User Reviews (11)

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  • I am always looking for a horror/thriller film with a strong plot and characters, and this movie does qualify on both points. There are only two characters in this film, and both were very well written and acted. The plot of the film is good, the film is very well made, and the scenery is beautiful.

    I like originality so my problem is with the story itself, I've seen Frailty and Memento and this movie reminded me very much of those films (but not anywhere near as good), so it wasn't a novelty experience watching this film. Angels Crest did make me wonder if the one guy was nuts or not, but in the end, because the ending left me with no questions, nothing to really wonder about, it was only an okay film. I am glad though that I rented it.
  • Probably no one has seen this film. I just noticed it at Hollywood video as i was leaving and thought id give it a chance. This movie is really good. Try not to read to much about the film just turn it on and sit back and enjoy. For having no budget and only two actors this movie is better then most. If you see this film anywhere then get it. REALLY GOOD THRILLER!
  • I just got done watching a movie I've never heard of: Angels Crest.

    This is something I picked up at the local Hollywood Video store, just on a whim. It's not a horror movie, but a very satisfying psychological thriller.

    To tell you anything about it would be to ruin it for anyone who's going to see it. But I will say that it is an excellent example of what can be done on a small budget. The writing is excellent, the directing and photography are great, and the acting is first rate. Also, the film quality is very good, so it doesn't have the look of many low-budget movies. Oh, and the music is quite good, too.

    This was directed by J. Michael Couto, someone I'll be looking for in the future.

  • Ever walk through the local video store and you're just not in the mood for the current commercial movies. There are so many "independent" titles that you never heard of with actors and directors you've never heard of? I know, you've tried these types of movies before and 9 times out of 10 they are garbage with little or no production values, bad acting and ridiculous stories. And be careful - the better the cover of a straight to DVD movie chances are the worse the movie will be. Angel's Crest DOES NOT fall into that 9 out of 10 category. The plot on the DVD case does not give away much and neither will I. I rented this on impulse with very little expectation. The acting is very solid. The characters are interesting. There is a neat use of timeline that adds to keeping you interested. The movie has a strange calmness while also having a very nice tension to it. Many of the shots are very serene - close up of blood slowly dripping on leaves... almost has a time lapse look to it. Once the viewer finds out what the plot is really about you are compelled to see how the rest of the movie unfolds.

    A wonderful little movie considering there are only 2 actors and a beautiful natural setting called Angel's Crest.
  • wsanders-121 November 2004
    Angels Crest is a small budget independent film. It is remarkable insofar that it manages to be successful with so little resources.

    The storyline by itself is interesting but would not have been able to have been successfully brought to film [especially on a shoestring budget] without superb acting and direction. If one listens to the director's commentary, the film was made with an excellent crew.

    The two actors carried the whole film on their backs and everything worked as it had to. The gas station sequence comes very close to being a great cinematic scene. The film score was also quite good and the sampled instrumentation wasn't too annoying for me.

    There are technical problems with the film such as flaws in the DVD transfer and shot to shot colour and lighting differences which money would have solved.

    I would like to see Mr. Couto get a project with some real money and see what he could come up with.
  • jakeokc1 August 2005
    This is an excellent movie for a low budget, two actor film. I am glad I found it in the bargain bin. It is quite a creepy movie, sorta has a Blair Witchish feel with the creepy shots of the tree and all. The end kinda leaves you hanging, but I didn't think it ruined the movie. Its too bad this didn't get the hype that a film like Blair Witch did, because its a better story, a better acted film, and a better shot film.

    The story all revolves around two guys who car pool to work. One morning, they decide to take a shortcut because of road work, and they end up in the forest with many dark secrets about the past being revealed. There are no flashbacks or special effects or anything. Just a well made film. I plan on seeking out more from this director/writer if there are any more!
  • Once again I found myself looking at new releases and seeing a solitary copy of a movie I'd never heard of before. So, who am I, anyway, and who cares what I have to say? I just love movies and I know talent when I see it. I actually only joined IMDB because I wanted to spread the word about this film and a couple of others which I thought deserved more favorable reviews. Angels Crest has two actors in it. For two actors, I thought, they'd better deliver. After the first few minutes of: "Oh, here's another low-budget no-name actor flick", I couldn't stop watching. The story is great, the actors slowly turn into who they actually are (terrific jobs!) and the editing develops along the way. It's better to have a movie edited in such a manner as to not hit one over the head with style - this style actually develops, I say. Bare bones sets (the woods), good story and acting and I wonder why film budgets have to be in the multi-millions to be considered any good by passers by along video store shelves. I say, nevermind the artwork or the hype, pick up a movie like this that you've never heard of, and feel good about the money you've spent renting it. And you'll probably watch it twice. (remember Donnie Darko? I had to see it again....a kind of sleeper, I think). But then, who am I? I just like da movies!
  • Well-written low budget thriller with secrets, character development, and plot unraveling until the very end. The characters develop well as they head to a typical day at work. One of the greatest things about the film is that it keeps you guessing. In general, the plot is something that could happen in real life. The writer took time in developing the characters. The director made sure the pacing fared well as that can be hard to do with a story set in one location. Despite being unknown, the actors do a believable job of acting. This, in my opinion, is one of those rare gems that did not see enough of the light of day probably due to low marketing budgeting as movies with higher marketing budgets and recycled stories enter theaters. Go figure!
  • mjkacey22 March 2006
    This film was recommended to me by a friend who knew I enjoyed well-acted, well-shot, and well-directed films. This, I'm pleased to say, fit the bill. Using a non-linear editing style, the story unfolds at a steady pace. The acting is superior (special kudos to Chris Bauer and Currie Graham), as is the cinematography and music score. I especially liked the fact that both characters in this movie had serious problems with their moral compasses. I kept waiting for one to be revealed as the absolute good guy and the other, therefore, deserving of his fate. But things are more complicated than that. I had feared a typical Hollywood ending, but was rewarded with a film that ends just the way it should; leaving the viewer to think it over as the credits roll. Very commendable.
  • In Angels Crest, J. Michael Couto shows what a talented AFI graduate can do on a minimalist budget; crafting a fine movie that seizes both audience and mainstream Hollywood's attention. Angels Crest essentially plays out within the confines of a 2 person play set to a single location - purposely dissecting each character and scene in a perverse, contorted tale of suspense. Mr. Couto brilliantly sets the characters against a backdrop which offers a pleasant, salient counterpoint, yet magnificently illustrative of the twisted and gnarled storyline. If you liked 'Misery' you will love this film. One hopes that Hollywood knocks on J. Michael Couto's door very soon.
  • This was perhaps one of the stupidest movies I'd seen all this year. nearly 50% of it is simply flashbacks Which really didn't explain much at all. I was so confused I had no idea what was going on. The two characters were annoying and unlikable. Near the end I didn't really care what happened I just wanted it to end This movie was not satisfying in anyway The story was like a really bad adaptation of a Stephen King novel thrown in with some cheap cinematography ripped off from Memento. I can't believe this passes for decent entertainment these days. Garbage 2/10