User Reviews (7)

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  • zacheh28 May 2003
    What a happy surprise this film was when I popped it into my deck. Usually when I pick a random indie film I regret it. Occasionally it pays off as it did with this wonderful, largely unknown gem. HARD LUCK is the kind of film Hollywood had the balls to make 30 years ago. It reminded me of some of the best 70's deterministic character-driven films like FIVE EASY PIECES (it even has Karen Black in a wonderful cameo!) BADLANDS or THE GAMBLER. Kirk Harris is beautifully understated in the ironically named character "Lucky". His humanistic and yet self-destructive decisions are heartbreaking. The film is very low-budget. Unfortunately, with the advent of the "block buster Independent" consuming the alternative distribution market, this type of film can only be made on the outer margins of the "un-dependent" world. Highly recommended.
  • joey-7813 May 2002
    Starts out a bit slow, however I found myself drawn into this tale of a guy who escapes a mental hospital to go home to his former now married girlfriend and dying best friend (her brother). Very solid performances, beautiful southern oregon landscape and a powerful ending make this Hard Luck story a winner.
  • kyra-325 June 2002
    Moving drama about three childhood friends who reunite to take one of them who is dying on a final trip. The relationship of the three is what holds the film together. I especially dug Kirk Harris as the title character Lucky O'Donnell. Where the film isn't is as tight is in its "chase". Thankfully most of the film relies on their look back and their mutual realization of how little time they have together.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed watching this film. It is a modern tragedy in a very realistic sense. Wherever the film was shot was gorgeous. I'll assume Canada. Most of the acting is very sharp. A real movie about real people what a surprise.
  • scharbiebarbie4 July 2002
    I rented this movie only because a friend was in it. Boy, was I surprised. I never heard of this movie and was very impressed with the writing, directing, and especially Kirk Harris. He did a really good job. At times the movie can be a little slow, but the story is pretty interesting and will keep you glued to the screen. Check it out if you get a chance. *** out of 4 stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SLIGHT SPOILERS*** Hard Luck is a heartfelt tear jerker. Not without flaws but the story has the kind of heart and rawness that reminds me of Five Easy Pieces. Some strong performances and its beautiful Oregon locations are the films strengths. Actors Kirk Harris and Matthew Faber give exceptional performances. Although I have no idea of Harris' other credits he comes off as a movie star in the making with a brooding but charming presence. He cries like his heart is being torn out when his best friend played by Matthew Faber dies.
  • giaatstudio5418 May 2002
    Kirk Harris gets better with every movie he's in. Watch for alot more of him in the near future. An original story that builds every ten minutes. Great acting and direction by Rubio make this an intense character study. It's nice to see Karen Black in a good movie again. It's been too long. Hopefully this will get her noticed again.