User Reviews (21)

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  • I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I may be somewhat biased insofar as I grew up in the five towns and went to school there. Although the film has drawn some criticism as simply being a "Mean Streets" with the seedy, urban locale transposed to a wealthy, suburban environment, this is not the whole story. Similar events to those depicted in the film were happening with kids in these areas, so it really is not a mere rehash of Scorcese. The plot involves three inseparable childhood friends, sons of wealth and privilege. Andy (Steve Parlavecchio), Trevor (Patrick McGaw), and Billy (Joseph Lindsey), grow up in the Five Towns L.I. They enjoyed doing petty crimes as youngsters for the respect it earned them as well as to escape boredom. After finishing high school, in the late 1980s, Billy asks Andy to make a drug delivery for him. Once Andy says yes, the stage is set for a story involving drugs, wealth, Jewish gangsters, and the bonds of friendship. Definitely worth a look if you enjoy this type of film, but admittedly falls somewhat short of its lofty goals insofar as a lack of character development and overall plot structure. Interesting note - Mira Sorvino shows glimpses of the future in her first real movie role in the film.
  • Everyone here is doing their best tough guy acts, not very convincingly. The plot is familiar and the action extremely slow. Not sure why this received the praise it did.
  • the only redeeming portion of this film is mira sorvino.... rob weiss is self indulgent and the cast is nothing but a bunch of not so pretty, pretty boys waving their yahoo's around.... it shoulda been called goodfellas 90210.... too bad the scorsese reference makes it sound better than it is.... avoid this film.
  • This movie was so memorable to me that I remember the opening song, "Innocent Child". A fascinating and, for me, riveting character study of the choices and consequences that befall 3 young wealthy Jewish friends. The performances were good, but the writing was the main attraction. And the 5 towns NY setting. An 'early in her career' role by Mira Sirvino is also an added bonus (in a supporting role).

    I thought the feel/atmosphere of the movie made it attractive and interesting, and the characters unique 'New York dialogue' and provincial sayings spiced up the movie. The movie had a very realistic feel for that time period/era, and is a good time capsule for that slice of life in the early 90's NY area. You will enjoy this movie, in spite of whatever flaws, because the writing/story is that good.
  • brixtonfan10 June 2001
    I thought this film was so bad it made Titanic look like a masterpiece. Weak plot, weak characters and I really had I hard time watching this film. Some Gangster films are good ie. Goodfellas, Godfather Trilogy but unfortunately this is not one of them. Absolute rubbish.
  • I know I'll be yelled at for giving this movie such a high rating but it was one of the surprise flicks of the 90's for me.

    I didn't catch it at the theatres but saw the trailer on another video I'd rented. It caught my eye and when I saw it on another video as a preview I made a note to get it.

    Time went by, I finally found a copy and was glued to the screen. Not everything is perfect mind you but the fact that a life of crime is no life is clearly defined. If you have a young person who thinks a life of drugs is cool, show him or her this movie and see the tragedy of such a lifestyle front and center.

    The performances in this movie range from good to outstanding. I was riveted to the narrative and the soundtrack one of the most superb ever. I was stunned at the contrast of composers and you go from the master Ennio Morricone to MC Lyte! You can't beat that! The comic characters are realistic. We laughed and cried throughout the movie. You couldn't ask for more realism. These were people who weren't "Hollywood" models but people with character, charisma, and most of all charm.

    This was a story about choices and repercussions that spanned a couple of generations all wound up in some gut wrenching violence in some scenes and comic violence in others. Rigoletto the classic opera comes to mind. That swing back and forth from tragedy to tragic comedy to frustration and all the emotions in between.

    Everyone did such a fine job that it's one of the few memorable movies from the 90's. You will get some big laughs, I mean big laughs from this movie but don't let that fool you one iota. There are heartbreaking scenes of such tragedy that it will twist you up inside and make you so angry at crime you'll be ready to spit nails.

    How writer Weiss pulled this off is a miracle. It defines several points in modern history and of course pays tribute to gangster films past and present.

    If Weiss put together more projects like this I'd be happy.

