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  • Susie-713 April 2003
    Warning: Spoilers
    Overall, I enjoyed this film. I liked the leads and thought they had good chemistry, and while not as funny as, say, American Pie, I did find many of the jokes amusing.

    However, there was one aspect of the film that really bothered me, which I notice has been mentioned by others as well.


    Now, if a woman was handcuffed to a bed and sleeping and somewhat delirious and her ex-boyfriend showed up and had sex with her, when she is clearly in no position to give consent, few people would hesitate to label that as rape, and it certainly would not go without mention and condemnation in the film. Yet Nicole rapes Matt, and the only issue that seems to arise is how he screwed up. Excuse me? Granted, blaming the rape victim is not a new concept, but one would hope in this day and age it doesn't find its way into films, at least not without suitable counter statements being made. Male rape is a serious issue that is rarely dealt with as such, and movies like this tend to reinforce the erroneous belief that male rape doesn't exist, except in prison, or Deliverance. Maybe we shouldn't expect this movie to have any great social impact, challenge the views of the establishment, but acknowledgement that SOMETHING wrong had happened (other than Matt "screwing up") would have been nice. I seriously hope Nicole didn't get to collect on her bet.

    Also, someone suggested that it was unrealistic for Matt not to have woken up before he had an orgasm. I'm not a guy, so I can't speak from experience, but there are such things as wet dreams. It seems to me that was essentially what Matt had, only unbeknownst to him, he had a little help. (That's actually what I found unbelievable; surely he would have long since had a wet dream on his own. But it's a movie.)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    SPOILERS Each year, we all claim we're going to give up something for Lent. Whether for religious reasons, physical reasons or even for a bet, we all have attempted, and mostly failed, to sacrifice those things we need the most. It'd be interesting to know how many have attempted to sacrifice sexual activity for that time. In 2002's '40 Days and 40 Nights', Josh Hartnett's character tries just that. Crammed full of sexual reference and incredibly dumb moments, '40 Days and 40 Nights' is saved from the oblivion where it so obviously belongs by the pure fact that it is occasionally entertaining. Yes it never makes you fall off your seat in laughter, and the characters are incredibly shallow, but more often than not, you can't help but find yourself smiling.

    Matt Sullivan (Hartnett) is a mess. Never recovering from his last girlfriends rejection, he leaps from bed to bed only to find himself suffering psychological trauma and hallucinations. Deciding he needs to get his head sorted, Matt decides that it is time to give up sex. Thus for the 40 days and nights of Lent, he gives up all sexual activity. Including personal relief into the decision, Matt finds temptation constantly around the corner, not least from the fact that he has a new girlfriend in the shape of Erica (Shannyn Sossamon).

    Firstly, lets ponder the impossibilities involved with '40 Days and 40 Nights'. There's the fact that at one point he makes Erica orgasm using a flower, a fact that women will happily condemn at a moments notice (although most have probably tried after watching this film). There's also the fact that if a man goes from constant sex to no relief of any kind, that he's not going to have a say in the matter. The body will find a way to make him let off steam. The fact that for the entire time Matt lasts in the film, he never once experiences any sort of wet dream (as would happen in such a sudden 'cold turkey' situation), is just evidence of how little the creators thought this premise through.

    Away from practical impossibility, the film also suffers from the predictable fact that it is often incredibly crude. Whether it is a hot office worker spreading her legs on the photocopier or Matt's hallucinations of naked women, the film is never afraid to lower the tone beyond sensible parameters. At just over an hour and a half long, it is just one long smut joke, and it's doubtful 'Confessions of a window cleaner' had this many sexual references.

    All the characters are also incredibly shallow individuals. Obsessed with sex, every single girl offers herself to him in return for the possibility of winning money. At the same time, all of his friends, rather than supporting him, ridicule and humiliate him with an online betting syndicate. There's not an individual in the film that doesn't seem to be sex obsessed and superficial. This isn't real life, this is some sort of nightmarish fantasy.

    So where do we go from here? There's so many criticisms about the film, there surely can't be any saving grace? Well, against all better judgement, there is. You see, whilst the film is crude, flawed and dumb, it is also at times entertaining. We're not talking hilarious or anything, but it does sometimes make you smile and enjoy it. You watch the story unfold, you really don't care for any of the characters, and yet you just can't turn it off. The film hooks you in and subjects you to ninety minutes of torture. Yet once it's finished, you do find yourself happy and content by what you've seen. It's always annoying when something like this happens, but when the story is really this bad, you find yourself even more frustrated.

