User Reviews (26)

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  • There is one scene in The Judas Project that lays the groundwork for what to expect from the rest of this movie. The scene I am referring to is early on in the movie, where "Jesse" is preaching to a multitude (that's 15) at a beach. In this scene we are left to wonder such imponderables as "why does the boat searching for the drowning boy shoot up a flare when the boat is only 5 feet from the shore?", "why does Jesse have to feed these people bread and cheese when they could all just go to friggin' McDonalds?", "why is Jesse speaking in riddles?", and "Dear God - is that Fidel Castro?"

    How you react to this scene will determine how much you enjoy the rest of this movie. If you found this scene funny for how incompetently it was done, well just sick back - you haven't seen anything yet!

    For me, this film is a comic masterpiece. Of course, the movie makers never intended for this to be humorous. But, as with so many other inventions, the director just stumbled into this. And, frankly, this mistake is the one thing that redeems his work - trust me, as a serious look at the life of Christ in a modern setting this film fails miserably and shamelessly. But as a comedy - it should have topped the recently released AFI list.

    There are too many funny - truly, very funny - scenes in this film to list all of them here. But, I could not write a comment on this movie without mentioning the extremely cheesy lightning scenes with the disciples poorly acting as though they are trying to avoid the bolts, the discrepancy of holding machine guns while crucifying someone in our present time, the "money-66" license plate on Judas' car (what, did they run out of space for the extra 6?),the way Jesse constantly sweats throughout the entire movie, how Peter is beaten by a cop for no reason at all and no one stops to help him (he's cripple for God's sake!!!), the unexplainable close up of the infamous sweaty armpit, and Judas' horrific transformation into a gorilla! And, as another reviewer so aptly pointed out, this film also has Roberto Benigni and Steven Spielberg look a likes! Hey, this film has it all! Honestly - it's like a Christian Ed Wood production!

    I've seen this movie over 3 times on video and twice in the theater - I laugh harder and longer each time. Do yourself a favor - mock this film today!
  • This is a pitiful attempt to present a modern version of the story of Jesus. The entire movie seemed contrived throughout. The concept was ludicrous and it just didn't translate well at all. The soundtrack was incredibly lame. This one deserves to stay in the can hidden way back in the back of the vault. I see TBN picked this one up for broadcast late an night. That would be a very good time to broadcast it as it's not fit for daytime viewing. I was quite surprised too since it had some cursing in the script. I've seen lots of swords and sandals flicks and several religious films and I must say, without a doubt, every single one of them were better than this movie. In fact, I've seen movies I hated that were better than this movie. Is it ten lines yet?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I was flipping channels and stumbled across TBN today. I saw a teaser for this movie and thought the stated premise actually sounded fairly intriguing. What if Jesus hadn't come to Earth to be born as a human being until, oh, say, 1990? Let's ignore for the moment the unifying influence the Christian Church had on Western culture, as well as the probability that without the Church (and its detractors), the United States probably wouldn't exist at all. (Hello, Puritans, anyone?) We don't do a lot of history-delving in this movie, nor should it be required. I grabbed some potato chips and sat back, careful to keep my spirits high and my expectations low.

    Am I glad I did. I had a hard time for the first fifteen minutes or so telling Jesse (Jesus) from Jude (Judas). Seriously. I was also getting a really weird (and very unintentional) Brokeback Mountain vibe off of these two. Especially when the cheesy 1980s love songs to Jesse started. Yes, yes, I know they were supposed to be allegorical to gospel music. The whole "I love you, Jesse, I miss you so" theme to the funeral number still made me go "Hmmmm".

    The story was actually fairly interesting right up to the climactic scene. When Jesse dies, so does the movie. With a resounding splat. It limps along for another fifteen, twenty minutes or so, falls to its knees (like Pete in Jesse's funeral procession), and then finally gasps its last, sides heaving, and goes face-down in the dirt.

    Watch if you're bored, or for a giggle.
  • One of the selling points of this movie was "Made entirely apart from Hollywood," and, boy, does it show. So much so, I only sat there for the first third of the movie.

    As an actor and soon-to-be filmmaker, I was interested in the whole "apart from Hollywood" angle. As a Christian, the idea of a modern Gospel intrigued me. Both parts of me were offended by this well-intended turkey.

    The filmmaker in me was offended by the tedium of the story - this is the Greatest Story Ever Told, and they couldn't make it interesting. The acting could only be likened to bad community theater put on film.

    The Christian in me was offended by the treatment of various parts of the telling. First of all, Jesse (Jesus) was a sensitive, weepy-eyed Gap ad, not the strong, passionate carpenter of the gospels. The point at which I walked out was this: At the transfiguration, Jesse reveals his true self, glorified, to the apostles. Two of the apostles do a jaw-drop-then-faint-like-a-board take, like a WB cartoon, with similar sound effects. Wow. This proud-to-be-Christian director reduced one of the high points of Jesus' life to a slapstick routine. Revolting.

    The Christian filmmaker in me was offended because all I could think was, "OK, great. Now everyone who sees this is going to think that THIS is what Christian filmmakers do - make crappy movies."
  • Simply put, this is one of the worst films ever made, especially given its original lofty notions. The film claims to give a 'modern day' interpretation of Jesus Christ ("Jesse" in the movie). It claims to have everything in the Gospels translated in modern language and setting.

    Rarely ever has there been such a lofty aim with such a loud thud. In other words, this movie is just no good. I base this decisive view on a number of points.

    First is the issue of interpretation of Christ. In the New Testament, Christ is projected to be not a reformer but a radical social (not political for you Commies!) revolutionary. He overruled the norms and bigotries of his time. He reached out to the hated tax collectors who symbolized Roman oppression over the Jews (including the Clarence Thomas of his day, Jewish tax collectors). He spke to women on equal terms, reached out to hated ethnic minorities, loved the lowest of the low such as prostitutes and made radical declarations which overruled beloved Mosaic law. He claimed to be the Messiah. Yet, he was no affluent king who ruled with violence. Rather, he was a prince who came from the rags of the poor and lived among the rabble of the unwanted.

    Yet, what do we find with this "Jesse"? We find nothing. Gone is Christ's radical compassion. Instead, we find someone who fits the reform-minded interpretation of Christ as seen by many today. That is, he is seen as a man who got along to get along who once in a while makes outstanding but far from revolutionary comments. Never does this Christ find time to make radical pronouncements about the social structure as Christ did. This Christ does not move forward or even stand still. Rather, he goes backward toward the 'dead center' theory of Christ, complete with the handing out of bread and cheese (more on that later). This Christ is not a radical but a dud reformer. If Christ were like that some 2,000 years ago, history would not have been made. Instead, jesus would have been seen as some guy who wanted to change things but was too busy messing around with his disciples in the river.

    Race is a vital subpoint to this. Of course, attacking bigotry was central to Christ's message. By reaching out to hated ethnic minorities and women, plus placing the outcast in his own form on earth ("whatever you do to the least of these..."), Christ attacked bigotry and inequality. Yet, this new Jesse has nothing to say about bigotry or racism. I found it disturbing and all too telling about the film maker's far right view that Christ's 12 disciples were all white males. Hmmm....does not the fact that the director made a cameo as a risen confederate solder making the ascension to heaven give us a gesture toward the world view if not the politics of the film makers? All in all, the film has nothing to say about today's racial and ethnic hatred. With the church being so ignorant and harmful in this racial issue, the film does not act as a helper, but instead ignores the issue and allows Christians who watch it to not have their conscience awoken. Shame on them for missing that opportunity.

    Next is the spector of anti-semitism. OK - this film is not racist or anti-semetic itself, but it sure flirts with traditional Lutheresque "Christ killer" remarks. The main leader is obviously a Jew. It is he who takes the charismatic lead in attacking Jesus rhetorically. It is he who takes the lead in putting Christ up on the cross and puts the crown of thorns upon his head. It is he who will suffer God's personal wrath. Given past Jewish suffering at the hands of "Christians," it is improper and morally offensive to have a blatantly Jewish person play the religious leader who goes on the offensive against Christ. I hope that the film makers did not do that on purpose - though I see no reason to believe that they did not, given the blatant "Christ killer" references.

