The events from the first season episodes "Cluny's Clowns", "The Visitor", and "A Favour Returned" never occurred in the original Redwall novel (Methuselah's death occurred directly after his encounter with Chickenhound). Furthermore, several Redwall novel events and chronologies were altered to allow for thirteen continuous narrative episodes.
According to Brian Jacques, the character of Basil Stag Hare was slightly based on and named after John Cleese's character of Basil Fawlty from the sitcom Fawlty Towers (1975).
A few characters were named after figures in the Bible: Matthias: named after the replacement for Judas Iscariot. Methuselah: named after a figure in the Book of Genesis credited with being the oldest living man. Asmodeus: named after the demon of wrath Asmodai.Although not in the Bible, Cluny's name was derived from an abbey in France, chosen by Brian Jacques because it rhymed with "loony" (referring to the character's eventual lapse of insanity).
The character of Sir Harry the Muse from season two was named after a lawyer friend of author Brian Jacques. The real-life Sir Harry wanted to be made a rat, but the author felt that - as a lawyer - he had been a rat long enough.
Although fans were anxious for a fourth season of this show (possibly covering either The Pearls of Lutra or Mossflower), the producers at Nelvana were unable to secure financial backing or any American broadcasters willing to finance the series. Season four could not revive.