    Rude, crude, physically impossible and woefully shallow, '40 Days and 40 Nights' is not a good film. So it is with a heavy heart therefore to confess that you might actually enjoy it. It's a guilty pleasure. It's a film which is so inexplicably bad, and yet for some unknown reason, you find yourself occasionally smiling through it. You feel like the ninety minutes have been worthwhile, even though they haven't, and you genuinely believe that the film is worth anyone's attention. This is the evil of Hollywood at it's most pronounced and it's an annoying fact of life. You should hate this film, but you'll think you like it.
  • Josh Hartnett is a good looking kid who does not use his looks to put up a wall between him and the audience in this movie. He seems very human and sweet. This helps in a lot in this movie because he's the 'sex object' who is not getting any, and you don't mind not seeing him 'add another notch to the bedpost.'

    Since all of his conquests make him feel bad or doomed for unhappiness, Matt (Hartnett) feels he must take drastic action by not giving in to any sexual urges.

    He becomes the subject of an intense office pool and some of the girls who had bet on a specific day he would 'cave in' make moves on him. A website is dedicated to him and he is soon referred to as 'Vow Boy.'

    The movie has a lot of laughs. A couple of scenes seem retundant and a couple don't belong at all, but for the most part this is pleasant enough entertainment. Josh gets some big laughs, more than anyone else, but his roommate and his boss get some too. Josh has some good chemistry with Shannyn Sossamon who plays Erica. 7/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    While most of the offensive and insulting material in this film is unsurprising and rather dependent on one's moral point of view I have to agree with HEP632 and Malmir comments regarding the final scene with the lead character and his ex-girlfriend. It is inexcusable that this rape scene is treated so casually.
  • First off this is far from a great movie but it's an ok night of entertainment if a) you're in the mood for a sex farce and b) there's nothing better on at the cinema. It has a lot of flaws, most notably the liberal applying of schmaltz across the whole film but it does have it's rewarding moments and interesting characters such as the Bagel guy who knows everything except how to turn up on time. A lot of the comedy is too heavy handed but there are moments which genuinely made me laugh. I particularly liked Josh Hartnett's Priest to be brother struggling to listen to Josh's tales of sexual encounters.

    That said the two main characters are somewhat lacking in life and could have done with a bit more development. This is a largely French funded film and it does show in places. There are elements of French farce about it but with transposing the action to California it was always inevitable there'd be the standard Hollywood ending and it doesn't "disappoint" in that respect.

    Hopefully this won't be the best film you'll see this year but it certainly could be worse.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    WARNING: Major spoiler ahead!

    I thought Josh Harnett was good in this...considering. It was an OK movie in some ways, and it's encouraging that people of the level of insight/maturity of the screen writer (=low) can actually succeed in Hollywood(!?!), but...

    Is it just me, or was anyone else blown away by the fact that his ex-girlfriend maliciously RAPED him?! She forced herself on him while he was unconscious and tied down... He was upset about it, didn't want it, and it wrecked his life ... but nobody said boo about it. AND then his real girlfriend LEFT him because of it.

    Imagine the tables turned: Semi-conscious girl is handcuffed to a bed, ex-boyfriend enters her apartment without permission, forces himself on her as an act of aggression purely to hurt her and damage her life... Then her actual boyfriend leaves her because she got raped ... and nobody reports any of this to the police or even hints that it was, er, bad? Can't we do better than this in this day and age?!

    It's also ridiculous the way ordinary girls behave in the movie; all of his office colleagues turn into sex workers, and extremely sexually aggressive ones at that. Real women just don't behave that way (very rarely), so I believe that it all reveals, as usual, something pretty 'interesting' about the psyche of the writer (and director).

    Because in other respects it's a 'nice' movie and Josh Harnett is kind of sweet, it's easy for these serious issues to slip under the mental radar of many viewers, especially young ones, so it's a bit of a worry to me...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK, so the movie wasn't great. Not bad, but not great either. I'm sure you've read a million plot summaries by now. Some good laughs, some cheesy dialogue...

    (what follows is a spoiler, but I recommend you read it before seeing the movie) And then comes the rape scene.

