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  • Oh boy, don't get me started on THIS film. Gabriella Hall, Michelle Hall, Kim Dawson, Amber Newman, AND Regina Russell?? Well, this film has to get an A in the "Women" category. As for the rest of it, look below.

    The head of a prostitution ring (Kim Dawson) is brought to trial, when all the little secrets and dirty laundry are aired in a series of vignettes. Ross Goza and Michelle Hall play Robert and Nora Iverson, married lawyers who are on opposite sides of the case--Robert as the prosecutor, Nora as the defense attorney. The two of them have numerous sex scenes early on, but once the trial starts Nora recommends they stop having sex for a while. However, she begins to use sex as a bargaining tool in getting her client off the hook.

    "If you want to play with these again," says Nora, holding her bare breasts, "you'll drop the charges." Priceless.

    Gabriella Hall is Corinne Fleitta, Robert's legal assistant. What Robert doesn't know, however, is that Corinne is trying to sabotage his case. She has a secret crush on him, too, and lets her inhibitions free in a great scene with Robert toward the middle of the film.

    Regina Russell and Amber Newman play prostitutes who give their testimony in the form of vignettes. That's pretty much what I wanted and expected out of those two. Let them do what they do best; case in point:

    "I've been a very bad girl," Regina says, holding the judge's gavel. "Maybe I need a spanking." Yep, that's the Regina I've come to know and love.

    This was a fun film to watch, and not a complete waste of 90 minutes. Gabriella Hall was great, Regina and Amber were good in their small roles, and Michelle Hall was her usual playful self. Skinemax did themselves a favor by putting this on the air.

    Women: A+ (What did you think I was gonna put here?)

    Sex: A (Just keep the sex coming. These women are good at what they do.)

    Story: C+ (Not much of a story. Again, it was a vehicle to link the sex scenes together, but it did have some funny moments.)

    Overall: A- (The "Story" grade knocks off a half a point, but not so much that it drops down to a B+. Great cast, lots of sex, and a decent if not spectacular storyline. Pretty good.)