User Reviews (2)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Toni Collette stars alongside British actor Dominic West in this likeable Aussie meets Pom rom-com.

    Port Kembla girl Diana Spencer wins a woman's magazine sponsored trip to London to 'meet' Princess Diana. While waiting to meet the Princess at Buckingham Palace, our Di gets into a scuffle with an aggressive paparazzi photographer, Rob, and ends up getting arrested instead. The couple wander around London, chasing celebrity leads, and eventually, well ... you know.

    Though the film wanders into farce occasionally, the strength of the two leads, both still at the beginning of their careers, carries the film through.
  • Considering the content of this movie no wonder hardly anybody has seen or even heard of it. Since Diana was practically stalked and photographed (Literally) to death the release of this film simply had bad timing. The movie is about a female admirer of Diana whose named also happens to be the same - she wins a trip to England to meet her, and of a photographer's obsession to get that "special" shot of Diana no matter what he has to do to get it. This is not a dark film but quite a light piece and quite funny and entertaining in places. It's just a shame the release of this film and Diana's death practically occurred at the same time. Now that some time has passed I suggest you see it. It's not half bad!