    Bring tissues, popcorn, and enjoy a real modern day classic.

    Did I mention I loved every single person cast in this movie? Even the extras? Just perfect.

    I've been writing gangster and crime stories for 25 years and Amongst Friends really hit home for me. So many of the characters were like mirrors to people I'd tangled with in the past I could see that I had made the right decisions the character Andy hadn't. Get this vid for your kids out there and you won't be sorry.
  • Poor acting by most involved, as well as some other obvious flaws are'nt enough to destroy this movie for me~ They're even part of the tragic air of the film~ and almost add a particular charm to it.. Maybe you must be able to relate to certain aspects of this movie to appreciate it, particularly the time and/or place of the "sub-culture" involved.. but I will just simply say that despite all of it's technical flaws, it's still a film that stands out in my mind throughout the years.. and one that I still find myself putting into the dusty VHS box every so often.. Perfect example of how all enjoyable entertainment need not meet the "professional criteria" of it's respective industry..
  • This movie is a must see for young wannabe gangsters. It has a measure of authenticity that is absent from other films in the genre. The story takes you from the childhood through the young adulthood of three "friends", one of which is overambitious and jealous of his former cohert that just returned from prison (After doing a stint for the very guy that turns out to be his nemesis). This movie captures the essence of being young in an underground environment and having aspirations of criminal life. If you grew up in New York or Chicago, this movie is a must see and you will definitely relate. It also is a shining example of where "the life" can get you. That is to say.....absolutely nowhere!
  • ikedooley21 July 2018
    Billy's line after Andy uses the word "diss" is so applicable to society today...anyone remember it? Vic & Eddy are thoroughly entertaining, Jackie Tratner is awesome & the soundtrack is fantastic for early 90's tunes!!
  • I first saw this movie when I was in college and man could I relate. I'm 30 now and recently saw it for the first time since then when I watched it a billion times. I won't pretend that it has passed the test of time with flying colors, but it does what it sets out to do extremely well and without a lot of bells and whistles.

    Synopsis: 3 fellas from upper crust families play grown-up from an early age and have varying results as they enter adulthood. Drama ensues. Resolution meets some better than others. I really enjoy the Steve Parlavecchio kid and will, after concluding this review, seek out his career accomplishments, if he had any.

    Also of note, I believe this was the first substantive role for Mira Sorvino. I assume that without daddy Paul blazing trails for her, she never would have gotten much farther than this flick.

    Perhaps most important: A KILLER soundtrack for any child of the late 80's/early 90's with solid score by Ennio Morricone. I will never forget finding the soundtrack in a Used bin for $1.99 back in '95.

    This is the polar extreme of a GoodFellas/Godfather epic in the same vein. Take it for what it is, and I say you'll really enjoy it.
  • This movie is outstanding, every time I see it I realize it's power & scope are far beyond what the average voter must be able to see & comprehend. This movie is very highly recommended to all of you who are smart enough to scour & review since I always assumed that only true movie fans came to this site. a rating less than 7.0 for this movie is shameful, simply tragic...WATCH THIS MOVIE!
  • KS-814 December 2003
    I know somebody who worked on this movie -- that is the only reason I watched more than 10 minutes of this garbage. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Poorly written and acted, trite, hackneyed plot, and actors who all look alike spewing the F word every other second. Somehow, this dazzled people at Sundance years ago, but I think a better quality of independent film has sprung up since then. If this were released today, it would never make it to Sundance, and would never get distribution.
  • Even though many critics have labeled "Amongst Friends" as just a 90's version of "Mean Streets", this is not necessarily a criticism. The acting is solid (see Mira Sorvino in an early role) and the drama level is kept high throughout the film. Basically it's a tale of Jewish Long Island kids growing up to be gangsters, and I recommend it.
  • Did anyone else catch Johnny Drama filming the Edward Burns pilot on Entourage, and borrowing the same dialogue that Bobby (Rob Weiss, co-Exec Producer of the show) utters just before the robbery scene?

    "Nobody went up there and told you nuttin. It's not the same anymore. It's different now. It's not just happenin over there - it's not just happenin over there - it's happenin here - it's happenin everywhere. All tree of 'em went - boom, boom, boom - one after the next..."

