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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is an early Mister Magoo short from UPA. There will be spoilers ahead:

    This is the typical UPA Mister Magoo with more than its share of really funny gags. Magoo is a one note series, with everything working off of Magoo's nearsightedness, which usually means the jokes are predictable.

    Thus the difference between Magoos is in the inventiveness of the plot. The plot here is rather good, with Magoo trying to get a license for his dog after the dogcatcher threatens to take his dog in at noon.

    Magoo winds up at a circus, mistakes the gorilla's cage for the mayor's office and then mistakes a rather large panther for his dog. Imagine Magoo walking a panther on a leash! The dogcatcher is lying in wait for Magoo and his dog when he hears Magoo coming up and talking to his "dog". He nets the panther, sees what he trapped and loses it, giving Magoo a dog license for free. The circus trainers come for the panther as Magoo returns home triumphant holding the license. The end is priceless.

    This short is part of a DVD set featuring all the Magoo theatricals and a Magoo feature film, released by Shout! Factory. The collection is excellent and so is this short. Most recommended.