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  • This game is good on the thinking part, but bad on the controlling part. This game is too much difficult, so you also need to read in a walk-through. And it's still either too difficult. And you can loose the game wherever. And you cannot imagine when you can loose the game. There's a part where you have to play music with a bunch of skulls and it's very boring, and another when you have to enter the catacombs crashing a slab. One other bad thing is the real stuff don't highlight and you have to use an action called ''what is''.
  • This game is based on the third installment of Indiana Jones. This game is like Indiana Jones meets Monkey Island. The graphics is the same as Monkey Island (The first game). The puzzles in this game are more challenging than the ones in Monkey Island. It got the same Monkey Island-style fight screen. On this game, you use your fists to fight instead of a sword. It is a pretty good game. You don't have to be a huge fan of Indiana Jones to enjoy this game. This is one fun computer adventure. I Highly Recommended It!!!

    I give this game 9 out of 10
  • Wow, this game sure brings back memories... I think it's much too old to work on our computers now, but I remember back when I was 6 or 7--back when my parents said the movies would be too scary for me--me and my brother and sisters would play this game all the time! We played it over and over and over, and we enjoyed it immensely.

    Do I recommend you buy this game? Er, it's a bit late for that... like 10 years too late. In all probability, this game won't work on your computer, and good luck trying to find a computer old enough that's still in good shape (EDIT: another user sent me a PM saying that this game does, in fact, work on many PC's; however, I'm not sure how readily available this game is, so good luck on that, too). But I'll tell you this: if we could all go back in a time capsule 10 years ago, I'd tell you to buy the game and play it. See if you wouldn't enjoy it as much as I did.

    Ah, sigh. *sniff* At least we have the movies ("Raiders of the Lost Ark" is now a favorite of mine).
  • A review of the Steam edition

    While I did find this game cute and fun in the same way that I enjoy Monkey Island and Sam & Max (look for a cameo from your favorite hound and rabbity-thing near the beginning) I do find it to be quite dated, especially for a game from 1990. The sound effects are appalling and the music sounds like something from the Atari 2600. I was very surprised by this. Also, the cursor is not very precise and you'll constantly be re-clicking to do what needs done.

    The story is changed from the movie just a little bit in order to fit the "point and click" style of gameplay and there are three different endings available, but I found the last chapter to be too frustrating to bother with seeing more than one of them. It was fun to play, but I can't see myself going back. It just felt too primitive, which is crazy considering this is a game from the 90s. You might be better off playing the Mega Drive version, which is a more traditional action game.

    The game is window-boxed, there are no Steam Achievements/Trophies and no trading cards either.