    This film is so God-awful that I had to take out the other major flaws of the film in this review. I have not mentioned the literal interpretation of Christ's actions in today's terms. For example, instead of passing out Whoppers or Big Macs (or even Hot Pockets!)to the hungry crowd, Christ feeds them with bread and cheese! Also, Christ in the 1990's is hung on a cross - not executed Texas-style. In short, this film has major cinematic and theological problems. It takes the radical Christ of 2,000 years ago and turns him into a would-be Mr. Rogers.
  • solafide25 January 1999
    I just thought it was stupid. It plays a "what it" game with the message of the Bible, and I think its technical merit fell way below that of God's in the writing of the orignal story... It seems somehow to cheapen or distort the true message of the gospel. Don't waste your time here. If you see it- don't judge the Bible by this cheap imitation.
  • I saw this movie when it first came out in 1993 because my church encouraged it. I initially thought it was horrible, but seven years later I rented the video and realized that it is a masterpiece of comedy. I rented the movie with my friends and ended up watching it five times in just a couple of days. You may think we are crazy but we couldn't get enough of it. We would roll on the floor in hysterics during most scenes, then rewind them and laugh some more. I'm serious. Things to look for -- the "you're good...(five second pause) but not that good," scene is amazing and the Lightning effects are terrific. People to look for -- Roberto Benigni, Steven Spielberg, and the sweaty armpit cop. Enjoy!
  • well where should one begin with this pile of crap? oh how about the fact that is sucks. OK Christian's people aren't making fun of your religion when we make fun of movies like this and those god awful cloud ten movies we are making fun of how crappy the movies are. so the judas project first the best thing about the movie is the cover. i picked this beast up for 5.50 at wal mart and the reason i bought was because of this Jesus look alike wearing jeans and 4 apache attack helicopters ready to kill him. i thought awesome a Jesus action movie but it wasn't i didn't bother to read the back.

    when i did realize that it was a modern version of the Jesus story i was still glad that i bought it. first i swear jesse and his followers never help anyone 90% of the time they are the screen they are either at the beach or camping. jesse does like one major miracle and then a lot of lesser ones like the cheese, pretty cute. there are enough people bashing the same stuff in this movie so here are some my favorite parts. i love how jesse always says "you" really loud and forceful. he does this about a million times too many. the other funny part is the 30 pieces of silver song that song went on for about 20 minutes too long. my favorite thing in the movie is the acting ability of peter. it is kinda of a good thing he was only in one movie cause i don't think people or the world could handle him. should you see it, heck yeah but not for a Christian message go read the bible or see better movies about Jesus than crap. if Jesus where an action star one of his sequels would be hunting down the b***ards that did this movie, amen!
  • gundicus4 September 2007
    If you can get past the horrid 80's hairstyles & clothing your next obstacle will be the horrid acting. If you've gotten past that and still find yourself watching you may make it to the midpoint of the film. The premise itself fails miserably for this medium. If it were allegorical it might have had half a chance. It's not as though it hasn't been done before in book form with moderate success (I believe bill myers wrote a pretty decent allegorical book of a modern day Jesus figure that was halfway readable titled 'Eli') but they should not have attempted to film the concept. If you can get past the improbability, bad acting & dated look then you might enjoy this film. Otherwise don't waste your time or money. There isn't much good Christian film out there but this one is so awful it doesn't even deserve the title 'film'!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This review contains spoilers.

    Kudos to director James Barden for his ambitious -- albeit truncated -- retelling of the life of Jesus. The idea is immediately compelling: What would happen if Jesus came to earth NOW, for the first time, rather than 2000+ years ago? According to Mr. Barden, not much would change: Religious leaders would still despise Him, the masses would flock to Him, and, ultimately, scripture would be fulfilled.

    There is a lot of talent involved here, both in front of and behind the camera. John O'Banion brings a true warmth and sincerity to the role of Jesse (Jesus), while Ramy Zada brings depth to his portrayal of the conflicted Jude (Judas). Jeff Corey and Richard Herd add gravitas.

    As I mentioned earlier, The Judas Project is ambitious, which ultimately leads to some problems. Trying to fit three years of ministry, teaching and miracles into 90 minutes is tough. Many of the highlights of Jesus's life are merely touched on or glossed over. There just isn't enough time to fully develop all the characters and story lines. Still, the main three story points -- Jesus's relationship with the disciples, His relationship with the religious and world leaders, and His crucifixion -- are well realized. Be prepared, as the crucifixion is gruesome. (These scenes are what gave the movie its PG-13 rating.)

    Forget the naysayers and simply enjoy the movie for what it is. This is low-budget film making done well.
  • I wish I could give this movie zero out of ten. Oh my, is it bad. I mean really, really bad. I mean...if given the choice between brain syphilis and watching this movie, take the brain syphilis! At least that's curable! Everything about this movie is horrible. Gut-wrenchingly bad. So bad you'll need medication to re-enter society after watching. The makers of this movie should be embarrassed to ever show their faces in public. In fact, the stunning enormity of this movie's awfulness amounts to abuse, so perhaps some of them should be in jail.