    Thank you to all the other comments posted acknowledging that rape is bad. Having non-consentual sex with a bound, drunk, delirious ex-lover? This is what passes as OK in Hollywood these days? The worst part is the fact that not only is the fact that it was rape never mentioned in the rest of the movie, but the victim is held responsible! I actually signed up for an IMDb account JUST to condemn this film. I'm sickened by having watched that filth.
  • I just didn't enjoy the premise of this film. There were some amusing scenes but too often I groaned at the antics of the cardboard characters in this film. I think the primary purpose of this film was to establish Josh Hartnett as a romantic leading man. I think he can be a great one but hopefully he will get to work with better material than this in the future. He is a superb actor as evidenced by his work in Black Hawk Down, "O," and even the critically dogged Pearl Harbor. Nevertheless, for my tastes, this film rates a 5 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It doesn't take much to get me to go to a movie, and I had high hopes for a movie with a) Josh Hartnett, and b) a clever premise. I looked forward to insightful and funny commentary about the relationship between sex and love and men and women in our post-modern world. What I got was breasts. Lots and lots of breasts. While the movie does a fairly good job (by Hollywood standards) of including a panoply of attractive women instead of a cookie-cutter ideal, the women are ultimately reduced to meaningless bodies that crave the "power" that sex supposedly gives them.


    I could go on in that vein for hours, but what REALLY made me almost walk out on this film is the fact that Matt, the hero, is RAPED by is ex-girlfriend in the final minutes of the movie. Did nobody at the studio recognize that act for what it is? If the gender roles were reversed in that scene, it would have totally changed the mood and content of the film. As it was, I kept waiting for Matt, or ANYBODY, to call the police. Instead, movie goers get a happy ending where Matt's new girlfriend finally FORGIVES HIM FOR BEING RAPED. Hooray for Hollywood.

    I guess it's not even safe to go to romantic comedies anymore. Sigh.
  • 40 Days and 40 Nights is a one joke comedy that is pretty funny. As the same joke wears on though, the film becomes tiresome. The script lacks; but the performances make up for it. Josh Hartnett gives another excellent performance -- but the real stars are the two GORGEOUS women: Shannyn Sossamon and Vinessa Shaw.

    Young adults looking for a sex comedy -- with plenty of sex and nudity -- this is your film. People looking to laugh a lot, try something else and wait for this one on video.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Over the years there have been many chauvanistic male movie characters who produce stereotypical images to the viewers. However if we look at 40 days and 40 nights and flip the plot around so that it is a girl who has to go the aforementioned length of time without having sex and we no longer have a comedy but an extremely offensive movie.

    ***PLOT (if you can call it that) SPOILERS!!!!

    Take the scene where the girl tries to seduce him on the photocopier or the two girls in the store room who kiss. I am not a prude in any way but if those scenes were reversed and it was a female on the receiving end then the scenes would have had a far darker meaning. And lets not even go near the scene at the end where the ex-girlfriend ruins the mission so to speak. Once again flipped around this would surely be rape. Which begs the question is it funny? I don't think so.

    Yes it is only a teen comedy and maybe I should lighten up somewhat but where the American Pie films had a certain charm and illustrated the prat falls for both men and women, 40 days and 40 nights went for morally questionable gags to sell the movie.
  • Michael Lehman's "40 Days and 40 Nights" is a surprisingly funny, smart, edgy romantic comedy with an amazing sweetness to it. This is a feat given some of the graphic dialog, and outrageous sight gags. Credit the star power of Josh Hartnett, the skillful direction of Michael Lehman, and a brisk and "in your face" screenplay by Rob Perez. The movie intends to offend, and we give it permission to do so-- the effect is a fun time at the movies.

    Josh Hartnett plays young Dot Commer, Matt, who is suffering since his break up 6 months ago from Nicole (a viciously good Vinessa Shaw). Matt has visions of a Black Hole fissuring from the ceiling whenever he is having sex with women which is very often-- poor guy. Matt confides in his brother, John (Adam Trese), a priest completing his probationary period. John is not the tower of strength and inspiration that Matt is looking for. Then by design, divine intervention, or sheer insanity, Matt chooses abstinence for 40 days and nights until Lent. And this is extreme-- no fondling and... no masturbation. No one believes Matt will last 40 days, much less a week. Among the faithless is Matt's roommate, Ryan (Paulo Costanzo), who betrays Matt confidence and tells his co-workers at Matt's Internet company. They start a pool on a website predicting Matt's demise. In the meantime, Matt pursues a relationship with a great girl, Erica (a beautiful Shannyn Sossamon), who he met at the local laundromat. Also by design it just happens that Erica has a history of dating weirdos, and she works for Cyber Nanny, a company that safeguards against porn-sites. Matt also finds out that Nicole is back from Europe and now engaged, and she will not let him forget this. What makes the movie special is that Matt really falls in love with Erica without sleeping with her, and that he remains abstinent, because he said so... This is refreshing. Josh Hartnett is great here. His Matt is a good-looking, charming guy who makes an insane choice and lives with it. Hartnett also comes across as empathetic, as a man thrust in an almost impossible situation where everyone is betting on his failure. He has a quiet strength about him, is very funny, and totally believable. Shannyn Sossamon is stunning-- you can see why Matt falls for her. And when she wonders if Matt is gay, this is hilarious. Sossamon's Erica is smart and compassionate with great humanity. Playing a woman wondering why the guy she is attracted to doesn't want to have sex with her is not an easy role... or natural.

