User Reviews (3)

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  • ABC dropped this in against NBC's 'must watch thursday' lineup of Friends and Just shoot me in the fall, and then into the saturday 8 pm night slot in the summer when everyone is still outside enjoying the weather. Basically, they killed it before even giving it a chance.

    Good interesting crime drama with a good cast, should have been put in different time slots against lesser shows, and it would have lasted for about six or seven years. Only 13 episodes. Catch it on youtube or late night rerun channels.
  • C-16: FBI was a great but all too shortlived series about an FBI station in Los Angeles. Great cast, Eric Roberts is really good as the warm boss, the introverted and ambitious Morris Chestnut, Zach Grenier as the older, whizzened FBI man, ladies man D.B. Sweeney all gave great performances and Christine Tucci (Stan's sister) and Angie Harmon are stunningly beautiful. And Leslie Bega... she's enough to make a grown man beg. However, it's the stories that were unpredictable, action packed and still very intelligent. I don't know why it was stopped after only a few (I think twelve) episodes, but it could have gone on much longer. Considering the other stuff that seems to keep going and going (Silk Stalkings, for instance), this series was far superior.
  • Eric Roberts is a great cop in this ABC show. It stared D.B. Sweeney, Christina Tucci, and Morris Chestnut. It has great acting attached to it and great plot lines. This show could not find an audience, but when it was on I was one of those people who watched. You not only saw great acting but great guest stars as well. I thought it was just as good as NYPD Blue. The show got a second chance but it did not win it's time slot. It also got so-so ratings, but it did better than most shows that are still on. Believe me if it was on a cable network the show would have taken off! One of the best shows even, it's in my Top 10! Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars.