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  • Sure I have seen more disastrous and ugly movies because this one does a real effort in production, especially the costumes, the sets that looks like a travel in India. But at the end, it has left totally me cold: there is really no plot, not much dialogues as we watch encounters and the action lacks terribly of energy: it's like Armstrong wants us to sleep with soft music, ambient light... Except Dyanna, all the others girls are totally plain or apathetic without any attitude! In addition, the only good scene featuring a threesome lesbian with Felecia, Dyanna and another girl is cut in DVD whereas my french VHS tape got it! At the end, the movie isn't really captivating except if you look for a very, very relaxing porn that won't shock no one...
  • Made for Vivid before director Brad Armstrong hit his stride over the next two decades at Wicked Pictures, this is typical of the how-to features that are made from time to time to capitalize on the sex buzzword Kama Sutra. Veronica Hart plays a librarian who looks gorgeous when styled as their guide in ancient India, on a location that looks more like California, and narrates a series of group-sex vignettes to sort of illustrate the sexy book. It's not as boring as fake documentaries which just show no-name sex workers assuming various positions, but falls in the camp of Armstrong's occasional all-sex features that have a "pretty pictures" content, latterly made to showcase Jessica Drake in the waning days of their Wicked contracts.

    Lauren is a treat to watch and the vast cast has plenty for voyeurs to gaze at.