User Reviews (1)

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  • In Guy Lefranc's filmography , the duds are a dime a dozen ;one can save his early efforts,particularly "knock " (which owed a good deal to Louis Jouvet ) and "Une histoire D'Amour3.His career was a liitle promising in the fifties .In the sixties, vulgarity and ponderousness run rampant in his "works"

    A man (Fernand Raynaud) wants to get rid of his missus to spend a fortnight in the mountains ,with another woman, for the Winter sports .Helped by a zany inventor (Darry Cowl ),all his attempts backfire on him .

    The screenplay is absolutely awful , blending Common Market, a priest, a TV which switches itself on as soon as you sit down on the sofa (there were no remote controls at the time!),plenty of to-ings and fro-ings involving husband and wife (and other couples).Take to your heels!