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  • Max Hanson (Jonathan Jackson) feels pressured on all sides. His mother wants one thing for him, his friends want another. Max isn't sure what he really wants for himself. Then he meets Molly (Carly Pope). Molly is everything that Max isn't. Free, happy, open. He starts dating her, and she gets him on drugs. Turns out she isn't so free or happy after all. And neither is Max anymore.

    We follow Max in his downward spiral to addiction. We see him begin to lose everything he has worked for, family, friends, hockey, school, painting... Instead, his life turns to one of drugs, sex, crime, highs, and lows.

    The acting is incredible, especially for a made-for-TV movie, and look for Hayden Christensen in a bit part as Orin Krieg, one of Max's friends (the hockey goalie and video store clerk). JoBeth Williams is outstanding as Max's overbearing mother.

    If you can find it, this one is worth viewing.
  • "Trapped in a Purple Haze" is a great movie flick that will guarantee to engage teenage viewers until the very end. It shows the viewers the darker, less respectful side of life of a teenage boy, Max. The movie is set during Max's stage where he is on his road to self discovery and when he is at his most vulnerable stage ultimately leading him into the world of drugs. Before seeing this movie I personally thought that men were the ones that influenced women into doing drugs but this movie was a great contradictory statement for me as it showed me a different viewpoint that women can be just as influential and seductive. "Trapped in a Purple Haze" is of the desperate struggles of a boy wanting to get his life back on the road. A fantastic movie full of life's lessons and morals that will guarantee to touch everyone's heart in one way or another.
  • az19273 February 2005
    This movie is definitely the best, if not then one of the best movies ever to highlight the teenage lifestyle we go through. The film actually brought a tear to my eye - the first film EVER to do so - and the storyline was nothing what I had imagined it to be. Finally, we have a film that truly does show teenage drug culture at it's worst (and best, in a way). It's kind of a Pete Doherty story (or would be if he would sort himself out!), and I'm afraid I have to admit, had I not watched Phone Booth before Purple Haze, I probably would have cried! My girlfriend and I watched it last night, and I had to grip her hand at parts, it got to me that much. It's one of those films that, if you don't see things before, this will put everything (and life, in general) into perspective. 5 star, 10 out of 10, 100%, A*, A+ rating for Trapped In A Purple Haze.
  • This film is a realistic portrayal of the problems faced by Max (well-portrayed by Jonathan Jackson). He is drawn into a relationship with a female student (Carly Pope) who seems to just be temperamental at first, but then it unravels as she is on drugs (heroin) and brings Max into her world.

    JoBeth Williams is Max's mom and Colm Feore (as the Dad) gives a realistic performance of a man who loves his son and offers help. For some reason Max's mother has issues with this, and her son ends up on the street. Some of the scenes as when she sees her son pan-handling at the mall, and chooses to avoid him, are realistic and disturbing. There is a sad scene toward the end.

    This film has a good message as it addresses Max's point of view. He just wants to fit in and be with his girlfriend (Carly Pope). Highly recommended. 9/10.
  • klc-1622 December 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    WARNING! SPOILERS§ (Although there is nothing really to spoil... when it gets this bad it can't get worse...)

    The only reason to watch this film is for the eye candy. Otherwise it is a totally predictable waste of time. I guess the worst thing about it is that it doesn't even TRY for any sense of logical realism, it just gets by on clichés.

    Problem: he's in the hospital going through withdrawal. All of a sudden he escapes to find Molly, does, but she's dead (of course), goes to a friend's screaming for money... falls down stairs and suddenly ends up back at his parents house hours later but there are no more withdrawal symptoms...huh?

    Problem: The father finds him but doesn't take him to hospital, wants to look after him at home with NO medical treatment at all. This from a highly educated man with doctor friends? Ya gotta be kidding! Why would he put his kid through withdrawal without any medical help to ease the pain? Makes no sense at all... except that it allows Max to escape again... as we already know he will...

    Problem: Molly has no job but lives in a pretty nice looking townhouse. How's she get the money for that? It's obvious from a later scene that her parents already know she's an addict and won't pay for such things... so again, where does she get the money for rent? Then she has to move out and they end up at a friend of hers.. but after that suddenly she's in a flophouse where she overdoses. Since when does someone at her stage of the game use the money she supposedly DOESN'T have to pay for a hotel, even a cheap one? She'd use the money for drugs and shoot up on the street.

    And so it goes. One illogical scene after the other; The scene where Max goes back on the ice during a game... totally ridiculous. He hasn't been to school, his job OR to hockey practice for weeks on end and in the middle of withdrawal. Why would he suddenly show up at the game? Especially since he knows he's been kicked off the team. By then he wouldn't care any more any is just added for phony pathos.

    I felt sorry for the actors... having to deal with such a poor script and dialogue straight out of a noon-day soap opera from twenty years ago. Max and his father are the best ones in can see that they have talent, but that it is being wasted. I presume that those who liked this dreck are so young that they have nothing to compare it to. The best thing in the whole film are the photos of the old lady. Oh, and the cute teens...eye candy.
  • galadriel-0672731 August 2015
    This is not normally my kind of movie, but I checked it out because Jonathan Jackson was in it. And also because of user reviews I had read that said it was a must watch movie.