    The humor in "40 Days" is raw, though enjoy the ride. Afterall it is a romance, managed well by Lehman, Harnett, and Sossamon. And we don't mind being offended as long as it is done smartly with style, and that we are ultimately touched.
  • Spanner-225 February 2002
    In this comedy, Josh Hartnett is so distraught over his breakup with his babe girlfriend (Vinessa Shaw) and her sudden engagement to someone else that he decides to take a vow not to have sex or anything connected with sex for 40 days! This being a movie, the vow winds up becoming an internet phenomenon as people start betting on when he will give in, a prospect that becomes more likely when he meets a cute girl (Shannyn Sossamon of "A Knight's Tale") at a laundrymat and starts dating her.. An entertaining comedy that milks it's one joke fairly well for most of the picture and is helped by the appealing nature of the leads Hartnett and Sossamon as well as some amusing supporting players. As light-weight sex comedies go, this one is fairly entertaining. GRADE: B
  • Warning: Spoilers

    The first half of the movie is okay, the idea is fine but the ending is... I am shocked, the protagonist is clearly raped by his ex- girlfriend but in the movie it is shown as okay, RAPE IS NEVER OK! If it was the other way around and a man had sex with his ex-girlfriend while she was asleep and tied to a bed; he would be called a rapist and send to jail or the movie would never had been made because it says that rape is OK. The movie doesn't even discuss the issue, it is taken for granted that what happened was OK or legal, and he has to apologize for being raped afterwords. This movie shows how a man can be raped by a woman but say that it is no big deal. Another thing is, the movie goes too far with the protagonist's abstinences, suddenly there is naked women and boobs everywhere it is just too much and too vulgar. I apologize for typos, etc.
  • I went to the movies with a friend, and this was the only film we could agree on. I had pretty low expectations to begin with, so I can't really say I was disappointed, but "40 Days..." didn't really leave any lasting impression on me. It's a bland film - it does create a few laughs - but all in all, it's a pretty forgettable affair.

    The best thing this film has going for it, is the nice on-screen chemistry between the two leads. Both Josh Hartnett and newcomer Shannyn Sossamon do well with their characters - or at least as well as the juvenile script allows them. The funniest moments in the film were the condom scene at the beginning, dinner with the parents and the "examination" of Matt's sheets. It's also nice to see a Hollywood movie that doesn't drag on beyond the two hour point. "40 Days..." clocks in at a pleasant 94 minutes, which feels just about right.

    All in all, it's a mildly enjoyable film, but nothing memorable. I'll rate it 3 out of 6 on my dice.
  • For many women, giving up sex for 40 days isn't that big a deal, whereas for men with healthy libidos and plenty of offers it is a major psychological undertaking. That's the story behind this better than average adult comedy. Matt originally tries the idea for Lent in a last ditch attempt to get former `love-of-his-life', Nicole, out of his head after screwing everything in the trendy San Francisco world has failed to alleviate his emotional needs. Swearing off sex includes giving up sex, fondling, kissing and even masturbation. This means he actually starts communicating with women (one woman in particular) on another level than purely physical and falls in love again. Within this rather limited comic milieu, various ideas are played out fairly well women's use of sex to manipulate men features not only in the frantic attempts of his female colleagues (who, with the rest of the office, have placed bets on `how long he will last'), but also in the cynically exposed persona of Nicole. You have to give the film plenty of leeway in credibility terms the story has lots of far fetched aspects but so does lots of good comedy, and the love-it-or-hate-it script either completely justifies it for you or makes you wish you had such problems to faintly believe in them. If you were offended by `There's Something About Mary', don't go and see it. Of course, I've written this from a British point of view - Americans have had more exposure to the "abstinence" movement that we have thankfully been spared so far - they make get the jokes differently or take some meaning from the film that either isn't or shouldn't be there! (Apologies to discerning American filmgoers to whom this doesn't apply!)
  • This is not your usual dull, hackneyed teen sex comedy. I actually found it to be amazingly sharp and witty. It's directed by Michael Lehmann, who also made the great teen satire "Heathers." The script is also well-written. Josh Hartnett is one of the best new young actors, and gives another fine performance. He doesn't play the scenes for laughs, but as a seriously conflicted man. So the comedy works out better with him playing it straight. Paolo Costanzo of "Road Trip" says a few hilarious lines and steals a few scenes as his free-spirited roommate. Naturally, you can't make a teen comedy without at least one veteran adult actor in the cast, and this time it's Griffin Dunne, who's an absolute hoot as Hartnett's boss. It's funny to watch him be just as obsessed with sex as his employees half his age.

