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  • SnoopyStyle2 February 2016
    Sharon Baker, Ingrid Weinhard and Maria Marcolini are three friends who go camping in Harmony Lake National Park. It's the off season. Park attendant Jack Webster leads the girls to the lake. Mountain man Vern is back looking for a wife. He kidnaps the girls and kills Jack. Meanwhile, Vern's father Joe Evans (Dan Haggerty) is guiding rich arrogant hunter Brad Allen (Jan-Michael Vincent).

    This is pretty straight forward exploitation fare. It's not that bad as far as this genre goes. The girls are surprisingly good actors. I just never get the sense that these girls would go hardcore camping. Turning into Rambo is very campy. The whole thing plays out in an unlikely fashion. Ingrid is doing cartwheels while avoiding gunfire and then spears Vern in a caveman move. At least, she seems athletic enough but the choreography is poor. The side of the story with Haggerty and Vincent seems disconnected from the rest of the movie. Unless the audience knows that Joe Evans is Vern's father, they may as well be two random guys. It does allow one funny scene where Sharon goes topless trying to wave down their helicopter where Ingrid has a funny line.
  • Well, Vern's back. So are Boon Collins and screenwriter Lindsey Bourne. Five or six years after the first movie three curvaceous sirens, led by Ingrid (the butt-kicking Donna Jason), come up to the mountains for a vacation. Unfortunately for them, Vern saw the first movie again and remembered that he still doesn't have a wife. This, of course, is the perfect opportunity for him, as at least one of the three girls is bound to fit him to a tee. Following in almost a cookie cutout plot of the original 'Abducted', this movie sees Collins admitting defeat and just throwing crap up on the screen. Any hint of intelligence the original 'Abducted' had is thrown out for T&A, and the only reason I continued watching it was for the campy, she-Rambo action sequences. One bullet-dodging scene in particular I think the Wachowskis copied in 'The Matrix'. A little fun, but a whole lot more bad. Rating: 18/40
  • BandSAboutMovies1 October 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Directed and writer Boon Collins is back in the world of Abducted and if you thought that movie was strange - even if it was based on the real-life story of Olympic biathlon athlete Kari Swenson - this time he's getting even weirder.

    Yes, nine years later, Boon would bring back Lawrence King-Phillips as the evil Vern, Dan Haggerty as his father Joe and co-writer Lindsay Bourne to tell us what happened after Joe shot his son, knocked him off a bridge and smashed him into some rocks.

    And you thought he was dead.

    Actually, you probably never saw it.

    Maria (Raquel Bianca), Sharon (Debbie Rochon) and Ingrid (Donna Jason, Undefeatable, Honor and Glory) decide to have a reunion in the woods of Harmony Lake National Park, learning nothing from Mother's Day, and get drunk in a tent, act rude to the locals and make plenty of noise, which as you know is exactly how to die in a slasher. Sharon and Ingrid soon escape - the latter goes full feral and says that she can think like Vern now - and make a plan to save Maria.

    Since the last movie, Joe (Haggerty) has pretty much sold out and given up. He's being paid by rich hunter Brad Allen (Jan-Michael Vincent) to guide him on a stone sheep hunt. The same sheep that his son has been protecting. Meanwhile, his son - How is he still alive? Does Joe know? - is watching his new captive give herself a sponge bath.

    I mean, Vern died by crashing on rocks and he doesn't seem to have any supernatural powers like a Vorhees or Myers. Could the power of sheer horniness be keeping him alive? He's also wearing fur and deer antlers, as if he's cosplaying Tom Drury from Don't Go In the Woods...Alone!

    This is a film filled with magic, like how Ingrid escapes from Vern by cartwheeling through the woods or when Brad's helicopter appears and Sharon yells, "It's a plan!" before she takes off her shirt and uses it to get his attention like a flag. Or maybe it's Debbie Rochon's breasts that get all the notice. There's also a moment where Vern asks Maria about her first time and the film flashes back to an actual sex scene, which is the kind of filmmaking I depend on from Canadian direct-to-video movies and director Boon Collins.

    Also: two of the girls may be in a couple, which is pretty progressive for 1985.

