- Freddie: Barry! You fuckin' ponce! You think you can just smash my machines?
- Barry Ryan: Freddy, you fuckin' ferret. I jus' did, didn' I?
- [Sharon lies seductively on the bed while Barry walks around with a rifle]
- Sharon Ryan: Are you going to play with that thing all night?
- Barry Ryan: What else am I gonna play with?
- Sharon Ryan: Use your bloody imagination.
- Ray: Everyone knows you run the machines. Right?
- Barry Ryan: Not bloody Freddy! Bloke's tryin' ta root me up the bum. What am I s'pose ta do? Drop me strides and give him the nod?
- Sal: [on flight to Australia] Yeah, so, w-what language they speakin' over there?
- Tony: Jus' regular.
- Sal: You mean, like, American?
- Tony: Yeah, regular.
- Sal: Is this country's on the other side o' the world they speak the same as us, they, they look the same as us? They don' look like Mexicans or nothin' , do they?
- Tony: I got no idea.
- Darcy: Well, the Yank soldiers, they told me about these new types of restaurants that they got over there.
- Barry Ryan: Bloody mug's game - restaurants - mate. You're up at 5:00 in the morning gettin' the food and still there at 1:00 the next mornin' .
- Darcy: Ah, things, they're different. It's... stuff that's quick 'n easy to make. It's identical. It's like a factory.
- Barry Ryan: Identical! Jesus, no-one 'll go fer that! You'll go broke in 24 hours. People want choice.
- Barry Ryan: [racing his new car] Christ almighty! I got this *shit* on me new car! These *cunts* are dead.
- Freddie: [racing his yellow ute] Come on, you fuckin' piece o' canary shit!
- Hollywood: They're not just Yanks, they're Mafia. They've taken over Montezuma.
- Barry Ryan: Wogs with guns. Can't think of anythink worse.
- Margaret: What's bouf-head doin' here?
- Barry Ryan: Be fuckin' nice, alright? You're not a bouf-head, are ya?
- Darcy: I'll go wait in the car.
- Barry Ryan: See? I told ya he's not a bouf-head.
- Barry Ryan: Can't go around killin' everybody that goes up against us.
- Norm: Why not?
- Hollywood: Because we're a business.
- Norm: Oh, fuck that.
- Barry Ryan: Hey, Darcy. You know much about Yanks?
- Darcy: Yeah. In Vietnam, they were fuckin' everywhere and fuckin' everythink.
- Barry Ryan: Then that'd make you a fuckin' expert.
- Sharon Ryan: You know what I'd do? If someone I trusted... or someone I should be able t' trust was doin' the dirty on me? I'd let them think they were gettin' away with it... wait till they let their guard down. Then I'd cut their fuckin' balls off.
- Barry Ryan: Yeah?
- Sharon Ryan: Fuckin' oath.
- prostitute: Tooroo, Normie!
- Sal: [inspecting TV set in an Australian hotel] You think you can get a color set?
- Bell Boy: They only come in black 'n white, sorry.
- Sal: You're kiddin' me?
- Tony: [handing over a banknote] Here you go, chief.
- Bell Boy: What's that for?
- Tony: It's a tip.
- Bell Boy: Oh, righty-o. Ta.
- Tony: [mockingly, as Bell Boy exits] Ta.
- Sal: Taaah. Feel like we're... visitin'... hillbillies, here.
- Sal: [watching coverage of Vietnam war on TV in Australia] You see that? *That* is why you need color TV. You see the blood; everything. What is it in black 'n white? It looks old. It's like it happened years ago.
- Darcy: [having returned from Vietnam war] It's no prettier in colour, mate.
- Sal: No? We love this war. We own it.
- Barry Ryan: [after noticing Sal falling for a transvestite] He'll find out when he gets a handful o' nuts.