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  • I, personally loved this movie. It had all the right elements of a perfect b movie. shot on video, halfway decent acting,nudity, death,and beautiful Stephanie Beaton! I loved this movie so much i bought it on dvd! Recommended for all b movie fanatics!! Wow! I give it a 10!
  • Really bad with completely unmotivated nudey scenes (this may or may not be a bad thing, depending on your state of mind). The horror is lame and there is only one really scary sequence in a film that lasts longer than purgatory.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE EVILMAKER is another shot-on-video piece of trash wannabe horror movie starring some-time Scream Queen Stephanie Beaton. Here she plays a woman who has experienced trauma at the hands of an abusive partner, so to escape she decides to take a weekend break with three of her female friends.

    Unfortunately for them their car breaks down outside an abandoned house which is where they are forced to spend the night. Lots of low-rent hijinks ensue, typically involving Beaton taking her top off a lot. Certainly there's no real incident here, just bored actresses reciting lame dialogue and a general cheap and scuzzy filming style.
  • bfan835 December 2003
    I found this movie at a very small video store in my hometown. Being a fan of Stephanie Beaton, I decided to rent it. Let me tell you this, I didn't expect much out of it. But what I got was a very creepy, emotionally driven horror flick, that has the scariest, and just downright creepy musical score. It also has tons of atmosphere, and the storyline was just brilliant. I think I jumped about 3 times when I watched this. Stephanie Beaton gives the performance of her career with this movie. Watch it and be prepared to get scared!