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  • Dr. No-723 May 2001
    This spectacular comedy provides as much fun as you can have at the movies. It should come out in DVD soon. I can't wait to see it over and over again. Believe me, gentlemen, when I tell you this is an incredible piece of art-trash! Yes, it's trash. I like trash... So what? You should too. Trash makes life better. Long live Gino Renni, the biggest Argentinian performer since Federico Luppi!
  • Mar del Plata is the typical city of choice for Argentinians during the summer holidays. So, the setting for this brilliant summer comedy makes a lot of sense. A group of special policemen get fired for their inadequacy and look to get a job, and maybe some gorgeous girl, in the beach of Mar del Plata. This is another Argentinian movie to watch and think about happy childhood times, about summer holidays, and about the good old days when glorious actors like Emilio Disi and Gino Renni got scripts to perform!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is amazing that almost 25 years after it's launch, the popularity of this movie is still on top of the hill. "Los bañeros más locos del mundo" is to Argentina what "Star Trek" or "Star Wars" are to the US, only that people do not disguise. Although it has been said already the low budget which this project was made, the script and actors have hit the hearts of everyone. Every argentinean has gone on vacation at least once in a life to Mar del Plata, and to see the gags happening on all its famous places, makes you feel when you visit the city that you are part of the film too. I remember having discussions with friends like "this is the street where Paolo crashed with the bus.... no, that's not, it's on the other block,..." You have to understand that this movie came after the predominance of almost 40 films of Olmedo and Porcel (hilarous couple), where almost every of them were the same. To break with the humor established, the script had to exploit all limits, and that's why we can find some inconsequential scenes with monsters coming out of a truck. But by trying to destroy this barrier, geniality's came up with phrases like "E: do you know that I've never see the sea? B: it's hardly you will because it's to the other side" "numbers kills, letters too" or "red 36". This movie is 100% argentinean, and due to this it is hardly difficult that a foreigner can understand it like we do. Context, places, characters, idiomatic way of speaking, gestures, women, are all part of our identity. I cannot imagine watching this movie translated or dubbed to English... It won't be the same. But if you are not an argentinean and accept all this facts, then I invite you to die of laughter.
  • Colores20 October 2002
    This is the BEST brigada z movie. this time they "take" a little vacation in mar del plata, but their money is stolen. in order to enjoy their vacation, they take some jobs as lifeguards, and accidentally discover a band of thieves that robs a casino. emilio, gino, berugo y alberto dont forget they´re cops so they decide to investigate. once again, the situations and gags are very very good and this movie should be viewed by anyone. keep in mind that what makes this kind of movies so good is ironically that they´re so bad!
  • i'm writing this comment to tell that everyone must see this film, because if you don't see it, you would miss one of the best (if not the best)Argentinian's film of the eighties decade. it's the kind of film i can see lots of time without getting bored, because the actors are very good, thinking that the movie was done with enough money. Nevertheless, there are some parts of the film that are very poor, but when i see them, i could only laugh and continue viewing the film, because i really think that the film was done with few money. well, finishing the comment, i want to thanks all the actors that have done the film, because they make me laugh every time i see it. and i also want to apologies for my poor English, but i'm from Argentina and i'm still studying. best wishes to everyone.
  • This motion picture is a completely wacky comedy, as inspiring as some of the greatest films of our age, but watch out, this is not a great film, this is horrible and that's where the comedy lies. This film has inspired so much madness as to make a remake with even lower budget and with actors that deserve a bullet on their legs for their performance, brought to you by fomento producciones, not released yet, regrettably, but this sort of things is what can give you a guideline to the might of such a masterpiece. If you are wise enough to get a hold of the jokes, you'll be laughing all over the floor and vomiting yourself, so give it a try and... well, draw your own conclusions. Oh, and last but not least if you can ever get yourself a copy of the remake, please watch it, if you liked the original one, you'll hate it, and if you hated the original... well, I guess you'll hate it anyway, perhaps even more.