    Ignore the sycophantic claims of some reviewers that this is a good movie. It's possibly the worst movie to come out in the past thirty years.
  • I have to say that I am shocked at the last review for this film. I thought that it was an amazing piece and was very moving. The whole message and point behind this film was to help us understand the motives and events that shaped Judas' betrayal of Christ. Many people, even those that don't know much about the religion or the teachings of Christ, know who Judas was and that he was ultimately the one who betrayed Christ. But little is known of why or how one could do such a thing. This movie makes the tale more heartbreaking and thought provoking than anything else I have ever seen. It humanizes some of the characters in a way that many people may not have viewed them before.

    I strongly suggest that anyone who is already a believer, is just coming into their faith, or even those that have decided that it isn't for them see this movie. It is truly eye-opening and gives one a better understanding and view of characters we think we already know.
  • Initially his movie was promoted: What if Jesus came today, for the first time? In that context, the movie makes a very good statement except for one (misquoted?) excerpt when Jesse says: the quality of life determines the value (of life). It is not the quality of life that determines it's value, but the value that God the Creator placed on life since God values all life according to His word, the very reason Jesus came into this world. The quality of life is placed into the hands of mankind. For those who don't believe or never read or studied the New Testament, this movie has little to offer since it is the spirit in man we are dealing with.
  • Not sure why I'm commenting on this movie after almost 20 years, maybe I'm finally done gagging over it.

    OK, the idea isn't bad--trying to imagine how things would be if Jesus were to have come today instead of 2000 years ago. But the production, acting, editing, etc, etc--a whole other story!

    Please accept my apologies on behalf of all Bible-believing Christians. The gospel message is indeed "the greatest story ever told" and this movie does not change that. I'll be the first to admit that Christian movies in general have a long way to go when it comes to acting, editing, etc, etc, but this movie is a downright embarrassment. Please don't let this movie turn you off from the Christian faith.
  • This movie is not really about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, but rather his first coming if it happened in modern times as opposed to 2,000 years ago. Everything is updated, but the story-line is the same. The movie was low budget and has only one actor that you might recognize (Jeff Corey), but the unknown actors do a very credible job for the most part, especially the men who portray Jesse (Jesus) and Judas.. That being said, it is an interesting and thought provoking movie, especially for Christians. I went with my 15 year old son, thinking the movie was sci-fi (that's what the ad in the newspaper seemed to indicate). It took only a few moments though to realize what I was watching. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. I'm sorry the reviewer who gave it a 1 out of 10 didn't actually tell us what it was he disliked or what was wrong with the movie. His review was absolutely useless.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I realize that it is against the policy of this site to comment on another individual's review, and so respectfully I will refrain from doing so.

    The Judas Project was written and produced with the sole intent of examining the possibility of how our present world may have reacted to the arrival of Jesus Christ, the begotten Son of God, in the late 20th century instead of nearly 2000 years earlier. The significance of this film's interpretation is that the Gospel message of salvation is as relevant today as it has been since the initial earthly ministry of Christ. I personally saw no humor in the basic premise of the film, nor in any portion of the screenplay. I personally found the depiction of Judas very relevant to the common misconceptions of the need for power, and as opposed to compassion being an effective catalyst for invoking lasting and permanent changes in the heart of one truly seeking answers in a chaotic and confusing world.

    The Judas Project is amongst one of my favorite Christian films, and I have shared it joyfully with many members of my family and church congregation.
  • This film claimed to be a modern re-telling of the story of Jesus Christ, however, it took the more American Fundamentalist approach to the story. For the most part, people's opinion on this film will be swayed on their view of the Christian religion. But, if you look more closely at this film , you'll see it doesn't even fit the views of many of today's Christians. Some examples:

    1) The one female lead was portrayed as a seductive temptress, who only was out to corrupt men.

    2) The person who killed Jesse (Jesus) had stereotypically Jewish features. (Also, it showed a him in a church with a picture of Mary in the background, possibly suggesting an anti-Catholic message)

    3) It seemed to really press on the fact that anyone else with Jesse's (Jesus's) power would only want to use it for personal gain.

    There were a few other things in this movie that were hard to pick up on, like one of Jesse's disciples being beaten by a cop for no apparent reason. It would appear that this might be an attempt to gain sympathy where none was able to be earned.

    Again, people will either love this or hate it, based on their opinion towards Christianity. For a movie, it was decently done, but for someone who doesn't know the story of Jesus, it might be really hard to follow
  • If you're expecting sandals and robes you will be disappointed. This is a modern day version of Jesus' ministry. The messages were very clear and powerful. Just watch the movie for what it is... Jesus in modern times, based mostly on the accounts in the Bible. Plain and simple.
  • Rojan4 July 1999
    I liked the movie as far as the special effects are concerned. The actors were good and Ray Holtman for a man who was not an actor but a true Born Again Christian who wanted to do one last thing for God before he died of his cancer requested the part did a hec of a good job.