    Rob Weiss didn't write that episode though - some dude named Brian Burns did. Maybe Weiss got to have some fun inserting his favorite tough guy talk from 13 years ago into that little movie within a show...
  • Growing up in Oceanside and East Rockaway during the 1980's early nineties, this film is right on the money. I believe I recall the Weiss Bros too from Spratz on the water.

    I recently learned the actor that played Andy committed suicide. My prayers however belated go to him and his family. Mental health for Gen X is a real thing being we're a generation that has seen it all and been through it all and are stuck somewhere in between old core values and modern day detached individuals difficult to mesh with. And our parents The Boomers always too selfish to worry about anyone else but themselves.

    I digress the Film has it all: Montanas, 5 Towns, c'mon it doesn't get better than that!! A Cult Classic Great One, at least for me..
  • If you were born or grew up on Long Island, New York, you just might relate in some way to the plot of this film and the great acting by all the actors who portray various backgrounds, Italian, Jewish, and the league of Nations! In many ways this film makes people think that the only way to make a living is cheating, stealing or just plain Wheeling & Dealing. Many families moved from Brooklyn, N.Y. to the suburbs of Long Island, like Merrick, Freeport, Lindenhurst, Lynbrook, and Valley Stream. This film does paint a horrible picture of evil young people following in the footsteps of gangs and mobsters! The ending of this picture was rather sad, lacking in any love or romance, just plain BORING!
  • For those who have a passion for mafia films like I do, this is just horrible when compared to a good movie like Goodfellas, or EVEN Scarface. This movie is about life long friends all reunited forced to work for the old guy whos club was robbed by the dimwit friends. This movie has too much talk and not enough action, and the main narrorater acts too tough. PLAIN HORRIBLE. 3 out of 10
  • The Jewish version of New Jack City with more realism and authenticity.

    this is a contemporary movie of my time using music, style, and themes familiar to me. I loved the scenario and character development. The difference between it and other "contemporary" movies of my youth is that it was written intelligently without a preachy morality or over-reaching Deus ex Machina gimmick play in the plot. (He was the guy who shot my Mom! or, Jack Napier 'Joe Chill' is actually the Joker)

    As silly as I remember the "fake ass gangsters" of 80's looking with jogging suits and gold chains it is a reminder that a man with a gun and bad intent is still damn dangerous.

    This movie has depth, development, humor, sorrow, pathos, plausibility, unanswered questions and tragedy just like real life. Don't miss it.
  • This is the best movie of all time! Why? The dialogue, the actors, and the soundtrack are dead on! Rob Weiss has made something here that is beyond perfect... a true film about friendship, betrayal, and the lust for power and money... I mean what else is this country all about anyways? The soundtrack is unlike any other fitting each scene with perfect precision. What makes this film the greatest is simply the fact that this is a great film from start to finish. Every time I watch it just gets better and better. My hat goes off to everyone involved in the making of this film. I recommend this film to everyone who hasn't seen it!
  • I would definitely recommend this movie to all gangster movie fans. I am the dancer in the nightclub. This was shot at the Port O Call nightclub in Brooklyn, NY. I was handpicked & am trying to get my name listed in the credits as the actors have dialog about me & I appear in most of the trailers of the movie. I still have all my business cards from that night, i.e. Outlaw Bikers, John Landis, etc. The movie is really comparable to any of the great gangster flicks. Definitely would recommend this. The acting is excellent, good storyline & lots of action. Up there with the likes of Casino & Goodfellas. Definitely a must see!
  • By no means is it a masterpiece, but it is very emotional and has a coherent story that had me hooked the entire way. Yes, it has some bad actors, and a slightly slow start, but if you can look past those it is very impactful. Still better than a lot of the garbage they put out,especially considering its low budget. Also really hard to find this on streaming. Amongst friends is highly underrated and can highly recommend if you love gangster movies. One other thing worth mentioning is the soundtrack, it really makes this movie even more enjoyable, I say give it a chance before listening to the negative reviews.