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  • This is a good TV movie treatment of schizophrenia. A pretty young school teacher goes from sane to full blown mentally ill. The highs and lows hearing voices and extreme behaviour are shown. Josie Bissett is beautiful and acts well. It would have been easy to overact but she keeps it sympathetic. Her boyfriend who tries to help is played by Jason Gedrick. Her mother who has to deal with her own mothers mental illness is played by Jill Eikenberry. Worth a watch.
  • story78530 November 2021
    U can watch the full movie on youtube !!!!! It's a great movie just a little sad but otherwise good & Jason Cedrick is a cute guy who plays a good guy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is by far one of the most superbly acted films I have ever watched. Delve into the life of a young woman stricken with schizophrenia and how the disease ravages the afflicted and all those around her.

    The cast in "Dare to Love" is amazing. Josie Bissett is so convincing it is disturbing to watch her in this role. Jason Gedrick, Jill Eikenberry, and my perennial favorite James Sikking all deliver powerful supporting roles.

    This movie is not all doom and gloom. Although most of the film centers on the horrors of the disease, there are many glimmers of hope and a story line that slowly progresses to a positive ending.

    Highly recommended for all audiences, especially those with a family member suffering from the disease.
  • I am a mental health professional and after watching Dare to Love on January 6th 2000, I was overwhelmed with emotion.People who are not educated on mental illness can't imagine what family and friends go through when dealing with a mentally ill person. Hats off to Lifetime TV for giving those who don't understand this disease a chance to understand that medication management and support from loved ones, patients can again become productive in the community and improve their quality of life. I am interested in getting a copy of this movie or any information as to when it might be viewed in the future. THANKS BARBARA
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am not one to ever watch emotional "chick flicks" though this does have a very interesting story line this is BY FAR still fictional when it comes to the facts regarding science. Emotionally I completely agree all the symptoms portrayed by the lead character is completely true. The development of the diseases causes all sorts of hallucinations and abnormal behavior that can not only take a toll on the individual but also the family and individuals involved in that persons life.

    CLOZAPINE is an atypical anti psychotic, yes at the date this was set it was the first of its kind. HOWEVER WOW...Jesse has NO side effects what so ever. lol The odds of that are extremely unlikely. When an individual is put on anti psychotics of ANY kind they gain a MINIMUM of 15-30 pounds and this is understating. Yes they gain quite some weight and this being the FIRST of this type of drug you would gain more weight. NOT to mention that you get tremors and various other muscle disorders for which you have to take various other medication for. Unlike other diseases mental disorders do not have a threshold. So for their entire life they will have to keep increasing their dose because the body neurons and receptors overpower the dose. This leads to MORE side effects the longer the duration.

    For ANYONE stating this is an accurate film its NOT EVEN CLOSE. People who suffer from mental diseases in MANY cases are not allowed to drive especially someone who had gone so deep into the illness as Jesse did.

    SO the next time you watch this loving heart felt move try to look beyond the sentimentalism and think about this...

    What they are showing you is a movie. It is neat packaged version of something that is truly one of the most burdening, detrimental and destructive diseases known. Its not visible, its symptoms are only felt by the individual and extremely hard to diagnose and WHEN if it diagnosed correctly often miss prescribed. Its a life long disease and that takes the will of strong individual to survive and support does not come easy.

    I am a pharmacist who has worked in the mental ward of hospitals that face individuals who suffer from these diseases. Yes it varies from person to person but this movie does not portray it to the least.
  • slonigro2 April 2003
    I agree with NUHR whose summary was "Inspirational". It was a truly touching movie. I saw it in 1995, and always remembered it. Recently, I just taped over one of the VHS tapes belonging to my new husband (!), and found the end of this movie on it. I watched the rest, and was so happy to have found it again. It is a moving, real-life story of true, true love. I highly recommend it.
  • faithfamilycareer329 October 2008
    I loved this movie and have been looking for a copy since I saw it. Jason Gedrick and Josie Bisset were both awesome in this. Jason as the boyfriend was so well done in the emotions he had to go through in having this girl in his life. Josie Bisset was spectacular as the girl who had the illness. The movie based on the life of a real person really moved me. There is much to learn about people who suffer with this illness. And I would recommend anyone to see this. Especially people who have someone in their lives like this. The people who have this illness and the family and friends would all benefit from this movie. Will it be playing on t.v. again? Or does anyone know where I can get a copy?
  • This movie really got me. I think it's about the best I've seen on the subject of love , loyalty and devotion: the parent's , the boy friend and Josie.

    Every time I need an eyewash I watch the last three major scenes. The last one, the dance , is beyond beautiful. I would have loved to watch this movie being made. The director and writer are the best. And Josie , whom I'd never seen before, well, she was superb in her role. All in my humble opinion, of course.

    Michael aka Zoro 2
  • NUHRgirl20 September 2002
    this movie i saw some years ago when i was in the u.s. , i remember loving this movie and feeling strangely touched by it. now i would really love to see the movie again, so if someone has a copy for me i would be ever so grateful! this really is a movie to remember!
  • I saw this made for tv movie years ago when it originally aired, if I'm not mistaken it originally aired on channel 4,5,8, or 11. Although it has the feel of a lifetime movie I'm not sure if it actually is. Jason Gedrick has been a favorite actor of mine since Mario Puzo's The Last Don mini series. I watched this movie mainly because of him. At one time I had this movie recorded and rewatched it often until the recording couldn't be watched anymore. More recently I watched it on YouTube. Great movie. Josie Bassett and Jason Gedrick are both great in this movie. The storyline really tries to bring to light the struggles families and individuals who have mental health issues deal with.
  • heatherlcag24 July 2011
    Love this movie. I wish there was a way to buy it but searching online and talking to LifeTime it's not available to buy and it also won't be airing anytime soon, which is a shame. Jason Gedrick is a wonderful actor and I would love to see more movies with him in it. This movie will pull you in. It has such a wonderful story line and it shows that 2 different people with 2 different backgrounds have the ability to fall in love and no one can stop true love. Even though the female character has flaws, this wonderful man still loves her. That's a true man....wish that was true in real life. Maybe it is, I just haven't found it yet. Once again, wonderful movie and storyline.
  • I too was taken by the total love and commitment shown by Jesse and Patrick in this terrific film....We need many more films that emphasize this sort ot theme...I have personal family experience with schizophrenia....Bravo for everyone connected with making this film and I do study the credits, always Nick,Florida
  • This movie was sensational. I would love to have it on tape or to see it every week when I hit a low spot. This movie gives you a giddy feeling about falling in love and having someone there no matter what. How hard is that to find these days? If anyone has this recorded or knows how I can purchase it, please let me know. Thank you!

  • I recently watched a Lifetime TV re-air of Dare to Love and was left with a great and hopeful feeling about love and life. It has very many similarities to Splendor in the Grass with Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood. I saw the latter movie actually after Dare to Love and immediately drew parallels between the two movies. What makes both these movies great is the connection between the main characters--the audience is always aware of the strong love that both Bisset & Gedrick's and Beatty & Wood's characters... in good times and bad. I highly suggest seeing both and compare for yourself as their endings ultimately diverge and differ in terms of audience reaction.