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  • Don't get "grinched" into playing a sorry game that is supposedly based on the Dr. Seuss book and cartoon. Everything about this game blows. Where's the challenge in destroying presents and tormenting the citizens of Whoville? As for the graphics, don't get me started. The graphics are so bad that it makes you wonder if you're playing an Atari 2600 game. Playing the demo version of this game was enough for me. Stay away from this one and wait for the Jim Carrey film (which is much better) when released on video. My evaluation: 2.5 out of 10.
  • firstly i liked the film as an extravagansa of a movie, especially jim carrey's OTT performance.the look of the film is perfect.a winter bound fairyland.our dream reality of christmas. the plot hinges on the nasty old grinch finding the error of his ways and embracing the lifestyle of the whovilles. however why did he become so nasty is explained throughout the film with the little girl emphasising that, for all his meanness he embodies the spirit of christmas more than the money obsessed whoville's.. secondly the film has an inner message-racism!!! the grinch was excluded from the start purely because he was different. admittedley a thorny charactor but he did try fitting in , especially when he made the christmas present, which was so dramatically thrown back in his face. and resulted in him going into exile. so is it people's personalities that make them the way they are or other people's perceptions of those personalities. anyway 7/10. a good way to spend an afternoon.