like Mick Jagger into somebody only that little bit weirder, and another guy into a silly STAR TREK alien lookalike. The only special effects the film contains are some offscreen gun battles and a couple of morphing effects, which seemed to be popular at the time as far as I can remember, but now look dated to the extreme.

    The script is strictly at soap level, with the cast populated by only a few faces familiar from television. Although a diverse group of characters is assembled - a computer nerd kid, a shifty businessman, a Hispanic soldier - nothing is ever done with them; they just sit around and talk for ages and then the film ends. Because DANGER ISLAND has a total lack of characteristics which make a film enjoyable - no action, excitement, plot, character development, suspense or originality - I am forced to rate it as being the lowest of the low.
  • This movie contains very few established actors with Kathy Ireland and the Mexican guy from the A-Team being the best known. It also has as its hero a guy who looks remarkably like Mick Jagger(he has a huge jaw). The plot centres around a desert island which contains a sinister abandoned research facility. A motley crew of annoying people are washed ashore after a plane crash and terror ensues when some of them inexplicably turn into incredibly cheap looking monsters. The special effects are poor, especially the explosions at the start which sound similar to a cap-gun. Having said this it should be remembered that this is just a TV movie after all. There is one extremely strange scene halfway through the film when one of the characters makes what appears to be a vital quote about "operation Naomi", it appears as if he has some inside knowledge about the hugely chilling goings on, but no, our hopes are dashed. "Operation Naomi" is not mentioned again in the movie. This is the most bizarre part of the movie as it might have explained what the hell was going on, but it just made it more confusing. Finally, this movie contains poor TV actors and has a rotten script and minute budget for the special effects, but it is still one of the most entertaining TV movies ever made.
  • Its a fairly decent film,the script isn't that bad,and for being a TV film had some very atmospheric moments,given the way it ends obviously they were aiming for a TV series but i really had to laugh when i read the trivia page "a pilot for a series never made" because whoever made this should be suing the makers of "Lost" big time.. There are so many comparisons between them that to list them all should take pages JJ Abrams Damon Lindelof and co should be shamed of themselves for so blatantly ripping off "Danger Island" without giving either the director Tommy Lee Wallace or the writer William Bleich any credit ...not even a little nod in their direction in any interviews.. Lost is the better show its written better and the cast is better but i just wish they had been a bit more honest about how they came up with the idea for Lost
  • Warning: Spoilers
    With it's limited budget for that time and near-unrecognizable cast (Lockhart and Beymer are about your best bet), this was a pilot for a show that obviously wasn't picked up.

    Many people compare it to Lost, and some seem to want to conclude this is an imitation of Lost (created over a dozen years before Lost?) The lineup wasn't bad. Kathy Ireland as a model, a few kids, concerned parents and grownups, villain in Beymer and some very attractive ladies along, including Kathy Ireland.

    As we know from the Star Trek pilot, had the show been picked up, nearly this entire cast could have been rehauled (and more than likely several would have bowed out).

    Growing sorely disenchanted with Lost as it progressed, I do remember this movie airing and it is fun to go back and watch it on youtube.

    Harmless entertainment, and yes, it IS entertaining.
  • When I watched the NBC airing of DANGER ISLAND, I was fascinated by what a well-stocked premise the show had. First, a well-hidden lush jungle island. Add a local mysterious (but not evil, no matter what the earlier poster thought) tribe. And finally, the mysterious government black op, "Project Naomi", a well-stocked laboratory apparently handling a disturbingly wide variety of experiments. Which caused any number of mutants and mutagens to be released to roam the island.

    Heck, as a former role playing game designer, I was envious I had not come up with such a setting. It would make a heck of an RPG!

    The characters covered a wide variety of types, including apparently an ex-CIA type who knew about Project Naomi.... And a hero who, upon being exposed to a mysterious mutagen, is starting to become something other than human....

    Man, I would love to see the writers' guidelines for this series!

    The basic format of DANGER ISLAND has been revisited by two other TV series.

