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  • There is a confusion, originated here, in this page. I do not know who created it. But it is a confusion I once tried to rectify but no one cared and nothing happened.

    The confusion is related to two movies in which Rita Montaner was a leading actress, both made in 1938. These films are this one called "El romance del palmar" and other movie is "Sucedió en La Habana".

    People give "El romance del palmar" the English title "It Happened in Havana". But this English title refers to the other movie, and it stars Luana Alcaniz, Juan Torena, and Montaner. Alcaniz and Torena do not appear in "El romance del palmar". This mistake is repeated in many sites in the internet. It all began here.

    If you care, find "Bitácora del cine cubano" somewhere in the internet, and you will see the proof. I am telling you...