User Reviews (4)

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  • pona27 September 2020
    I only recall seeing a few episodes of this program, but that seems to be more than others do, going by the lack of user reviews here.

    Strangers was an intriguing HBO series about couples meeting in Paris under unusual circumstances. There was an episode where an American businessman was obsessed with a stripper, stalking her and treating her like a prostitute, while she strangely wielded control over their sensual relationship. Another episode starred Emily Lloyd as a tomboyish female entranced by a man dressed as a woman (played by Samuel West) and their unique connection that upended gender/sex tropes. I think another one was about a woman falling for her husband's mistress, but that one didn't strike a chord with me as the other episodes did.

    Although I saw this show about 25 years ago, it still lingers in my mind, like romance that could have been. Really wish there was someone else who remembers this!
  • iaabner6 February 2022
    I was 9 when this show aired & I would stay up late & sneak to the living room to watch it. My mother would've killed me if she knew I was watching a show like this lol I don't remember story plots but I do remember some scenes. I do remember it was like some forbidden or highly strange aspect amongst the characters and their storylines. I remember learning the meaning of lust, passion, & seduction looking at this show & couldn't wait to grow up & go to the "romance capitol of the world" - Paris, France" lol I wish this show didn't disappear from television history like it did. I would love to watch it now @ 34 years old to see if I would be so intrigued like I was as a child lol.
  • jmhagedorn18 February 2022
    So this is a wild, wild, wild coincidence, but I see that there's a review from another user that was just left 10 days ago about this show. Its pretty much the only other review for a show that was made nearly 30 years ago and has pretty much been lost to time. There's no way to reply to a review or direct message on here, so I feel compelled to just write my own blurb.

    I'm 35, and for some reason this show popped into my head the other day. I have vivid memories of how it served as a stepping stone of my sexuality, so I checked IMDB to see if I could crystallize my memories, so imagine my surprise when I see the only other review on here was from someone who had a nearly identical experience to mine... and it was just left a few days ago!

    I too used to sneak downstairs when I was a young lad and watch this show on my parent's illegal cable box. I specifically remember one episode where a man goes into a dressing room at a store and the female employee follows him in... I think this show fostered my attraction to aggressive women, ha!

    I'm sure there's a lot of people who had their sexuality awakened by late-night HBO watching, but I wonder how many people experienced it through this show. I too would love to find some way to watch this show again -- I think it would be fascinating to compare my hazy memories with the actual show.

    Anyway, I normally don't write reviews or stuff like this, but I couldn't help myself.
  • I remember this aired on the Canadian specialty channel Showcase in the late 90s as part of "Television Without Borders," and as it's been so difficult to find online or via HBO itself, maybe contacting Showcase via their website would be effective.

    It was one of the best of its kind and didn't have many episodes. I would imagine Showcase still has the tapes that they used to air the show back then.

    That channel was awesome in the 90s and early 2000s, especially on Friday nights. There was a series of these kids of shows, from The Hitchhiker, an 80s erotic/psychological horror/thriller, this, Red Shoe Diaries and sometimes a Ray Bradbury or Alfred Hitchcock episode (which had no erotic content from what I remember) followed by an NC-17 style movie. One of those simulated but still borderline adult films.

    Those were the days. Canadian TV in the 90s was great if you were a teenager or young adult.

    But I would contact Showcase if you're looking for that show. I'm sure it's in their archives somewhere. Bliss was another good, Canadian produced erotic series, but from the female perspective. It put 50 Shades to shame. It was actually good, or so bad it was good.