User Reviews (3)

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  • Japanese society's passive attitude towards rape never ceases to amaze me, particularly when portrayed so openly in film: here in the West, where the crime is considered marginally less abhorrent than murder, the traumatised victim is, more often than not, depicted wreaking savage revenge with a variety of sharp implements (at least in the films I tend to watch); in Japan... well, let's say that the woman's reaction is often less bloody, but certainly no less shocking (to me, at least).

    In Wife Collector for example, the central victim (for there are many) doesn't cut off her attacker's todger with a pair of scissors; instead, she finds the whole experience rather exciting and deliberately sets out to receive more of the same from total strangers. Only too happy to oblige is a sleazy taxi driver, who has thus far been using his cab to trap young women, before taking them home and making them unwilling stars of his unique home video collection; when he spies the sexy and only-too-happy-to-be-abused woman being amateurishly groped by three dock workers, he steps in and gives her precisely what she is after. As if all of this wasn't offensive enough, the film also sees the woman's younger sister, who has been intrigued by her sibling's 'ordeal', seeking some of the same!!!

    Director Hisayasu Sato, a man who seems to have carved a whole career out of such sensational material, delivers plenty of erotically charged moments loaded with near the knuckle sex, including regular over-the-pantie-gusset stimulation, manic breast fondling, frantic rutting and a bonkers scene in which the taxi driver rapes one of his victims by the side of a busy road whilst wearing nothing but a gas mask—all of which makes Wife Collector a film best avoided by the easily offended, but perfect viewing for those who intentionally seek out risqué obscurities from around the world.
  • It's a story of several women and a cab driver that rapes his victims, usually passengers and videotapes the rape for his collection. That's basically it. So most of this movie is either the actual rapes or what leads to it.

    Yes this is a pink film so you should expect nudity and non-explicit sex. Yes the sex is part of the story. But it's not very erotic. I ended up fast-forwarding thru the last few sex scenes. The ending also felt very clumsy.

    The cast was very good but with a weak script it was all for naught. This didn't feel as adventurous as Director Hisayasu Satõ is known for.

    Just another weak pink film that I can't recommend.
  • Isao Nonaka plays lonely cab driver,who enjoys sexually assaulting and raping young girls in his car or apartment.He videotapes all his deeds and watches them later to relieve sexual tension.A woman named Misaki is attacked and raped by two thugs.She quickly begins to offer her body for free.Her life and the life of Akkio,a younger sister of Misaki will be connected with perverse activities of cab driver.There is plenty of rape and violent sex in "Wife Collector".Especially the scene of gas mask rape in a cab is easily one of the most seminal moments in ero-guro pink film.It's obvious that Sato wanted to shock the audience and he easily succeeds.There is plenty of guerrilla filmmaking here to enjoy!Still the last rape scene is quite unpleasant and disturbing.8 ice creams out of 10.