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  • Warning: Spoilers
    An excellent game for anyone with Dos Emulating Software. That's right; it's a Dos game, so it's frustrating to get it to work, but it is definitely worth the effort! It was one of my favorite games as a child, and it still rocks! You play Drake, a young man whose home was destroyed by the dreaded Shadowking, Khull Khum. After Drake is saved by a mysterious man in a cloak, he returns years later to look upon the devastation. As he gazes over the pit where his city one had lain, a spirit floats from the chasm and speaks to him. Thera, the goddess of earth, has chosen Drake as her champion against the Shadowking, who now rules over what remains of the empty, ravaged halls of his home.

    If he succeeds in returning the Nine Receptacles of the Gods and defeats Khull Khum, then all will be freed and Thera can bring new life to the tortured Underlands; If he fails, then his soul will be eternally trapped in the darkest shadows of the lost city of Stonekeep.

    This game is not perfect, as the ending cinematic is somewhat lackluster, but the entire game up to that point is nearly flawless! I mean, you have Goblin-style creatures, you have Dwarfs, you have Elves, you have Faeries, you have Snakes, you have giant green blobs of death; the list goes on and on, from cool, to awesome, to incredible! For those worried about the ending, I will reiterate: Only the ending "Cinematic" is underwhelming, and it is more than worth it for the rest of the game. From puzzles, to traps, to dealing with dragons, this game is more than worth the time and money. A must-play!