    The movie isn't perfect. Along with the witty sex gags there are some gratuitously predictable moments, like the dinner scene with Hartnett's parents, in which his father starts going on a tangent about the sexual positions he's still able to use with his broken hip. And the third act contains no surprises, as it resorts to the usual feel-good cliches.

    As for the eye candy factor, both men and women should be satisfied. Men should enjoy the gratuitous shots of naked women, as well as the hot-looking Shannon Sossymon, Vinessa Shaw and Maggie Gyllenhaal. And needless to say, women should enjoy the sight of Josh Hartnett.

    My score: 7 (out of 10)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Unless you are a shallow person who thinks sex is something that's bad yet funny, avoid this movie.

    (Spoilers, but trust me you are gonna want to read this.)

    In the last reel of the movie, the main character hand-cuffs himself to his bed in order to prevent himself from having a little self pleasure. His ex-girlfriend barges into his apartment, sees him sleeping like this and RAPES him! Yeah, pretty horrible eh? Of course he is blamed because all men are sex pigs and can't be raped, right?

    Anyway, some of it is so-so funny, but still the ending is one of the worst I've ever seen.
  • They could have easily made yet another gross-out comedy, but instead the laughs are born of clever writing and likable characters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hollywood and their incredible shallowness wants it's viewers to care a lot for the main character in this film and it's because he's good looking. Nothing more than that and I took an instant disliking to this ridiculous attempt at comedy and the rest of the characters are portrayed as either vapid or moronic. Story is about Matt Sullivan (Josh Hartnett) who is having a very difficult time getting over his breakup with Nicole (Vinessa Shaw) and he goes out with several girls but they don't amount to anything and he becomes disgusted by his own behavior. Matt decides to give up sex for Lent and at first he seems okay with it but as time goes on it gets very difficult and while at the laundromat he meets a new woman.

    *****SPOILER ALERT*****

    Matt meets Erica (Shannyn Sossamon) and they have an instant attraction to one another but he has a hard time explaining his actions when he starts acting weird but she finds out the truth when Matt's co-workers put his plan on a website and place bets whether he can last the whole duration.

    This film is directed by Michael Lehmann who has helmed two pretty good films (Heathers, The Truth About Cats & Dogs) that deal with relationships and human interaction but he has also directed some awful films (Hudson Hawk, Meet The Applegates, My Giant) and I certainly believe that this attempt belongs in the latter. The film is basically an attempt to showcase Josh Hartnett and take advantage of his looks which is fine but the script makes his character so nice that he's just a complete bore. Are we really supposed to feel sorry for him because he's not getting laid? Is not getting any for 40 days that long? If it is I definitely live in another universe and basically I cannot relate to Hartnett's character on any level, and I'm a single guy! Every female that works in the same office as Hartnett is smoking hot and this is an office that easily has no idea what sexual misconduct is. Hartnett is not a bad actor but when he's cast in these cutesy boy roles he's ingratiating. With the exception of Sossamon who gives an earnest attempt the rest of the cast is portrayed as uncaring jerks who seemingly have embraced their shallowness. If your looking for a smart and sophisticated comedy than keep walking because this lame film has a script that is totally devoid of anything resembling wit and intelligence.
  • A cute premise nearly done in by a weak dialogue and some weak characters, 40 Days and 40 Nights is nearly a good movie, but not quite. Thanks to the fine performance of star Josh Hartnett and some nice comedic bits, the movie plugs along on genial inertia for 100 minutes, dragging only occasionally, but leaving you not completely satisfied when it concludes.