    The story was meant to carry the message of the Gospel to teens and people in the 20es I hope it goes through as well as it does with people my age, 40, who have been Christians for some years. Some scenes as the crucifiction were intense and breath taking.

    All in all a great movie.
  • In spite of some professional shortcomings (and sexism), this movie was creative and interesting... definitely giving food for thought and characters and adaptations for amusement. Good attempt to translate story of Gospel to today's world. Use of special effects was a bit distracting but not without artistic warrant to depict supernatural transformations, etc. Music was also original (style from the '80s but not bad) and appropriate.
  • This was a movie that purported to be a modern-day retelling of the life of Christ. Such a lofty goal is understandably hard to reach, and this movie, close though it came, didn't quite reach that goal.

    For starters, there's the name. Why Jesse? Why not instead Joshua, which is the more precise transliteration of the Hebrew "Yeshua", which is the Hebrew form of "Jesus"? Beyond that, there's also the fact that his teachings aren't quite correctly quoted, and the miracles are a bit understated. (The small "multitude" by the sea could have been at least bigger.) And why didn't we see more of Jesse being resurrected than just one appearance to Peter?

    But the overriding theme of the movie is the power of love, even God's love for us, and that only through Christ can we have eternal life. Also, the transfiguration and crucifixion scenes are decently done.

    Not bad: but it could have been so much better.
  • If you forget about the acting, the direction and the low budget the story of Jesus is well toughed in this modern movie and can serve to teach values and the gospel to our youth who desperately need guidance. In my province which is Quebec the rate of suicide of 14-25 year old kids is astronomical.

    As a born again Christian I was intrigued when I saw the video cassette in my video store and instead of judging before seeing I rented it and listened to it. I thought that the actor who played Richard Cuningham was good as well as the one who played Jackson. The other actors simply played their roles and nothing more. Mr. Obanion was not totally convincing but the message did go through and I was touched. The hardest scene for me to see was the crucification and it reminded me of what Jesus had to go through for my sins.

    I simply hope that parents will have there kids listen to the message and values of the movie and that there will be less kids by their own in our streets lost and searching in the wrong places (alchool, drugs, unprotected sex and so on).

  • Although most of the story was a bit judgmental in some aspects. the special effects were superb plus the crusifixion scene was intense and very dramatic. although i didn't particularly liked the badge that one of the bad guys was wearing.
  • judyljudy2 April 2018
    I have watched this about 20 times. I wish it was passed throughout the country like the Jesus movie
  • "The Judas Project" takes audiences on a captivating cinematic adventure that dives into the intricate nuances of human nature. This film invites viewers to ponder profound questions surrounding good and evil, redemption, and the repercussions of our choices.

    At its core, the movie explores a daring plot centered around a secret government endeavor to resurrect the infamous biblical character, Judas Iscariot. This audacious premise serves as a catalyst for introspection, pushing viewers to confront the darkest aspects of humanity and grapple with notions of forgiveness and divine providence.

    One commendable aspect of "The Judas Project" lies in its ability to spark meaningful conversations and introspective thought. By delving into the moral ambiguities surrounding Judas' resurrection, the film raises important queries about human limitations and the nature of divine justice. Its narrative challenges us to reassess our beliefs and assumptions, making it a thought-provoking cinematic experience.

    The performances in "The Judas Project" are particularly praiseworthy, with the cast delivering compelling portrayals of characters grappling with profound moral dilemmas. The lead scientist's internal struggle over the ethical implications of his work, along with the complex conflicts faced by other key characters, add depth and authenticity to the story. These performances amplify the film's emotional and intellectual impact.

    Visually, "The Judas Project" captivates with its dark and atmospheric aesthetic, effectively capturing the tension and moral weight of the narrative. The skilled cinematography enhances the intensity of pivotal moments and reinforces the film's underlying themes. The visual presentation seamlessly aligns with the storytelling, creating an immersive experience for the audience.

    However, it is important to approach "The Judas Project" with discernment. While the film offers a thought-provoking exploration of moral and theological concepts, it does take certain creative liberties. As viewers, it is essential to distinguish between artistic interpretation and scriptural accuracy, holding fast to biblical truths while engaging with the film's speculative elements.
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