    The mid-90s syndicated series PETER BENCHLEY'S AMAZON had an airliner crash in the remote jungle, stranding a few dozen passengers in an unexplored valley filled with mysterious threats..... And in fall 2004, ABC brings us LOST. An airline crash on a mysterious uncharted island filled with mysterious threats......

    Postscript, January 2005-- It's funny watching LOST and DANGER ISLAND and seeing some of the same photogenic areas being used by the two similar shows a decade apart. LOST is definitely the better written show but still, it would have been nice for DANGER ISLAND to have had a better chance!

    POST-postscript, January 2006-- A year later and it looks even more like DANGER ISLAND was a parallel world counterpart to LOST. Especially now that we know DI's "Project Naomi" has a counterpart in LOST's "Dharma Institute."
  • Yet another guilty pleasure. If you're looking for state-of-the-art special effects, snappy dialogue, or a plot that's original or logical, you'll have to look elsewhere. Otherwise, Danger Island is a best watched for its lush locations, a little suspense and leggy lovelies Kathy Ireland and Beth Toussaint. Future sex kitten Nikki Cox is also here, but won't reach her potential for another three years. There are worse ways to kill two hours, as long as you turn your brain off.

    Danger Island follows in the grand tradition of campy shows with a group of people marooned on a isolated tropical island. Sort of like Gilligan's Island meets Lost In Space. As if to reinforce the analogy, here's June Lockhart reprising her sweet, motherly role from Lost In Space. With Kathy Ireland as a Gingeresque supermodel who presumably would never run out of cosmetics even after years on the island. Lisa Banes is a female "Professor." Vic the Marine stands in for Major Don West. Christopher Pettiet is the Will Robinson replacement. And Richard Beymer's oily, enigmatic Ben is reminiscent of the early, not very cowardly Dr. Smith. Irwin Allen would have been proud. Or he would have sued for plagiarism.

    Interestingly, the music is quite similar to the original score for "Nightmare Cafe." What makes it uncanny is that this was written by Peter Manning Robinson while that was written by J. Peter Robinson. (No relation as far as I can tell.)

    This was made by NBC as a pilot for a series that never materialized. Danger Island bears more than a passing resemblance to the 1951 movie Mysterious Island, from the motley crew thrown together by circumstance to the fateful flight through a violent storm to the abandoned habitat they find and make their own and the monsters they have to fight. During the 1992 TV season, NBC seemed to like sci-fi groaners, as four months later they showed Journey to the Center of the Earth, a remake of another movie based on a Jules Verne story. That also never found a spot on NBC's regular schedule.

    As a failed pilot, Danger Island laid out numerous loose ends meant to be tied up in later episodes. What tentacled menace attacked Rick and Frank? What was done to the island's natives? Who was watching them when they first made it to the beach? What does Ben know about the MK-Naomi project? The secrets of Danger Island were limitless. Perhaps it's best that they remain hidden. This way, the MK-Naomi research station will be forever shrouded in mystery, as it should be.
  • I really think this is a great movie. It got a very low rating on IMDB, but I would give it an 11! I think it is way above standard for a 1992 TV movie. Kathy Ireland is great, as well as Joe Lara and June Lockhart. You also get to see a young Nikki Cox (and even at that yound age her acting is GREAT!). The script is really good, and I do not see a problem with the special effects (like some other people have ssaid in there reviews). The plot is simple: People get stranded on an island, and attacked by creatures, but the movie is much more complex. I could never tell what was going to happen next (and that always is a GOOD sign!). The locations chosen for this film are beautiful. I have the dvd (which was re-released in 2001), and I have watched it about 20 times. Thanks for reading my review!
  • I first watched this movie back in 1998, in a late night slot on the UK's Channel 5. I had never heard of the movie or read about it and just happened to start watching it. In the first few minutes, I assumed it would be a romantic drama on a tropical island. Swiss Family Robinson meets Blue Lagoon, maybe? Oh, how I was wrong.

