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  • Paul Norman created the amazing "Edward Penishands", a ripoff of the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp film that memorably had its title character humping girls with his dildo-shaped hands.

    At the same time he went a slight bit highbrow with this "Cyrano de Bergerac" takeoff, substituting the nose for the hand in terms of useful (for porn) phallic symbol.

    So we have a period-piece costume feature with the famous balcony scene and Cyrano's prosthetic penis-shaped nose used by our hero for what would be called a nose-job (hands on), fellatio of the nose; nose in pussy action and even nose-ejaculations. All that's missing are gags concerning sneezing.

    Central gimmick aside, the movie' showpiece is a very lengthy group sex scene of five lesbians, with Madison as main object. Low point is a lousy fight/action scene when Cyrano and his comrade played by Steve Drake are set upon by highwaymen led by E.Z. Ryder