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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Freely adapted from Marivaux's famous play from the eighteenth century,the movie deals with the masters/servants relationship .There's also a recurrent feature of the French cinema till the fifties: the wealthy bourgeois who wants to marry his daughter (or his son) to a noble so as to make her(him ) a viscount/viscountess.

    Fernandel is true to form as the servant who passes himself off as his master (Georges Grey),at the request of the true viscount ,harassed by an infuriating (and getting old)Russian lady ;a maid has the same idea and she thinks that if she wears a mink coat,she will attract an aristocrat's attention.Meanwhile ,the handsome viscount falls for a gorgeous brunette he mistakes for a Soubrette ,but who is actually a rich bourgeois's daughter (a well-to-do father who wants his daughter to be part of the aristocracy).

    Fernandel tries his hand at skiing with mixed results.He sings three songs ,including one in Tyrol,complete with costumes and yodel.

    Happy end: the masters marry the masters and the servants do the same.