    After they arrive safely upon the island we get the view from under the water and the eerie music comes on. So its not a modern day Swiss Family Robinson after all. More like Demon Seed. I become even more intrigued in to what mysteries the island possesses, with references to the mutated fruit, 'fish like people' and hallucinations that Vic (Graham) has. I had to keep watching this movie, even though some of the acting was cringe worthy.

    In to the latter part of the movie when they move in to the ''Habitat'', the group start to discover what truths there are behind the islands military past. A lot of the action takes place around this part of the movie, some it quite entertaining and exiting. When it came to an end I was shocked, I wanted more. Looking back though, there are painful reminders that Danger Island was not meant to end like this, but made to pave the way for a TV series, which never took off unfortunately (unless you can count Lost).

    A good and entertaining film, with a relatively unknown cast and poor scripting, but good acting from Gary Graham and June Lockhart. In all though very intriguing characters and all work well together as a group. Would have been great to found out the answers that were never given especially if they were ever rescued. Oh well, a worthy 7/10
  • The movie was cute. I caught it on the Family Channel at the end of July. Most of the actors were familiar. I like Sci-Fi and I always enjoy watching a Joe Lara show or movie. Check this one out.
  • Looks so much like a current LOST ... so funny. If writer get is as new idea :) Plane crashes. 2 croups. Odd buildings Experimental stuff. So copy of this original or there some movie of mother of this? I like lost but screed too far. One movie would do it. Kathy Ireland and Beth Toussaint they rules. True babes. So I like to you to enjoy this movie. FX are in low budged and nice to see young Nikki Cox before you can think she is pretty babe. Here she is just kid with serious acting attempt. Just wonder when they found "Monster" in water in LOST then it would be too lame. So lets see what comes. I's say this film is worth of watching for all those Robinson Crusoe lovers.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    this was a TV Pilot that was before its time. A story that gave flight to a thousand possibilities, yet to the unimaginative was maybe to Crebral for them to fathom maybe...

    The premise: a group of mix-mashed crossrefrences of modern day life are Stranded deadlocked on a Island that is not on any maps and not a soul even knows that it is here... Now all of them, not only have to traverse the mystery of just who each of them actually are, but before it is too late they must Figure the right way through the Unknown Depths of an Island in which the Nightmarish truths are about to be unearthed on a Island known only as "MK:NAOMI"

    excerpt: a gov cover-up a Experiment Island in which Failed Experiment Plague the Traditional Loin cloth wearing Inhabitintes have to overcome If you sleep.... hope you have a happy dream Pray Hard it is not a scary one or you might think it really is real really ... cause on this island your nightmares are reality oh and one other thing be careful what you eat oh and think before you open the door...or like the Hero you could be a little green under the gills ...wait hell ya might have gills ... in fact this show was so good i remembered it and thought LOST was the culmination of it coming back...OH well...
  • Start of the movie similar with LOST (tv series) but after 15 minutes we can see the difference between tv series and feature movie (for me generally feature movies more serious, completed and better than tv series).

    4.6 rating very very low for this movie and if you watch you can understand me. I highly recommend this good tv movie, especially if you like horrors.

    For me very interesting and scary horror movie 9 out of 10.
  • Mothy18 March 1999
    Danger Island is TERRIBLE. In EVERY way. BUT! It is without a doubt the most entertaining film I've ever seen. The dialogue, the plot, the acting, the effects - GENIUS!!!! There are several suggestions ( plot points that are never explained, the montage of images during the end credits ) that this was a failed pilot to a TV series - if anyone's listening, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Danger Island every week? HEAVEN!!!!!!

    Altogether now: Alone on a dangerous island, Frank's become a fishmonster! Alone on a dangerous island, Frank's become a fishmonster! FRANK! HE'S A FISHMONSTER!! ( etc. )
  • When this TV movie made its debut, the trailer (and the montage behind the end credits) made a lot of Kathy Ireland's appearance in a swimsuit. Enough said. (That, and the fact that early on she can't believe someone tells her and other models to "Make those bikinis sing!" If even the characters in the film can't believe their dialogue...)