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  • Borderline normal is a coming of age drama about two sons whose parents split up and how in particular this affects the younger son.

    This is a strange film in many ways, it features some hard hitting drama but also some strange characters. It has a relatively high profile cast with decent actors like Corbin Bernsen, Stephanie Zimbalist and Michael Ironside who provide excellent support. Unfortunately I found the performance of the lead Robin Dunne a little wooden but this is offset by a great performance by Caterina Scorsone as his girlfriend.

    There are some excellent scenes here but these are interspersed with scenes that seem out of place and amateurish. This really is a bit of a mish mash and it's a shame as this had the potential to be really good film.

    For all it's annoying faults this is never dull and is pretty entertaining.
  • da_picasso29 September 2001
    Living in the Windsor/Detroit area for the last 5 years, it was nice to see a movie that represented the stereo type that both Canadians and Americans have for each other. It may not be a Hollywood hit, but it certainly does provide us with memories of our highschool years. Definately worth the hour and half time spent in your living.
  • Not the best film. Terrific acting. Now I want to see what else the lead actors were in. Since it's true to life, it's an eye opener for those who've been shielded from the world. The depraved acts people become involved in, when they only focus on themselves & what will give them pleasure at the moment. But it shows that you still make yourself who you are. No one else is ultimately responsible for your choices, other than yourself. LOVE is real. I started watching it on TV & got involved. I had to see the outcome. I was provoked, insighted, hurt, sad, & happy. I've gone trough one similar experience as Catarina Scorsone's character had to deal w/ & I didn't have a loved one to help me through it. But am a better person now, in spite of or because of it. I'll change that old adage "What doesn't kill us only has the potential for us to make ourselves stronger"
  • This is the most appalling propaganda film attempting to sell the lie that any woman can be pushed to the edge of their sensibility and still remains fundamentally good and wholesome in spite of the emotional abuse they subject their young male CHILDREN to. Bravo Canada! Child abuse is legit if it involves abusing young men and being a poor female role model in their lives. Is there negative stars for this?!
  • I saw this film in Belfast, last month at the Cinemagic film festival. It was easily the best film there! It is full of laughs but gets into some serious themes as well! I just read that it won the best film prize at the festival. The award is well deserved! I think it is a Canadian movie, so keep your eyes open for it. You won't be disappointed!
  • Saying that BORDERLINE NORMAL is simply a slice of viewing of lives of various is not that difficult to say. But since the minimum for required characters won't allow it, I have to explain the plot in the easiest of ways.

    The movie mostly focuses on Jeremy Walling (Robin Dunne) that is dealing with the divorce of his parents (Corbin Bernsen and Stephanie Zimbalist) and in the meanwhile he goes out with his girlfriend Beth and trains for winning a basketball match often helped by coach Rehmer (Michael Ironside), and how it unfolds it's simply something you have to see for yourselves.

    The acting was nice by all (especially Dunne, Bernsen and Ironside) and the ways the characters' lives are shown was decent even tho the divorce background might be depressing for those who lived it on their own skin (like me). But apart from that, still a decent movie highly recommended for those who like movies about the human condition.
  • I was conned into seeing this film at the World Festival in Montreal last fall and was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting your run-of-the-mill made-for-cable family drama (you know, cheesy and contrived...) BUT this was much better than that, a funny and strangely touching love story about two kids trying to make sense of their world. And some great performances (Caterina Scorsone is amazing...who on earth is she???) definitely make this one worth checking out.
  • Bundo25 May 2001

    Being a Canadian, I was finally proud to sit down and watch a movie with good acting, and a good story. Catarina Scorsone was fabulous! Corbin Bernsen and Robin Dunne are good too in this charming, wonderful little film. I am not sure if you can get it at a video store. It was on TMN (HBO equivalent) here in Canada. Well done!
  • I tuned into this film on a lazy Sunday afternoon, & was quite surprised by it. Normally I'm a bit skeptical about some of these Canadian films we put out, but Borderline Normal was truly a refreshing change.

    The story is good, the acting is good overall, especially Catarina Scorsone. Her performance is absolutely smashing. Hopefully she'll get some more recognition in the future. She was also in The Third Miracle, and for the small role she played, she was very convincing.

    It's worth checking out(I saw it on TMN)if you can find it. And true to my Canadian roots, if it's good and we helped make it, I'll plug it as best I can.