User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Comedy about a high-society lady who gets kidnapped. Her husband, an unpleasant man, tries to haggle with the kidnappers. The wife takes this very badly and joins forces with the criminals in order to demand a suitably prestigious ransom. (American readers take note : this was years before "Ruthless people".) The sudden arrival of an unhappy jet pilot, who had to bail from his airplane, complicates things even further.

    This could have been a brilliant comedy, but this is not the case ; it's watchable and vaguely amusing, nothing more. The far-fetched storyline about the jet pilot, who gets mistaken for a Russian cosmonaut, gets old very quickly - and it ends not with a bang, but with a whimper. About the best assets are a good lead performance by Jacqueline Maillan, whose Mathilde combines style, wit and cleverness, and some nice one-liners. (A small example : "That's the trouble with kidnapping. It's hard to have a meaningful conversation, as both parties tend to hail from different social backgrounds".)

    "Mathilde" also illustrates an interesting point about fashion, although that wasn't the intention of the various makers of the movie. It is very very very very difficult for a fashion designer to invent something truly new, given the fact that humans have been packaging themselves in textiles for thousands of years. As a result the same ideas get re-used and recycled and recycled and re-used. By way of exhibit A, I show you the white evening gown worn by the heroine during the first half of the movie. Take a contemporary actress or celebrity of similar build and colouring, dress her in the gown and put her on a red carpet. Nobody will bat an eyelid. On the contrary, people might applaud the elegant beauty of the look.

    It's a sad thought that amuses me deeply.
  • This is actor Pierre Mondy's only movie as a director;this is based on a play and it does not show too much.

    A tycoon's wife is abducted by two- bit kidnappers who will run into difficulties when it comes to get a hefty ransom.The far-fetched story involves a cosmonaut,a fighter pilot,a cow, a listless husband , a wife who finally comes to dominate her abductors,and a false alarm ,where the whole neighborhood ends up in the place where the hoodlums keep their prisoner.

    Jacqueline Maillan,who was an extremely funny actress on stage , would lose some of her appeal on the screen ;Michel Serraut ,Guy Bedos and Jacques Dufilho have a tendency to overact,in a heavy-handed plot .However ,Dufilho plays his game well,as a "scarecrows inventor" which does not sell well,"because the peasants do not understand them ,and,to make the matters worse,neither do the birds ".Robert Hirsh a french fighter pilot who passes himself off as a Russian rocket man ,gives a more restrained performance .

    All in all ,this is a moral story in which ill-gotten gains seldom prosper.For the "good " husband and for the villains.
  • This amusing comedy I just discovered is a lost film of course. I don't know where it comes from, as far as it is not available in DVDs nor airing. I found it on You Tube. Anyway, our friend Du Monteil is right, Jacqueline Maillan is more known as a stage actress instead of a big screen one and it is obvious that she is more comfortable in that field, the theatre I mean. But the scheme of the astronaut from space falling down just Inside the settings, this scheme reminds me a French film from 2015: ASPHALTE written and directed by Samuel Benchetrit. This kind of crazy and unbelievable plot is unforgettable. But the rest of the story has nothing to do with the 2015 film. a good time waster to see.