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  • This Japanese anime series swam with the wave of success in the early 90s, which began with Disney's return to great films in the form of The Little Mermaid in 1989. Obvious rip-offs, from the supporting characters to the music, are evident from the first episode. But original ideas are also implemented here, such as the points in the series, which are more oriented towards magic and the sea-land conflict. All in all, however, the story is far poorer in magic than the Disney original is. Andersen's story is not valued enough here, the drawings too often seem too cheap and the individual episodes are too boring in large format. Definitely a nice pastime for the very young viewers, but even in this regard there are certainly cartoons and anime series that can be more appealing to the target audience. One season was quickly looked through, but this time can also be filled with better series, such as the classic Disney cartoon about the original story.