Eddie uses a "NOD" (night optical device) to check out the dock before they get out of the water, but leaves the lens cap in place.
The picture that the detective shows Eddie and his sidekick shows the Hong Kong thief with a bowler hat and glasses, but in a later shot, the picture on the page has no glasses nor bowler hat.
When Eddie jumps through the burning curtain holding Jai, the blanket wrapped around Jai catches on fire, but is completely unblemished in the next frame.
As Eddie, Nicole and Watson get to pier 5, they park next to an Izuzu that has a portable emergency light on the hood. As they get out of the car, the light is on the roof of the Izuzu.
When Eddie takes the "NOD" (night optical device) out of the water there is no lens cap on it, but when he puts it onto the click on his head there is a cap.
Interpol has no investigative branch/field agents. The investigative police of the European Union is called Europol. Interpol solely compiles and distributes intelligence gathered by local and federal EU member state police agencies, much like the US FBI, except the FBI has field agents to also gather information and investigate crimes.
A shipping container would not sink in water when it is full of air. When the container with Eddie & the boy in it hits the water, it immediately sinks like a stone. But it is still full of air, which would make it like a flotation device. And since the door was unlatched before it was pushed in the water, Eddie could have just pushed it open. In fact, the impact should have knocked it open.
When Watson stabs Eddie repeatedly in the hospital there are no holes in the shirt he is wearing after the wounds heal. There would be holes all over the shirt as it does not have the ability to heal like Eddie.
When Eddie and Jai are trapped in the shipping container under water, Jai tells Eddie that he "is not afraid". This line is clearly dubbed, and from the movement of his mouth Jai appears to be saying "wu boo pah" ("I'm not afraid") in Mandarin.
When Eddie and Nicole reached Watson's house and are talking outside, you see the reflection of the cameraman on the door.
When Eddie gets off the chopper you can see the camera in the back window of the SUV that he is getting into.