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  • Wow, some of the other comments are rather harsh. While I agree that this Britcom is neither a Seinfeld nor an AbFab, I think it is notable.

    Most notable is the fact that the series is a good, honest representation of Generation X (and, no, not as defined by the media or corporate world, the real GenX).

    On the one hand you have the main character, Louise, a craftswoman/artist, struggling to make ends meet. On the other, in contrast, you have Carla, a Banker on the way up the corporate ladder. The two, friends since childhood, remain close, despite their very different career choices and financial circumstances. The relationship, and related details, allows one a view into what was actually a very anarchical time.

    Louise is struggling financially, and career-wise, and is usually either depressed or stunned by having stumbled upon yet another Mr. Wrong. And to rub salt into the wounds is the hovering presence of Louise's mother, a therapist with a lifestyle worthy of color-supplement coverage. She is the archetypal boomer, or pre-boomer, full of self-importance and a sense of entitlement that only having lived through the good time cans bestow.

    Carla is nothing but supportive, Louise's mother endlessly irritating, and Louise charming in her frustration and bemusement. Additional characters - usually men who spend some time in the lives of the three woman - provide additional laughs and insight. And, although this is obviously a show by\about\for women, the male characters are three-dimensional.

    The nineties may very well have been the last decade with any real substance, and this series is an interesting artifact of that time.
  • I loved this comedy while it was on as it was based on people my own age. The characters meshed well and the story lines were fun. There was a great rapport with the actors playing Carla and Louise as well as with the other characters that appeared in the show. This series is as good as some of the comedy that is coming from the US at the moment and I think will stand the test of time.

    This show needs to be released on DVD so other people can enjoy it. It has never been repeated (unlike most everything else on TV) and I have a very worn video of the last series. So please someone with the power, release this great series from the archives into the public domain where it belongs!
  • I wasn't sure what to expect when I started watching this series but it pleasantly surprised me. It is a very funny comedy that can lighten up your mood for the whole day. It has very real female characters, warts and all and while it may feel a little stiff in places is generally a pleasant watch. The jokes are not at all crude or offencive as in many other comedies and you really get attached to all the characters. The last series has some very unexpected twists you never would have predicted. The friendship between all the characters feels very real and you feel like you genuinely come to like them. The depictions of the anthropologist and therapists were particularly amusing. This is really just an all round good comedy.
  • Ammaletu2 November 2007
    It's not the best comedy show ever, but I like it. Some of the jokes could be funnier, but there are at least some really funny moments in every episode. And there is a really good chemistry between Beatie Edney and Holly Aird as well as between Holly Aird and Nigel Lindsay. For me, Beatie Edney carries the whole show (of course, I'm biased as I always like to see former "Highlander" actors...).

    The show could have been better with a bit more clever writing. I also sometimes think it was a bit modeled after American comedy shows. It reminds me quite a bit of "Caroline in the City" without reaching that series' comedy level. Still, the episodes are short and just perfect for watching at lunch time. And the series really is enjoyable.
  • I remember when British comedy was innovative, such as "The Good Life" or "Are You Being Served", or "Dad's Army", or "Red Dwarf". Apparently now, however, all you need to do is go to a kindergarten and listen to the jokes they tell there, write a script based on that, and develop a show around it. That's what this show is all about, get drunk, find stupid jokes, and pay people to recite your script in front of cameras. This show is the perfect example of why people are better off turning off their television set and turn on a computer.