    It was for sure one of his best roles yet. He made me believe he was that character, and had me on the edge of my seat. His emotions are just amazing, and I was blown away.

    As a person who watches the show Intervention, I can say this movie shows more than you will see in that show. You see how even the nicest of guy's or girls can turn into addicts, and just how bad the downfall can be. I feel like I learned much more about addiction.
  • when i first heard about this film, i worked in a video shop. it came in with a bunch on big name films and it never really appealed to me, it somehow completely escaped my attention that Jonathan Jackson was in it. The Film centres round Max (jj) and his fight to feel free, He is a hockey player (his first love) but also an aspiring painter. his mum wants him to paint, but he doesn't want to live the life that his mum never got to live. he meets Molly (Carly Pope) and she introduces him to her world, where by using drugs she can feel free. Max becomes hooked on class A drugs, and his whole world begins to fall down around him, he looses everything he worked for. he gets kicked off the hockey team and he feels like his mum has given up on him, and he eventually looses Molly. This film was brilliant, class A acting, by all involved. i would say that it is a must see.

    Happy viewing
  • theman90218 September 2006
    It's been a while since i have seen this movie, and when i did see it I was only 14 years of age.

    But what i can remember of this movie is the emotional power of it will blow you just keeps you hanging. The best thing is it will keep you thinking about you and your life for years to come.

    If you can relate to drug abuse.... i have no doubt that you would love this movie. Even if you can't relate to this will still blow you away.

    It gets into the minds and heart's of all.I highly recommend this movie. I give it 10.
  • If anyone has knowledge on where I can either buy or download or anything to get hold of a copy of this movie its always been 1 of my favs and I love Johnathon Jackson from when he was on the soap opera General Hospital When he chose to leave General Hospital show I was devastated. I've checked everywhere including EBAY but only available in england or something PRICE with shipping would have been outrageous I think my best bet would be to find a website that i could download it but none of the searches I've done keep turning up nothing..... plse help IM desperate. I truly loved this made for TV movie trapped in a purple haze but most of I would like to show it to my children I have 3 boys Kyle who is 18 years old Kody who is 12 years old and my little guy Keegan is 4 years obv the movie wont do any good for him but the other 2 I think it does a wonderful job explain how drugs can really mess up your life and your family's life no matter what your life status is and how much you already have.
  • MuteMae15 April 2000
    Fortunately for this predictable, say-no-to-smack tale, "General Hospital's" Jonathan Jackson could reupholster furniture for two hours and make it engaging. As a suburban kid who gets hooked on horse after meeting an addicted vixen ("Popular's" Carly Pope), Jackson makes a moving transition from nice boy to dope fiend, but always looks too damn cute to be a junkie.
  • Cyprus38617 April 2000
    Wow. What can I say? This flick was great. It showed addiction from all aspects, which you don't see too often on TV. I thought that the scene where Molly is on her cot was really riveting. The scene when Max came to his house was a really powerful scene in the flick. This is a movie all teens should watch. Hopefully it will be repeated in the near future.
  • This movie shows a really good reason why you shouldn't do drugs that are illegal and most certainly not take love so seriously. Jonathon Jackson plays a hockey college student who feels is out of touch with his family. It seems nothing is going for him until he meets this beautiful girl played by Carly Pope. The boy finally falls in love with the girl and they hit it off instantly. Suddenly the girl introduces him to drugs (Cocaine,dope,and even heroine) and thats when the boy's life is spiraling out of control. This movie is very extreme in a way where a man's life is crashing all because he wasn't receiving the love he wanted. Its very sad but it teaches a lot of people a very valuable lesson. Unless you want your world crashing down on you slowly than you better do the triple Ds (Don't Do Drugs).
  • Of course if you ask me Jonathan Jackson is the best actor out there, but that's not the point of this comment is it. I greatly enjoyed this most, despite the "storm watch" (that didn't come until 2:00 in the morning) which took up the last 2 minutes of the movie. I believe the acting and writing and everything was superb with the given time limited and "adult content" in which could be shown for a made for tv movie. This is a really strong plot in which they could haven't written more about (like more about what Max was like before, his relationship with his family, etc), but since they had to tell the story in roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes the decided to only use the basics, and in my opinion did a great job. Carly Pope did a good job at her character, and so did the Hanson family. Within 30 minutes you knew a little bit about everyone of them, and that made the story line much stronger. Jonathan Jackson has some of the best facial expression, the kind that shows emotion. He has this way of making you belive that he is that person and he by far is one of the best actors I've seen, but I've already said that haven't I. Well I could go on forever talking about how great Jonathan Jackson is, but who would want that. Buh-bye
  • There's only one word to describe this movie.....AMAZING!!!

    No one can play the role of a-normal-teenage-boy-turned-druggies better than none other than Jonathan Jackson.....

    I loved him in General Hospital....but when I saw this movie, I couldn't be more proud to call him my favourite actor of all time........he's done a brilliant job, and his acting left me speechless.

    The rest of the cast was incredible, they supported what's needed in this movie.......A professional cast!

    If you missed out on this movie, you missed out on a true acting skills!