    Hartnett plays Matt Sullivan, a webpage designer for a dot-com company in an alternate universe version of San Francisco (Clearly another reality, since super-model types are the only females employed at computer companies, and still more supermodel types spend Friday nights doing their laundry). After a messy breakup sends him into the arms and beds of most of the female population of San Fran, Matt decides he is fed up with feeling like an empty void. To fight his libido, he swears of all sexual activities for lent. It's a good thing Matt's not Jewish; otherwise he would have had to give up sex for Yom Kippur; a scenario that would have created a much shorter (and significantly more dour) film.

    Quickly, Matt's roommate (Paulo Costanzo) and his fellow employees catch wind of his scheme, and soon bets are made, and saboteurs begin to try to taint his quest. Yet another monkey wrench gets thrown into the celibacy machine when Matt meets Erica (Shannyn Sossamon), a dreamy, quirky cutie who just might be `the one,' not to be confused with the super-powered One played by Jet Li last year in the film of the same name.

    Writer Rob Perez gets a lot of mileage using the ridiculously attractive cast as spoiling seductresses, and as the days tick away toward forty some genuine suspense is created from the will-he-won't-he tension. Hartnett makes a likeable protagonist, especially considering he's a guy who's unhappy because he gets way too many women (Just like in the real world…). As the gags get more sexual, Hartnett plays his role in appropriately hammy fashion; but the budding relationship with Erica slowly distracts and hurts the main plot; mostly because while the script calls for Erica to be sassy in the meet cute, her character quickly becomes a complaining downer; soon we're questioning why Matt's so hung up on such a frequently harsh woman. And the pseudo-sex scene involving flowers is far too sappy to belong in a movie that also sports a CGI dream sequence featuring a sea of female breasts.

    40 Days only recovers from that cumbersome scene by the very end of Matt's journey, but by then most of the film's goofy energy is gone. And a climax that involves a reconciliation between characters we don't care too much about doesn't make for gripping entertainment. You leave liking the movie more than you enjoyed it; Matt deserves a movie (and a love interest) worthy of his and our imagination.
  • poem11 September 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is mostly a superfluous movie based on a rather idiotic plot idea, with not much originality in the script and rather untalented actors. I have no idea why I even bothered watching it back then. But the main reason why I gave it the minimum rating was really the unbelievable awful ending.

    !!! Spoilers ahead !!!

    Yes I will spoil the ending.

    !!! Stop reading already if you don't want to get the end spoiled !!!

    The final actions in this movie is a rape of a man who was helplessly bound to the bed, by his ex-girlfriend, and than that man seriously having to apologize about that to his girlfriend, who instead of helping him blamed him for being a crime victim.

    If you are seriously having trouble understanding whats wrong this ending, then just invert the genders. A woman in the place of the man would have been a rape victim, and the man as a boyfriend would have the urge to run after the other man for some serious beating up.

    Personally, in the position of the man, I would have immediately called the police and filed my ex-girlfriend for rape. Also immediately dropped my current girlfriend for not helping me and even blaming me for getting raped while I was completely unable to fight back at all.

    It the exactly the same logic as those Islamic idiots who want to stone female rape victims to death for having committed adultery. But the script authors where seriously believing the audience would buy that. What the heck ?

    !!! End of spoilers !!!

    This is definitely one of the worst endings in all of movie history.
  • You know, I'm just as big of a pretentious d*ck as the next movie critic out there...I like the artsy, intelligent indie films, and I try to only give my patronage to good, smart, well-done movies.

    Which brings me to 40 Days and 40 Nights...a sex flick targeted at the common man. But you know what? When it came on this past Sunday on Comedy Central, I just had to watch it through. I really think it's a great movie for what it is.

    40 Days is a mildly intelligent, clever, creative movie with an intimidating number of hot women. See all these hot, scantily clad women actually reminds me a bit of my time at Arizona State.

    This film is a very engaging way to spend an hour and a half. If you're not a self-repressed type who is freaked out by the topic of sex, you'll love it. I gave it a 9.
  • mrtallman26 November 2019
    Wish the ending was better not the way it happen I still hated it
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is self evident that the makers of this movie have never tried to do what they have the protagonist of the story attempt. They make it out as if it's some sort of unattainable fantasy vice a lifestyle choice. 40 Days and 40 Nights is based off a singular idea: men can't live without sex. Actually, it's based off a more basic idea than even that: men can't control themselves. This movie contains an attempted drugging, sexual harassment, sexual molestation, and outright rape and we're supposed to just laugh it off because it happens to a man. And as we all know, men can't go more than 7 seconds without thinking about sex. This is a horrible, propaganda filled, hateful little piece of indoctrination that deserves the death penalty at the very least.
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