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  • this is a pretty decent's quite funny at is a bit too cutesy at times,and a bit dated,but i still liked it.the acting was quite good,and the movie has lot of charmth and warmth.the gimmick in the movie has been done before,so that's not original.but it is done a bit differently here,and its just as good as any other movie in a similar vein.true,it's a fluff piece,but in this case it's certainly a pleasant'll probably make you forget about any problems,at least for 2hours,anyway.if you have some time to kill,and nothing else to do,you could do worse than watch this movie.for me,Virtual Mom is a 6/10.
  • I have seen this movie, I was blown away by the young up-and-coming stars. They were completely in control of their characters. The little girl who played "Hilary" was great. She did a good job, considering she had to play a 40 year old woman in a younger person's body. She is a cross between Julia Roberts and Jennifer Love Hewit.

    Sheila McCarthy should be extremely proud of this project.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I know it is when she is transformed into the same age, but she allows a boy (her daughters Crush, "13" ) to kiss her, even though she was jealous of the her ex? Who is in his 40s, this is just a bad ending and weird and so wrong, like wtf.
  • General-Apathy21 February 2006
    This movie is woeful, utterly woeful. Anyone who gives it a 10 or anything higher than a 5 needs to get out there and watch some good films. I know I am probably being hard on something that is intended to be children's entertainment - but the film relies on a tired old plot that has been done so many times now (older person gets trapped as younger person etc.) and has been done better. Some examples are Freaky Friday, Big and Vice Versa. I would recommend these movies for children over this film any day.

    I would stay well, well clear of this film. Go rent a quality children's movie - don't subject them to 90 minutes of terrible acting a boring and tired plot and an overall bad movie experience.
  • less_than_brad23 February 2002
    Warning: Spoilers
    How this movie has a average score in the 7's is beyond me.

    Spoilers below.

    This film has it all. Bad acting, bad characters, bad story, bad music, poor direction. There is nothing redeemable about this film. The carachter of the mother is extremely annoying. She is out of touch with her child and tries to smother her, I do not like her at all. Also the carachter of the CEO that was into soap opera's was ridiculous. And don't get me started on that scene when those two go on a date.

    The most pathetic thing about this film is the way in which the mother can change into the young girl. What the powerlines surged and a mouse appears and suddenly you can become a young girl? Can anyone explain that to me, lord knows the movie didn't.

    If you are looking for a good family/kids film please give this one a miss. If you are looking for something that will make you want to never want to watch a movie again, give Virtual Mom a go.