    The end of this movie teases a third movie and man, I want that to happen even if nobody but me would care.
  • People can come back to life. You should always go camping in designer outfits. The best way for a woman to get a helicopter pilot's attention is to take off your blouse and wave it, while running bare breasted through the forest. Transforming from meek submissive captive to spear throwing "Ramboette" in the blink of an eye is no problem. You can saw the head off an Elk without getting a drop of blood on yourself. Cave man Vern confirms that nut jobs want to skip foreplay entirely. Dan Haggerty and Jan Michael Vincent must have wanted to commit career suicide by being in this....... The film has few redeeming qualities, unless a Ram's head rolling down a mountainside counts for chuckles. The acting is bad, the story is stupid. Nice scenery though. - MERK
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ABDUCTED II just happened to roll its way into my VCR at the right time. It has quite a few impossible-to-believe and/or silly sequences, but after sitting through too-numerous-to-mention lame 'erotic horror' efforts from the 1990s, this low-budget thriller ended up being surprisingly fun and entertaining; an all-around breath of fresh air. Basically, it was nice to see a contemporary 'B' picture that cuts out the tiresome ten-minute slow-mo sex scenes in favor of action, story, scenery and character. This one delivers pretty much what exploitation fans want to see (possibly more), and much in restraint to genre demands; meaning there's violence, but not too much; T&A, but not too much, etc. Nothing really crowds out or takes too much time away from the story, which is rare in one of these films. And the story is actually very workable, fast-paced, action packed and energetic. It's a follow-up to ABDUCTED, a pretty obscure and seldom-discussed 1986 film from the same director, which featured Lawrence King-Phillips as Vern; a grizzled, bearded backwoods madman in animal skins who kidnaps a jogger (Roberta Weiss) and plots to make his new captive his wife. At the end of that film, Vern was killed by his own estranged father (Dan Haggerty). Or so he thought.

    This sequel (set many years after the first) finds three former college chums; busty, pouty Italian babe Maria (Raquel Bianca), reserved red-head divorcée Sharon (Debbie Rochon) and tough blonde Ingrid (Donna Jason), reuniting for a nature trip in a secluded Canadian national park. After a quick stop at a general store for a quick chat with the owner (Jan-Michael Vincent), the girls hike to a lake, camp out for the night, share stories and drink, but their fun (and a strong hint that Maria and Ingrid are really lesbian lovers, a side-plot that incidentally goes nowhere and is curiously dropped altogether) is short-lived and in come the horror film trappings. Vern (Lawrence King-Phillips again) comes crawling out of the woods in a horned animal mask, kills a voyeuristic male camper staying nearby, assaults the ladies, ties them to a tree and then informs them he's still actively searching for a wife. After doing some animalistic mating dance and looking the three lovely ladies over, he can't quite decide and figures, what the hell, he'll just take all three of them fillies back to his cave home.

    The girls are tied together in a chain and are yanked through the woods when Vern decides to stop so the ladies can strip and show him what they got. However, Vern doesn't know that Ingrid is a black-belt, so she turns the tables on him, karate kicks him, does some back flips and escapes. Vern just shrugs and continues on with the other two. Then we get a hilarious She-Rambo sequence where Ingrid (dressed in spandex pants and a sports bra) ties a wet bandanna around her head, camouflages herself with mud and tree limbs, carves a home-made spear out of a branch and then heads out to save her pals. She ends up catching up to them on a rope bridge and nails Vern with a spear. He and Maria tumble into the rapids and wash far down the shore. Wimpy Sharon (whom Vern deemed "damaged goods" for having been previously married) wants to go get help, but Ingrid insists they don't have the time and have to save Maria on their own. Vern and Maria end up making it back to the cave, where she tries to keep him from raping her by becoming his friend and assuring him women like it "tender and gentle." He makes her take off her "city clothes" and wear an animal rag. She relates an out-of-place, but brief, sex flashback. Ingrid and Sharon continue to trample through the woods. Meanwhile, Grizzly Adams himself, Dan Haggerty (as the same character from the first film), reluctantly guides brutish Jan-Michael Vincent(whose pastime is big game hunting) around in a helicopter so he can hunt down a white ram for his trophy room. Everyone converges to lock horns at a finale where all the guys end up seriously injured or dead as the ladies resort to their primitive animal instincts to survive.

    Filmed on picturesque Vancouver Island, Canada, this has the occasional badly-matched stock shot of a wild animal lurking about, but the cinematography is pretty good and the location work (around forests of mossy trees, waterfalls, rock cliff, etc.) is great. There's always something to look at it. A decapitated sheep head rolling down a hill is a pretty memorably odd sight, anyway. The acting isn't Oscar caliber (not that this film requires it), but it's surprisingly good nonetheless. No one walks through their role. Lawrence King Phillips is effective as the ranting madman and makes a grand entrance, Donna Jason (a real-life martial arts champ) is great, Dan Haggerty and Raquel Bianca are both fine and hell, even Jan-Michael Vincent (looking a little less haggard than usual for this time) is watchable. And Debbie Rochon, of course... After you get over the initial shock of seeing her as a weak-whiny character here, you'll see she can also be believable as a more conservative member of society... Conservative that is until she gets desperate for help and rips her top off to try to get the attention of a helicopter! And conservative until she gets fired-up at the very end and...

    Well, I won't ruin the end but to say Debbie gets the single best line in the film and it's well worth waiting for. Despite some minor debits, the cast, director (who co-scripted with Lindsay Bourne with a fun feminist slant) and production people respect their audience and get higher marks for good will, meaning I'm cutting this some slack and giving it 7 out of 10.