User Reviews (2)

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  • This passed me buy when shown on TV 20 years ago, but I noticed it on You Tube and as I like Sarah Lancashire I decided to watch.

    Sarah stars as a social worker in child protection. She meets a woman in hospital and is convinced that she is abusing her child, but at a child protection hearing the case is dismissed. Sarah then embarks on crusade to prove that the child is in danger. The story is fine and Sarah Lancashire is good value, but at over three hours it was too long. If an half an hour had been lopped off the running time it would have improved the flow of the story.
  • This reminds me of a time when ITV used to show a lot of these four hour-plus drama over two weeks with ads. Sufficed to say, they were padded out a lot... and I don't just mean with commercials. High art they weren't, and I don't exactly miss those days.

    Regardless, here we have popular ex-soapstar Sarah Lancaster playing the part of a social worker affected by her third miscarriage, and she suspects the nurse she met whilst in hospital (played by Emma Cunniffe from The Lakes) may be abusing her child. But after her allegations are rejected for coming from a 'traumatised mother' she does what any rational person would do... kidnaps the tot, and goes on the run. As you do.

    Considering this would've made front page news all over the UK if it happened (and Lancaster's dad in the program being an MP with the ear of the Prime Minister) there's a distinct lack of tension here, especially in the first two parts which is basically Lancaster going around collecting evidence .Things liven up a bit in the second half as more plot twists and big events come to light, but you never get the feeling anything is at stake. And Sarah dear, it's gonna take more than a pair of glasses and a hair dying session to stop people recognising you in the street!

    Let's just say this serial a good way to kill a few hours, as it's never truly boring and it wraps up well enough with a nice moving scene (although, there are MANY unanswered questions). No complaints on the acting side, either. But if you're looking for a classic that wasn't made to just fill in a hole in the schedule, try elsewhere. 6/10.