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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Of all the many animated and live action adaptations of Carlo Collodi's timeless masterwork on the mischievous puppet, this is by far the best. It is the most faithful to the book showing Pinocchio not as an innocent passive child like in Disneys version but as a spoiled lazy brat who gradually gets wiser as the film continues. Many elements from the book that were disregarded as too dark in most other adaptations were included;


    Pinocchio killing the cricket for lecturing him.

    The fox and cat in the guise of assassins hanging Pinocchio from a tree.

    The death and resurrection of the blue fairy.

    The encounter with the green fisherman.

    Lampwick (Lucignolo) dying of exhaustion after years of servitude to a farmer as a donkey.


    The acting is top-notch for an animated film. The animation itself has a very European feel to it, while the musical score, while an acquired taste in some cases, always convey the correct moods.

    A definite must for fans of the book which faithfully retains the harsh lessons inherent in the original work, yet disregarded in other "sugary" adaptations.
  • A slightly unknown film, which certainly did not have the Disney dollars available, and which for years ended up among the cheap vhs of fairy tales sold on newsstands and in small video stores. It was a project with a tiny team, and required a great deal of willpower to complete. Despite its limitations, it probably still remains one of the best transpositions of Collodi's puppet, together with Comencini's live mini-series, luckily more well-known.
  • Carlo Collodi's source material is a timeless classic and one of my fondest experiences of reading any book was reading it from cover to cover on a long train journey one summer. There are a number of versions of the story, the quality varying. The most famous version is the 1940 Disney film, which is one of my favourites but it is best seeing it on its own terms. The Rabbit Ears Productions adaptation and Soyuzmultfilm's version are also worth tracking down and the Martin Landau film has its merits. Roberto Benigni's version is not worth mentioning.

    This Italian animated version, though saw it online dubbed in English, does deserve to be better known and is one of the best adaptations of 'Pinocchio', along with Disney's (the closest one to my heart) and Soyuzmultfilm's with this being the one that will satisfy those that like their adaptations to be faithful. On standalone terms, Disney's (though again that is to be judged on its own terms) version gets the slight edge for its animation and music, both magnificent and some of the studio's all time best. When it comes to adaptations, so truest in detail and spirit, this one is the one to see. While also being a terrific film in its own right, and just as entertaining, charming and moving. There are omissions and changes, though none of them hurt the story at all, but few other adaptations of 'Pinocchio' were this faithful. It is also the darkest (yes darker than Disney's), with it including things that are often left out elsewhere, and with more of the moralistic elements of the story.

    'Pinocchio' is very well animated, much of it actually left me amazed. Especially the truly frightning looking forest scene, which is drenched in ominous atmosphere visually, and some of the best use of rotoscoping for any animation seen recently or even anywhere perhaps. The music stands out too, the score isn't as magnificent as Disney's, but is beautiful and atmospheric. Standing out is the main theme with the use of the piccolo and again the creepy tones in the forest scene.

    Voice acting in the English dub is very well done, though the synchronisation occasionally doesn't always fit. The narrator (like being read a bedtime story, playful and soothing), the cat (sinister), the fairy (benevolent yet quietly forceful) and Pinocchio (voiced with a lot of enthusiasm and determination) being the standouts.

    Writing is humorous, heartfelt, charming and unsettling in equal measures. There are also some memorable lines, including the line about the sea monster being on the surface with its mouth open because of having athsma. The storytelling is on the money, despite having a dark and at times strange tone (including boldly maintaining the scene, apparently intended to be the ending in the book that shocked readers at the time, with Pinocchio's hanging) also has a lot of charm with a couple of poignant scenes like with Pinocchio and Lampwick. This version is also one of the best adaptations with conveying the story's lessons in an inspiring and relevant way. Complete with colourful supporting characters and a titular character that doesn't seem likeable at times and is disobedient and easily led astray but also shown to have good intentions, a character that grows.

    Concluding, brilliant and it is a mystery at how long it took me to see it. 10/10
  • The 1940 Classic is better than this one. I love the characters and the beautiful animation in the Disney version.