User Reviews (9)

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  • This is, by far, the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life!! I actually bought this garbage (silly me). After I started to watch it I kept giving this movie the benefit of the doubt, hoping it would pick up a little, to become even average. But no, it didn't get any better. It sucked when it started and sucked all the way to the end of this nightmare. I can't say anything about this clunker that has not already been said, other than someone (one of the "actors") posted that a group of college kids at MSU were talking about a good spring break movie and come to find out they were talking about this stinker? So, I gave this movie to my son who is in college and asked him to watch it and let his friends watch it to see how they liked it. Verdict......he brought it back and said that without a doubt, 100% of the ones that watched it said it was pure garbage!!! Not a single person liked it, not one and most of them wouldn't watch the entire thing it was so stupid. I read here that there may possibly be a sequel?? God I hope it's better than this stinker, but it couldn't get any worse.
  • filmcindy26 November 2003
    This movie is truly awful! You would thin that a simplistic storyline (boy lost girl-boy tries to get her back) would be easy to follow. It isn't. At times this scenes look like they were thrown together in a haphazard fashion, leaving the viewer trying to make some sense in this chaotic mess. Lacking a definite plot, we now hold out hope that maybe this one might deliver a large dose of spring break sexcapades! Alas, while this flick tries to be to be hip and sexy, but fails on both counts as well. If you are looking for a little T and A, rent Girls Gone Wild, which, by the way, also has a better plot.

    Well how about the cinematography? Maybe this one will enrapture us with wonderful views of the sun and sand of exotic Mexico! Yet again we are sadly disappointed! The picture quality is very low. It looks like most of this was filmed on a home camcorder. Is there any redeeming quality to this no renter? Yes there is! It's the music! At points the score is absolutely kickin. But with all the other faults it's kinda like giving your grandma a bikini wax. No matter what you do, it's still gonna look bad! So if you rent this baby, put it in your dvd player, turn off the TV, turn up the volume when no one is talking, and turn it way down when you start to hear the dialog. Or better yet, just go find the soundtrack cd.
  • clark-105512 September 2004
    So there I was watching what I can only describe as garbage on-screen. Perphaps one of, if not the most ridiculous things my friends and I have ever laid our eyes on. We thought that having Mr.Belding in the picture would redeem the movie a bit...hmmmm you can only wish for so much, and who invited the Real World guy to act? Did someone just randomly drop this on a shelf in Hollywood video? I would rather watch a pile of money burn, then give it to these guys so they can waste it on absolute filth, waste of film and waste of time. Congratulations "Tangy Guacamole" you have surpassed "Freddy got Fingered" as the most horrid movie of all time. That is, if you want to call this a movie.
  • Being a college girl myself who has gone on many a wild spring break vacation, I though that I would really be able to relate to this movie, but it really didn't make a whole lotta sense. All of the scenes are just kinda thrown together in random order as if the director thought nobody would notice (or maybe they knew nobody would ever watch it, so they didn't care, but then why bother making a movie if you're not gonna try?). This movie doesn't really have any plot to speak of and is very, very, very boring. Not to mention that every person that appears in this piece of junk couldn't act their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it. And the dialogue is just hilarious, who actually talks like that? The writer needs to spend a while in real life to learn how to make it sound like people are actually having a conversation and not just reading off of a script and sounding all fake.
  • ap_katz24 October 2005
    alright, i don't think most of the people commenting have the slightest clue what it takes to, write, produce and direct a feature film. as a viewer, all anybody can do is criticize (whether good or bad) and that's okay.

    if you want to slam the movie, by all means, it is your opinion. i watched this movie and didn't make it to the end. like most people commented, it lacked a lot. however, i had the privilege of meeting writer/director (mike deeney) and he is a great guy, down to earth with no "hollywood" attitude. i believe if he pursues his dreams (with some more instruction and direction) he has the personality and charisma to succeed.

    many of your comments seem to be written in haste and spite. so the movie wasn't very good. so be it. there will be other movies that lack even more than this one did. i guarantee it. knock the movie if you must, but deeney worked extremely hard and i'm sure has learned a lot from his debut film.

    i do not know deeney other than the one time i met him and have no ties to this film. great guy/bad film. how many other successful directors have made a poor films? and by the way, they did film on location in Mexico. keep reaching for the stars mike, you'll get there.
  • I'm writing this NOT as someone who is biased and I'm NOT writing this because I worked on the picture,.. I'm writing this as a member of the viewing audience.

    Tangy G is a good film for many different reasons. It's not Academy Award winning material by any stretch of the imagination,.. and it was never meant to be but, what it does have going for it is heart. Heart from the writing aspects, heart from the directing aspects and heart for hearts sake. It comes from a man (Deeney) who loves movies, a man with something a little bit more to say than,.. HEY! LOOK! I MADE A T & A PICTURE! Making a beach sexplotation movie would be too easy. Mr. Deeney had something different in mind, and for a first time filmmaker who took a risk by following his dream to make a movie, he gave it his all. I'm proud of his achievement and I'm proud to call him a friend. I hope he makes more movies because they will only improve. That and the guy who played Casey Sweaten RAWKS! So,.. little miss Cindy who hated the film,.. what did you expect,.. The Godfather? Please.
  • Next to this movie, "The Real Cancun" is an artful masterpiece. Everyone in this movie is trying way too hard to be sexy and funny and it comes off way overdone and over-acted. I didn't find any of the actors all that appealing. The storyline is hard to follow yet goes nowhere all at the same time, weird.

    I would never watch this movie again as I found it hard to sit through it the first time. It's pretty boring and dumb. If you're ready for a mindless adventure that leaves you wondering "what was that movie supposed to be about anyway?", then this is the movie for you. If you want to see hotter chicks and a better story go rent "The Real Cancun"!
  • I thought this was going to be a really good and sexy movie about young people on spring break, but I was very disappointed. The acting is atrocious and I didn't believe for one minute that these people were the characters they were trying to portray. Also they all looked kinda old to be going on spring break vacations. The acting isn't the only bad thing about this movie though, the plot goes absolutely nowhere and scenes were thrown together that seemed all out of order, like they didn't do a good job of editing or something. Or maybe that's the way they wanted the movie to go, whatever it doesn't make much sense. It doesn't look like it was filmed in Mexico either, but at least they coulda tried to make it look like Mexico a little bit.
  • 7th. art is what they call movies. But then anybody can make them. Directors don't need a license, and when they do bad movies that license is not suspended nor revoked. Movie making should be taken seriously as the rest of the Fine Arts, right? OK. Let's say that the director loves movies and that's way ended up making one, but I think that before venturing into this difficult art, he should have done at least some shorts, get experience, and then plunge himself making the movie of his life (the only in this case, so far).

    If making movies is not that easy, don't make them, please leave that for someone who knows!