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  • "Jack Frusciante" has a weak and simple plot and Stefano Accorsi is inexpressive as always. The novel was a small literary phenomena in its years but largely overrated, and the movie lacks its major strength: the colorful and funny language, with a strong local (we are in Bologna, Italy) tone. It seems shot paying attention not to stray from extreme mildness. Moreover, the characters are supposed to be aged of 14-16 years: well, they look a lot older. If you want a more interesting movie about the Bologna of youngsters, look for "Paz!" or, on a lot darker mood, "Paris, Dabar".

    Definitely not to see.
  • Stefano Accorsi is one of the best new italian actors..

    The movie is faster than book.. but pretty similar! The location is Bologna, that`s a university-city in the north of italy. Bologna makes the tendence for art, teater, movies..`s italian artists laboratory.. if you want to know how italian guys live.. you must see this movie!